character q&a

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so i saw other authors do character asks and find it fun so i would like to try too lmao. if y'all cant comment on the line, please state the character and ask your questions in the comment box. spam me aight idc lmao.

ask questions for JIMIN here!

ask questions for JUNGKOOK here!

ask questions for YOONGI here!

ask questions for TAEHYUNG here!

ask questions for HOSEOK here!

ask questions for NAMJOON here!

ask questions for SEOKJIN here!

ask questions for JAEBUM here!

ask questions for SEUNGCHEOL here!

ask questions for ME (author) here!

that should be it. ask as many y'all want and it will be answered soon (:

and thank you for reading, ily guys.

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