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so please,

taehyung walked with rushed steps towards his homeroom class, hair disheveled as he carried the books in his hands. he cursed under his breath as his mind reeled to the consequences he will face for being late to class for the hundredth time.

the moment he turned a corner in a hallway, he yelped when he felt himself bumping into a broad chest, books slipping off his hands along with him as well.

"fuck!" the raven haired groaned in pain and rubbed his elbow, a light bruise forming as he whined.

"damn sorry man, didn't see you" taehyung looked up with furious eyes before they softened and felt a blush creeping up his cheeks as he stared at the other who was looking at him in slight concern.

"yo, you alright?" the lilac haired boy snapped his fingers in front of him, making him blink before standing up, brain jammed up from the beauty in front of him.

"y-yeah i-i'm fine i- shit class!" taehyung's eyes widen in fear before picking up his books and speeding past the now amused boy as he grinned.

the male shook his head before walking in the the same direction as the other, reaching his homeroom class a couple of minutes after taehyung who was standing at the doorway.

"are you going in or not?" taehyung jumped as he turned around, eyes wide as he fiddled with his fingers.

"i'm l-late a-and" the boy sighed as he pushed past taehyung, walking to his seat as mr. joe was teaching.

"detention for both of you, you understand that? especially you, choi seungcheol" the teacher pointed at the male as he scoffed, settling in his seat as jaebum flashed him a smirk, shaking his head.

"come in and join the class taehyung" the said boy nodded as he went to his seat, taking out his materials as the teacher continued where he left.

"did something with candy boy?" jaebum whispered, receiving a 'what the fuck' look from his bestfriend who was playing his phone that was hidden in his bag.

"just asking" the auburn haired clicked his tongue before surprisingly, making an effort to pay attention to the algebra lesson on the big screen.

"for the love of jesus, fucking finally!" taehyung squealed as he saw the intertwined fingers of hoseok and yoongi on the table as yoongi rested his head on the other's shoulder, eyes that were once shut snapping open as he glared at the younger boy.

"so you guys are finally official?" jimin asked as he smiled, looking at the happy aura that surrounded the couple.

"yeah, i guess you can say that" hoseok grinned before pecking the other's cheek, making yoongi scowl at him eventhough a warm blush bloomed his pale cheeks.

"shit, i still have detention to attend to" taehyung dropped his head to the table with a thud as a whiny like groan left his pouty lips.

"oh, have fun" jimin said, giving a knowing wink to which he received a hit while the other four looked at the youngsters with confused eyes.

"shut up park jimin"

it was a surprise for taehyung when he saw the lilac haired male entering the detention room with a stoic expression, taking the furthest seat in the room when the teacher tapped his table.

"no seating after the third row mister" seungcheol rolled his eyes before standing up, taking a seat at the third row.

halfway through the unpredictable and boring two hours of detention, taehyung felt a paper ball being thrown at him from behind as the teacher was focused on marking the assignments given.

he flinched and turned to glare at the other, only to be meet by a male reading a textbook on the table while clicking his pen multiple times.

the candy haired sighed before turning away, concentrating again on the chemistry homework that was given when he felt another ball of paper hit his neck, this time a little more hard. taehyung hissed before snapping his head back again, seeing the other doing the exact same thing as before, bringing his head up when his instincts kicked in.

seungcheol gave him a teasing wink along with a smirk that made the other boy's face heat up as he scowled, looking away.

"detention's over, both of you may proceed to leave now" taehyung was out the door once those words left mr. min's mouth, bolting out the school's premises fast.

he sighed, ripping his eyes away from the sight in front of him of the couple sitting ridiculously close as jimin laid his head on his boyfriend's shoulder, exhaling softly.

"youngjae, lets go?" jackson waved a hand in front the younger, waking him up from his daze as he nodded absentmindedly, the six of them leaving the park as youngjae gave a last bitter glance towards the couple in the park.

please don't remove me from your life.

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