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A/N 5+ Votes, 4+ Comments for the next part! - I love feedback!
I hope you guys are still enjoying this! :s We're heading towards some exciting stuff!
Huge thank you again to everyone who nominated Smokescreen/Adelaide and Alec for the Shadowhunter Fanfic Awards, you guys are so kind! xo


'I'm calling the nearest high warlock to come in to consult.'

Alec blinked as he realised Lydia was speaking to him. He'd been unable to focus since he had left the Jade Wolf only hours earlier. He couldn't shake the memory of Adelaide embracing him, as she'd always done, whenever she sensed his distress. He couldn't help but recall the way her heart had beat steadily against his chest, her soft hair against his skin, her ever present warmth and the way her perfume assaulted his senses.

Alec shook his head, banishing the thought of her from his mind.

'Magnus Bane? To come here, to the institute?' Alec glanced up at Lydia with what he hoped was an interested expression.

'Yes, is there a problem?' Lydia frowned.

'No. Not at all, Magnus is um... quite magical.' Alec finished lamely. The thought of Magnus automatically pushed him to think of his brunette housemate and Alec internally cussed. He couldn't afford to be distracted, and besides, he was still angry at Adelaide.

'Do you know him well?' Lydia questioned, watching Alec's facial expressions.

'Uh, just a little.' Alec shrugged lightly.

'I actually can't wait to meet him.' Lydia laughed. 'Did you know that my great ancestor, Henry Branwell, who was the last of the Branwell's to run an institute, and Magnus Bane invented the Portal?' Lydia sounded proud of her family name and their achievements. If only he could say he felt the same about the Lightwood name.

'No. Just add that to the list of things I didn't know.' Alec replied bitterly.

Guilt clouded Lydia's expression. 'Alec, I'm sorry. You shouldn't have had to find out that your parents were ex – circle members. Not like that.' Lydia's words were soft and Alec could tell that she meant what she said. She hadn't intended to tell him something that he should have already known.

'You mean from you? You shouldn't have been the one I found out from.'

'You know there's been a ban on talking about the circle until now.' Lydia echoed the thoughts Adelaide had voiced to him only hours before. It didn't make him feel any better now, either.

'How convenient for my parents.' Lydia flinched at the poison in Alec's words.

'This doesn't change how I feel about the Lightwood's. Your family has always had a strong alliance with mine. They've been a powerful force in the shadow world and praised for their devotion.' Lydia reassured Alec.

'Devotion?' Alec asked sceptically. 'My parents were in league with Valentine.'

'People make mistakes.' Lydia shrugged as though it didn't matter, and to her perhaps it didn't. To Alec, his parent's lies were an act of betrayal – yet another betrayal to add to the ever-growing list.

'Yeah, but this one is unforgivable.'

Alec and Lydia worked in silence for a few moments before Alec glanced at the blonde, who looked as though she had something to say.


Lydia sighed. 'I was wondering... about Adelaide Renhallow.'

Alec stiffened, something that didn't go unnoticed by Lydia. 'What about her?'

'I know the two of you were close, but how close were you?'

Alec frowned. 'What do you mean?'

Lydia bit her lip, continuing to work as she spoke. 'Did the two of you ever...' She trailed off.

Alec frowned as his heart rate sped up. 'No, no. It wasn't like that.'

'But you loved her.'

Alec swallowed thickly. 'As a brother loves a sister, sure.'

'She was always kind to me. She visited me in Idris not long before she disappeared. She was one of the best shadowhunters I've ever seen, she was one in a million.She sure spoke highly of you.' Lydia smiled softly, glancing up at Alec who wouldn't meet her gaze. She sighed.

'I'm going to call Magnus.' Lydia straightened her jacket and was all business again as she strolled out of the room, leaving a tense Alec, alone.


'You almost done?'

'Patience is a virtue, my dear.'

Isabelle sighed. She'd been waiting to examine to strange body since Alec had arrived and informed her about the strange being who had led the attack on the Jade Wolf. He had failed to inform her that Magnus was also being involved.

'Come on.' She whined. 'I want to get my hands on that thing.' She made her way to stand beside Magnus as he did his own examination.

'Speaking of, how is Alexander? I was hoping I'd might see him.' Isabelle glanced at the smirk on Magnus' face.

Isabelle poked at the body and grimaced. 'Putrefaction. It's decomposing.'

'Isabelle seriously, how is Alexander?' Magnus tone turned serious, and Isabelle looked at the warlock.

'He's angry. Really, really angry.' Isabelle sighed.

'With Adelaide?'

Isabelle nodded. 'Atleast that's what he's telling me'

'You don't believe him.'

'I do.' Isabelle admitted. 'But I think there is something more to it. I think he's confused more than anything.'

'Confused about what?' Magnus asked suspiciously.

'His feelings. I don't think he can admit to himself that he still cares about Adelaide, not after thinking that she intentionally hurt us when she left.'

'What feelings are you talking about? Familial or something else?'

Isabelle shrugged. 'I used to think that he saw her as a sister, but as we got older I started to notice little things. The way he'd watch her, or how protective he'd get over her. And they way they'd unconsciously seek each other out in a crowded room. There's just something different about the way they interact with each other. You should have seen him with Raphael.' Isabelle snickered.

Magnus raised an eyebrow in question.

'Raphael was flirting with Adelaide, and she was flirting back. Alec looked murderous, he confronted her about it but she just shook him off and left.' Isabelle grinned at the memory.

