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so jimin,

"hey there" the six year old boy looks up, finding warm brown orbs staring at him. he was at the playground, sitting alone on one of the swings because he doesn't interact well.

"h-hi" jungkook smiles shyly, stopping his swings as the other male sits down beside him with a lollipop in his mouth.

"here, the shop aunty gave me one for free because she said i was cute so you can have one!" the other smiles, eyes forming into crescents that took the other's breath away for a second before he hesitantly reaches out and says a soft "thank you"

"what's your name?"

"jeon jungkook"

"park jimin"

"you're so cute" the black haired said suddenly, cheeks burning for a six year old.

"thank you kookie" jungkook looks up with big, round eyes, tilting his head at the nickname.

"you're cute too. i have to go, see you soon" he smiles before leaving.

jungkook goes home that evening asking his parents why his heart is racing when he met the older boy.

"hyung, is it weird to like boys?" the younger asks, picking at the grass as the both of them laid on the flower field, staring up at the afternoon sky.

jungkook was ten years old, jimin being two years older. "i don't think it's wrong if you like the person, it's love" jimin turns, gazing at the younger who is mindlessly tearing the grass with his hands softly.

jungkook was glowing, ever so innocent and beautiful just like that. jimin stood up and mumble a quick "give me a sec" before he runs down the flower meadow, picking up different types of beautifully vibrant colours of flowers. he jogs back up, seeing jungkook looking around for him, expression so curious and clueless as to why he is being left like that so suddenly.

"here" jimin plops back down, handing the younger the flowers through tinted cheeks. jungkook giggles as he took the flowers, inhaling the sweet scent and looks up to see jimin smiling and he swears the older's smile can rival the sun's.

jimin took one of the flower and tucks it behind the other's ear, the red rose only intensifying the other's beauty.

"thank you jiminie hyung, i love the flowers" jungkook smiles widely, front teeth showing that makes jimin's heart flutter.

jungkook asks his parents whether they experienced the same summersaults in their hearts when they were young but only received laughs as his parents ruffled his hair.

"meet my girlfriend, hyuna. hyuna, this is jungkook, my best friend" that was the most dreadful and worst thing that had happened in the younger's life, but he forces a smile. jimin was fifteen and having a girlfriend at that age seemed ridiculous in a thirteen year old's mind. they greeted each other and things had been different.

jimin came back a week later, telling jungkook he rather spend time with he younger that made jungkook hug him so tightly, they both blushed.

they were on the phone, jungkook was the one who called since he was bored at the backseat while his father drove.

"so. . .about your confession the other day, i have thought about it hyung"

the younger bit his lips as a warm blush bloomed his face.


he could hear the anxiousness in the older's voice, a smile forming on his face.

"yeah, and so hyung, i- dad!-"

jungkook wakes up, shooting up from his bed as he sighs. he smiles as he remembered his dream but his lips curved into a sad pout at the last one. he doesn't feel regretful anymore though, he'll keep proving to jimin that he loves the other.

jimin yelps as fingers covered his eyes, a warm body pressed up against him as the male giggles and jimin relaxes.

"jeon jungkook, stop scaring me like that"

jungkook pouts, releasing the hold on jimin as he turns.

"how did you know it was me?"

"of course i do. we were friends since young, i can recognize your touch anytime"

jungkook smiles, leaning against jimin's locker.

"excuse me?" jimin says, arching up a brow as he tries to push the black haired from his locker when his eyes catches something on the other's neck.

"is that?" jimin breathes as he took the ring that is attached to the silver chain on the younger's neck.

"you still have yours, right?" jimin chuckles before he takes out the ring under the shirt he was wearing.

"why must you hide it?"

"because i hate you" the orange haired whispers, peering up at the younger's eyes.

jungkook pecks his lips softly, jimin's eyes going wide as he hits the other's chest.

"you can't just do that!"

"sure i can"

"i really hate you"

"youngjae, you sure you don't want to join us?" jackson asks, voiced lace with concern. the brown haired has been skipping meals and his friends are beginning to feel worried.

"i'm not hungry" the younger simply replies and saunters off the the corner of the room, plopping down and turning on his music.

jaebum bit his lips, dealing with a youngjae that is not youngjae is so difficult.

he asks the others to head off first and heads to the younger, the brown haired giving him a roll of his eyes.

"what do want from me?"

"what's wrong with you? you've been acting up all week"

"nothing's wrong"

"stop saying that!" jaebum snaps, reaching his breaking point.

youngjae mirrors his expression, ripping off his earphones and standing up.

"we know you're not fine, you've been distant with everyone!"

"you're what's wrong!" the younger finally snaps, curling his hands to a fist.

"me? what the hell does this have to do with me?"

"you're so oblivious are you? you take people for granted, you take their feelings for granted. i fucking hate you. i feel sorry at myself for liking you" the tears he has been holding in falls the moment he steps out of the classroom, the younger's head spinning.

jaebum finally registers what the other said and his eyes widen in shock.

i just want to tell you that,

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