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but you,

"jungkook" jimin breathes out, blinking at the canvas that was drawn and shaded. he stared at the drawing in awe, speechless to say the least and just froze in his spot.

jungkook couldn't have. jimin couldn't have looked like this is the younger's eyes.

"i don't know what to say i'm-" the drawing was ethereal, it was drawn so precise and delicately, the angles and contrast matching beautifully as jimin softly ran his fingers at the edges.

"you're beautiful jimin" jungkook repeated what he said earlier, causing jimin's heart to skipped a beat.

"you are blinded" jimin finally says, turning and facing jungkook, his light brown eyes gleaming with adoration and vulnerability.

"by the beauty that's you? then i'm guilty" jungkook chuckled and tucks the strands of jimin's hair behind his ear, cupping the older's left cheek.


"mr. park, mr. jeon, dating classes happens after school, not during school hours may i remind you" miss choi reprimanded them with a smirk, both blushing a bright red as the class cooed and teased.

jimin thanks the teachers that he doesn't have the same classes with jaebum.

"hey! candy boy!" taehyung halts in his steps, craning his head back and saw jaebum jogging up to him.


"y'know where's jimin?" taehyung snorts but replies him anyway, saying jimin's having art period at the moment.

"alright, thanks" the auburn haired male started walking, stopping suddenly and shouts at the pink haired,

"goodluck with your date!"

okay, so maybe jaebum isn't such an asshole, taehyung thought as a warm blush bloomed across his face.

"i bet you won't end up together!" jaebum added before bolting away to the art's department.

taehyung takes back his thoughts there and then.

"youngjae?" jaebum slows down to a stop, spotting the younger male in one of the empty extra classroom in the school.

apparently, youngjae didn't hear him as he had his earphones in which made him getting startled to death once the auburn haired male came in sight.

"im jaebum! don't scare me like that!" the brown haired frowned, pausing his music player.

"aren't you supposed to be in class?" jaebum asked as he sat on one of the tables, leaning his palm of the desk.

"and are't you supposed to be in class?" the other asked back, voice flat and resigned and jaebum frowns because youngjae's not the type to be down and sad.

"you okay jae?" jaebum may be slightly concerned eventhough people calls him an asshole because as much as he is a cocky bastard, he is still human, and humans have a heart.

"why do you care?" and youngjae glares at him, saying along the lines of "i should have find a better place" and "stop acting like you care when you don't" before stomping off and jaebum felt a pang in his chest.

im jaebum hates that feeling.

his main intention of seeing his boyfriend was long forgotten and the thoughts of a certain brown haired boy clouded his mind.

"what's wrong?" jimin asked as he and jaebum walked along the pathway to his house.

the auburn haired male couldn't stop thinking about youngjae and it kills him because yeah, why should he care? he's a care-free person and has a fucking boyfriend to think of so why is he so anxious?

"jaebum!" the orange haired male pouted, pulling his hand away from their interlocked ones which causes jaebum to snap out of his daze.

"sorry baby, i was just thinking about stuff" the other huffs out and crosses his arm, walking ahead of the older male.

"aw, babe c'mon!" jaebum runs up to him and wraps an arm around jimin's waist, pecking his neck and jimin gives in, a pout returning to his plush lips that jaebum just had to kiss and grin afterwards.

"what got you all stressed up?" jimin asked leaning his head on the other's shoulder as they walked. he has to at least try and make jaebum happy because he knows what happens in the future will not be delightful.

jimin has been thinking. did he actually like jaebum or was he just infatuated in the past? the way he looks at jaebum and jungkook are different. they way he treats them were different and vice versa.

jungkook, he really has been trying to prove the older that he loves him, always being near him and protecting him, always making jimin laugh heartily and being just happy, has always walked jimin back home when he can just to make sure the older was safe. and the memories just floats up to the brim to when the younger hadn't forgotten his memories and how they would have been happy by now.

but, im jaebum has also showered jimin with attention. he had been the complete opposite of what jimin had thought he would be. he was caring, always being gentle yet possessive towards jimin. he always knows how to cheer jimin up even if it was hard for him because jimin knows jaebum isn't a openly affectionate person so he really appreciates the other's kindness and effort.

with both boys in the picture, jimin just couldn't decide because he loves both of them.

but he has to make a decision.

you're still waiting for me.

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