Magnus smirked. 'That's my girl.'

Isabelle's amused expression dropped. 'But I'm not sure if you've noticed, Alec isn't exactly warm and fuzzy.'

'I suppose he has reason, what with Clary's arrival – '

'... Valentine's return...'

' – Running the institute... Adelaide coming back from the dead...'

' – The envoy from the clave...'

'- Who I hear is very impressive... hmm what else? Oh, babysitting Jace...'

' – And dealing with our parents who are trying to find him a wife.' Isabelle shook her head in disbelief.

Magnus' jaw dropped. 'What?'

Isabelle looked at him. 'Our parents are trying to secure a political alliance in the form of a marriage for Alec.' Isabelle's expression was sad. 'It should be me, not him.' She whispered.

Magnus swallowed, thinking of a certain brunette. 'Isabelle, can you do me a favour?'

'Yeah?' Isabelle frowned.

'Don't mention that particular piece of information to Adelaide. I don't think your brother is the only one struggling to cope right now.'

Isabelle's expression filled with understanding and sorrow. 'I'll keep it to myself.'

'I suppose Alec is just following his duty.' Magnus sighed.

'Not everyone gets the luxury of following their heart.' Isabelle added.

Magnus stared at her. 'Adelaide said the same thing to me a few weeks after we met.'

'Well she is – was - my parabatai.'

Magnus looked at the girl guiltily. 'Isabelle, I am sorry for the part I played in severing the parabatai bond, I – '

'You did what was necessary to keep Adelaide safe. I can live with that, and I don't blame you – either of you.' Her words were sincere, Magnus noted. She truly didn't blame anyone – except for Valentine, he supposed.

'I'm going to go and deliver the preliminary findings, seems like you have everything under control here.'


Adelaide made her way into the room that currently held the lifeless form of Simon Lewis as darkness fell. She was the last one  there, though Alec and Isabelle were nowhere to be seen. Raphael was the only one who glanced at her as she walked in.

She made her way to the handsome vampire, casually winding her arm around his waist as she smiled sweetly at him.

'Hey handsome, nice suit, where'd you get it? Vamps r us?' Her smile turned into a smirk, the wicked glint in her eyes noticeable even in the darkened room.

Raphael scowled at the girl, though it soon fell into a smirk that matched her own. 'Of course angel face, I see you shop there also?' His lightly accented voice was teasing.

Adelaide scoffed and shoved him, crossing her arms in annoyance when he didn't even budge slightly.

'The sun is setting. Have you decided?' Raphael directed his question to Clary, whom promptly glanced at Jace.

Raphael seemed to understand the silent inference as he picked up a duffle bag that Adelaide hadn't noticed before, and a shovel, motioning for her to follow.

Adelaide didn't have to look back to know that Jace would carry Simon, while Clary followed solemnly.


Magnus watched as Alec hit the punching bag, again and again and again. He couldn't help but sneak a glance at Alec's shirtless torso, his runes on display for anyone to see. Magnus stood beside him, watching as Alec noticed him, holding the bag to stop it from moving.

'Magnus.' His breathing was heavy from the amount of time he'd spent training, trying to ease the tension and stress out of his body. It wasn't working.

'Okay, I'm back.' Alec's greeting pulled Magnus from his daze.

Alec slipped on a jacket, turning to face the warlock.

'Oh, you don't have to get dressed up for me.' Alec shot him a look and Magnus sighed. 'Fine, but I like what I saw.' He said offhandedly.

'I have the preliminary autopsy findings.' He handed the file to Alec, who glanced down at them curiously.

'Why are you giving this to me? This should go to the head of the institute.' Alec dropped the file on a side table.

'And it is.' Magnus shrugged.

'I'm not...I never will be.'

Magnus could sense Alec's frustration so he waited, knowing that Alec would either dismiss him, or spill his thoughts.

'Magnus, it's like – it's like my whole life, has been a lie. Now everything I've ever known is – '

'It's not what you thought.' Magnus spoke gently, having been informed of the Lightwood's secret that had come to light earlier that day.

'I've done everything for my parents, for the clave, and.' He stopped, shaking his head angrily. 'I've done everything they've asked. And now, with Adelaide coming back I just...'

'Maybe you should start living for yourself.' Magnus suggested. 'Do what's in your heart.'

Alec considered the words, and his shoulders slumped as the tension released.

'I can't believe I'm saying this – But I think your right.' Alec exhaled. He had a decision to make, and he knew it wasn't a decision he could make lightly. He'd do whatever he had to do to restore his family name.

Even if it meant marrying someone he didn't love.


The institute was dark and the thick curtains had been pulled closed for the day, the moon broke through the clouds in a milky haze.

If anyone had been paying attention, they might have noticed the light rustle of the grass and the crunching of gravel underfoot as an invisible figure watched with interest as a pretty brunette made her way through the shadows, a tall pale figure by her side. The two were talking, their soft voices carrying through the wind.

The figure waited until they were out of sight before pulling out a phone, dialling a number from memory.

'Tell me what you've found.' The voice was chilly, sending shivers down the person's spine.

'It's about your daughter.'

The other end of the line was silent for a few seconds before the cold voice spoke again. 'What about Clarissa?' Valentine waited for the voice on the other end of the phone to speak again. When it did, there was a nervous excitement in the words it spoke.

'This isn't about Clarissa. It's your other daughter... She's alive. Adelaide's alive.'

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