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"guys, wait!" jungkook almost tripped on his own feet as he ran to catch up wih the other six who were in the hallway.

"jungkook?" jin raised an eyebrow, seeing the younger caught him off guard for a moment since it has been, well, quite some time.

"i want to apologize" the black haired look at all of them in sorrow, feeling guilt washing over him as he realised he has been ignoring them thanks to his loss of memory.

"i'm sorry, god please forgive me. i didn't know who i was back then and i just kind of got on with jaebum and seungcheol instead of believing my own friends and i'm really sorry. please tell me we're still friends" the boy had a frown on his face as he felt his eyes stinging when their expression just remained stoic.

jin suddenly laughed as he pulled the surprised young one in a bone crushing hug, making him yelp as he grabbed on to the elder's sweater. "took you long enough" yoongi chuckled, ruffling his hair once jin lets go of him.

"we've forgiven you a long time ago kiddo" taehyung laughs, pulling his friend into a hug.

"thanks guys" jungkook scrunched up his nose as he laughs, that laugh gone in a second as his happy demeanor disappeared.

"hey guys" the orange haired waved, suddenly being aware of jungkook's presence amongst them. "what is he doing here?" jimin muttered, hoping someone heard him as a pair of arms tightened its grip on his waist.

"what are you doing here?" jaebum asked, making jungkook flick his eyes up as a cold glare was sent its way to the said boy.

"he's one of us, right jimin?" taehyung asked, lips breaking into a huge smile.

"i'm gonna skip lunch" jimin said before pulling jaebum away from the others, not noticing the smirk that was on his lips as jungkook growled lowly.

jin patted his back and ushered the whole group to the cafeteria.

"babe, are you alright?" jaebum stopped walking, effectively stopping his boyfriend. jimin groans, rubbing his face. "i'm just not feeling well" the younger reassured, pulling away from jaebum's grasp.

"do you want me to take you to the infirmary?" jimin nodded along, making jaebum wrap his arms firmly around the shorter's waist again as they made their way.

"well, you guys lasted pretty long" jungkook said once namjoon ended his story, sipping on his juice.

namjoon had a boyfriend. but they broke it off a few months ago, the other's reason was because his parents sent him abroad to america to study. "what do you mean?" the older questioned, slouching in his seat.

"you and him lasted a long time if it was three years. usually, the lasting period is two years"

"lasting period?" hoseok quirks an eyebrow, taking a bite of his food.

"when two people start liking each other, different types of hormones like testosterone are released. and when they start loving each other, a new set of hormones appear; this set of hormones are called the serotonin. this set is the most important but it also makes a person crazy in love. with the next step, when both parties wants to go further into their relationship, they go into either sex or marriage"

"then these hormones comes out. the funnier thing is that, these hormones makes people who are in love blind. that is why jackson and mark are crazy in love. i heard you guys told jackson to break it off with mark because he's ugly?" the brown haired scoffed, making jungkook's eyes wide as he shuffled on the couch.

"it's not me. it's the other guys" he defends, frowning.

"it doesn't matter how many times you tell him, it won't work because of these hormones. but maybe in two years, you can convince him" the older nodded.

"two years?"

"all the hormones i just mentioned usually fades away in two years. at maximum, three or four years?"

"then what about us? i- i mean even if we are just bestfriends, are those hormones dried up in us?" jungkook straightened up in his seat, looking at the boy sitting on the floor.

"well, i have been feeling strange lately" jimin fiddled with his pen, eyes adverting down to his paper and work sets. "i don't know if those hormones are dried up, but i can only see your weak points"

"you go and get a shot from the hospital" jungkook said bitterly, rolling his eyes as he laid back on the couch while hugging his cushion, adverting his gaze from the older.

jimin giggled softly, dropping his pen on the table as he slowly got up. "but you know, i'm full of other hormones right now" he tackled the other, making jungkook wrap his arms around his waist as they play fought on the couch, happy laughters being emitted.

"are you planning to be a doctor when you grow up?" taehyung chuckled, shaking his head.

"no, i just remebered these facts from someone"

"right, that special someone" jin nudged him, making the younger shoot a glare at the said boy.

"jimin?" jungkook stopped in his tracks, seeing a mop of orange hair exiting the infirmary. the said boy turned around, only to turn back and took fast steps away.

"hyung, wait!" jungkook took long strides towars the other, his long legs helping him as he grabbed the other's wrist.

"what do you want jungkook?" his voice was somehow resigned, no signs of emotions as he looks up to the boy he loves.

or the boy he loved.

"i'm sorry" jungkook pleaded, grabbing both of the elder's hands to intertwine with his. "i was a jerk, a selfish brat, an asshole to you but please hyung, i didn't mean any of that, never had. you knew i lost my memory so i didn't even knew who the fuck i was. please forgive me" he had tears welled up in his eyes, waiting to burst any second.

jimin suddenly wrapped his hands around jungkook's neck, laying his head on the younger's shoulder and jungkook breaks. the tears he had been holding left his eyes, making jimin's shirt damp as jimin patted his back. how they both missed the warmth of having each other by their side was an understatement.

jungkook stopped his cries after awhile, pulling away and wiping his tears as he stared at the masterpiece in front of him.

"you f-forgive me?"

"i was never angry at you jungkook-ah" jimin smiled genuinely, making jungkook's heart burst as it tightens.

"but jungkook, i want you to do one thing for me"

"what is it hyung?"

"forget our feelings for each other"

you're so selfish you know that?

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