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"you know i'm always here for you hyung" the brown haired male said softly as he rubbed the elder's back, eyes full of love and worry. jaebum looked up and him and smiled a little, nodding his head.

jaebum had broke down for the first time in his life and went to youngjae, instead of someone else.

"i hate you! stop!" youngjae squirmed in the raven haired male's hold as the play fought on the couch after completing their assignment. both ended up toppling down to the ground, laughters emitting the silent living room.

jaebum showed this side of him to youngjae, instead of someone else.

"you're what?" jinyoung asked incredulously, eyes wide as he choked on his drink.

"are you kidding me?" jackson added, laughing as he shook his head.

"no, no i'm not. i'm really his boyfriend now" jaebum glared at the blonde haired male who kept laughing, throwing fries at him until he stopped and whined to his boyfriend who just laughed at him. the male didn't realised how a certain brown haired boy had change from his happy demeanor just a few moments ago.

jaebum broked youngjae's heart, instead of someone else.

"youngjae!" the raven haired panted, grabbing the other's wrist to stop him from running away like earlier on.

"let me go! damn it, what do you want?" he ripped his arm away from jaebum, turning around and looking at the older with red, swollen eyes that made jaebum's heart tug.

"haven't you had enough? which part of me do you want to hurt now im jaebum? what's wrong with you?" youngjae rasped out weakly, tired of hurting, tired of feeling bitter and crushed everytime. he wants to heal but nothing is working. no matter how hard he tries, he can't remove the older from his mind.

he hung his head low, wiping his tears as his lips quiver, the ache in his heart not healing any time soon. fingers were tucked beneath his chin and the next thing that happens were all a blur.

jaebum meshing their lips together, free hand holding the younger's waist to hold him closer to the male. he slowly pulled away, gazing at the now shocked younger as wide, puffy eyes looked up at the raven haired, confusion swirling around in the air.

"i'm sorry" he whispered, bringing their foreheads together amd closed his eyes, sighing.

"please forgive me, youngjae. please forgive this stupid, heartless, uncaring human being that was blunt enough to not realise someone is suffering because of him" there was a hint of desperation his voice, gripping the younger tighter, afraid he would leave.

youngjae's heart stopped before it doubled the pace. he froze as he took in the confession from the other. his heart was beating so fast, he thought it would leap out of his chest.

"i love you" jaebum said softly, slowly opening his eyes to glance at he still stoic male.

he wipes away the tears and the younger finally blinks, stumbling back.

"w-what? y-you what?" he gaped, telling himself this is all a dream when it isn't.

"i love you, choi youngjae" the younger heaves, breath knocked out of his lungs before he jumped on the older male, wrapping his arms around the other and burying his face into the crook of jaebum's shoulder, a small smile gracing his lips.

"but what about jimin?" he muttered and jaebum sighed before he released the other and looked away.

"i'll have to tell him soon"

"i heard everything" both male jumped at the new voice, whipping their heads around to see jimin, a sad, bitter smile on his face.

"i'm sorry jimin, i-"

"i've been wanting to tell you this too, i guess we're the same" jimin smiled, walking closer to both male.

"i guess we're not meant for each other. i'm not mad at you jaebum. i hope you and youngjae will be happy together" he said sincerely, giving them both smiles.

jaebum pulled him into a hug, holding him tight against him as jimin returned the hug.

"thank you. you're so special jimin. i hope someone will love you as much as i did" jimin nodded and released the hug before leaving the new couple together, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his hoodie as he walked through the hallway.

"what's that?" taehyung asked as they saw the purple rose and letter on the orange haired male's table.

jimin eyed the items skeptically before taking them, inhaling the sweet scent of the flower before opening the letter, cheeks ablaze as he turned behind and saw the black haired listening to music with his earphones in, looking out the window.

"oh my god, i hate him" he whispered, sitting down to still his rapidly beating heart.

hang out with me after school at the park we used to go?
-someone who loves you (a.k.a jeon jungkook if you're slow but oh wells i'm the one that's dumb isn't it? <3)

"marry each other already" yoongi smacked the back of his head from behind after reading the letter in the other's hand.

"min yoongi!" jungkook plugged out his earphones and sat down beside jimin, seeing jimin pout as he rubbed the back of his head.

"what the hell was that for?" jungkook glared at the older who was smirking, holding up a friendly middle finger before turning away from them to lean against his boyfriend's shoulder and sleep.

"does it hurt?" jungkook asked softly, rubbing jimin's head gently when jimin pulled away.

"i'm fine" he chuckled before pointing to the note and flower that made jungkook smile sheepishly before going back to his seat, not wanting to say anything.

"jungkook, are you a kid?" jimin shook his head when the black haired stepped onto the spinning wheel in the park's small playground, spinning himself slowly.

"come on hyung, it's fun!" he smiled widely, bunny teeth showing as his eyes crinkles in the corners.

"just because you look cute" jimin muttered under his breath before being pulled by the other male, the taller quickly spinning them, resulting in his cap to fly off his head but he didn't care because jimin was laughing, shrieking in glee as his eyes disappeared into beautiful crescents that made jungkook lightheaded not because they were spinning so fast.

"jungkook! jungkook stop!" they finally slowed down, jungkook laughing until he was out of breath as he looked at jimin, realising there was a mischievous grin on the older's lips before it dawned in him when jimin stood up.

he yelped before jumping off the wheel, sprinting around the area as they both shouted and laughed, as if nothing mattered and they were in bliss till jimin caught up to him and tackled the younger to the ground, jungkook lying underneath him as they panted, giggles erupting from the older.

"i'm not in dance for nothing" jimin smirked, hovering above the other when jungkook brought his head up and pecked his lips, tucking the older's hair behind his ear.

"i love you" jungkook breathed out, eyeing the other with hopes of what he was implying, biting his bottom lip in nervousness.

"well guess what?" jimin smiled, cupping the other's cheek, breath fanning over the other's face.

"you, jeon jungkook, officially have a boyfriend"

i love you.


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