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Hi guys! Sorry for the wait, I had a serious case of writers block!
Bit of a filler chapter, but some important plot progression here!
4+ Comments, 5+ Votes for the next chapter!
Apologising in advance for any mistakes, its 2:30 a.m here! xo


Adelaide watched with solemn eyes as Jace set Simon's body down onto the cold ground. It was unseasonably cold and Adelaide was fighting off the biting chill that seemed to be seeping into her bones.

Raphael stood beside her, looking entirely too comfortable considering he was in the company of three shadowhunters and a presently deceased mundane. Adelaide watched carefully as Clary closed her eyes briefly, seemingly trying to gain composure as she faced a life altering decision.

Beside her, Raphael tensed and Adelaide's eyes narrowed as a slight rustling was heard not far away from where the four had gathered. Jace whipped out a seraph blade and Adelaide reached for her own, hesitating slightly as a figure came to a halt in front of the group. Raphael was tense, sinking into a fighting stance automatically as the new threat approached them.

'What do you want?' Clary's voice held barely controlled rage.

Camille smirked, tilting her head slightly. 'I want my property back.'

'Simon is not your property!' Clary exclaimed, glancing at the boy on the ground.

'If you'll just hand him over I'll be on my way.' Camille was impatient, her eyes sliding to Adelaide, watching as she drew her seraph blade.

'You heard Clary, you're not laying a hand on him.' Jace was ready to fight if necessary and Adelaide knew that he would enjoy any sort of a confrontation should it arise.

'Fine, I tried to do this the nice way.' Camille clicked her fingers and Adelaide watched in annoyance as a group of vampires surrounded Camille, ready to do as she asked.

'Jace...' Clary breathed.

'I'm glad you brought everyone here to witness you demise.' Raphael smirked as he stepped closer to Camille and Adelaide laughed under her breath.

'Camille killed this mundane and I have all the proof. She's been breaking the accords for too long now. He's the evidence we need to show the clave what Camille has been doing.'

Camille laughed sarcastically. 'Are you trying to overthrow me?' She quirked an eyebrow in amusement.

'Oh, he's not trying to overthrow you Camille. He already has.' Adelaide smiled as Camille growled, glaring at her hatefully.

'Adelaide Renhallow, last I heard, you were dead.' Camille's lips pulled back over her teeth.

Adelaide laughed. 'Sorry to disappoint, guess I'm just not that easy to kill.'

'Wait until the clave and Valentine hear about this. We will tell them.' Camille hissed.

Adelaide laughed. 'If anyone here was going to tell the Clave or Valentine that I'm alive – they would have done it already. Face it Camille, you aren't in charge anymore. He is.' Adelaide gestured at Raphael.

'Oh please, Raphael doesn't know the first thing about leading.' Camille looked to the vampires who had moved closer to her. 'You need me, Raphael - all of you need me. I've given you everything you could want. All the riches, all the pleasures you could desire.'

'By breaking the law.' Raphael scoffed. 'Which will only destroy us.'

'We can fix this. If we just get rid of the body this mundane means nothing.' Adelaide saw the anger across Clary's face and she cussed under her breath as Clary moved forward.

'Means nothing? Over my dead body.' Clary punched Camille in the face and Adelaide's jaw dropped in surprise, her eyes lighting up in amusement at the rage on the vampires face.

Clary smirked at her, turning and walking away as Raphael nodded at the advancing crowd of vampires as they blocked Camille from escaping.

'The big bad vampire leader.' Adelaide smirked at Raphael. 'Look at you, all grown up.' She cooed mockingly at Raphael who bared his teeth at her, though Adelaide knew he was messing around.

'Clary, which will it be?' Raphael held up a shovel and a dagger and Adelaide watched as Clary's face crumbled in despair and indecision.

Adelaide made her way over to Jace who was watching Clary with his arms crossed. 'What do you think?' She questioned.


'What do you think Clary should do?'

Jace shrugged. 'I can't answer that, it's not up to me.'

'Okay... What if you were in her position? What if Isabelle or Alec were in Simon's position, what would you do then?'

Jace stared at her for a second before sighing. 'All of my training tells me that death would be the only option, that becoming a downworlder isn't even really an option.'

'But?' Adelaide questioned him.

'But if it were Isabelle or Alec, I'd want them to live. Even if they weren't technically living I'd still be able to talk to them, to see them. I'd be selfish.'

Adelaide nodded, biting her lip gently. 'We're still half human Jace, we're selfish creatures.' Jace nodded at her words, glancing at Adelaide slyly.

'But if it were you...' Jace trailed off as Adelaide looked up, finding him staring at her already. 'I'd dagger you without a second thought.'

Adelaide's eyes widened and Jace's lips turned into a smirk as he laughed down at her. 'I'm just kidding.'

Adelaide laughed lightly, though there was a darkness in her expression that Jace hadn't seen before. 'Honestly, I wouldn't blame you for putting a dagger through me. I'd dagger me too.'

Jace's expression dropped into a frown. 'Adelaide...'

'We don't have much time left.' Adelaide began to move away from Jace who caught her arm gently.

'What's this about? You know we all want you here, right? If this is about Alec – '

'It's not about Alec.' Adelaide snapped. 'It was a stupid question. Just drop it Jace, please.' Jace nodded, though he was still frowning at her slightly

Adelaide hadn't moved two steps when her phone buzzed and she pulled it out with an annoyed sigh. 'What do you need Magnus?'

'Now now, sunshine, don't be rude.' Magnus chided her lightly. 'How's the mundane?' He asked, his voice turning serious.

'Still dead, or in transition I guess. Clary's still deciding.' Adelaide frowned at Clary who had begun to dig a grave for her fallen friend.

'Ah. If you're still busy-'

Adelaide sighed. 'What do you need, Magnus?'

'I don't need you to do anything. I've tried calling Alec but his phone's off and –'

'Magnus, you're rambling. What's going on?'

Magnus sighed. 'There have been some circle members sighted in and around Brooklyn, very close to the Institute. I thought Robert and Maryse should know.'

Adelaide's breath caught. 'Who told you this?'

'One of my contacts-'

'Have you been looking for them?' Adelaide asked incredulously. 'Magnus-'

'I promised I'd keep you safe. This is me keeping that promise sunshine.'

Adelaide swallowed thickly. 'Magnus, please don't put yourself in danger-'

'I can take care of myself so don't worry about me. It's you I'm worried about. If Valentine finds out you're alive –' Magnus warned.

'It's game over. He won't stop, I know.'

Magnus sighed. 'See if you can get hold of Alec, I'd go to the institute myself but rumour has it Lydia was rather surprised that the members of the New York institute keep downworlders in their contact lists.' Adelaide could practically hear Magnus roll his eyes. 'And I can't have them checking on me, not if it could lead back to you.'

'I'll get the message to him.' Adelaide could hear Magnus begin to protest as she hung up on him, ignoring the incoming call that immediately lit up her phone. She knew he didn't want her anywhere near the institute but it wasn't fair that Magnus risked so much for her while she hid from danger. Adelaide was tired of hiding – tired of being vulnerable.

'I'll be back, if anything happens, call me.'

'Where are you going?' Jace frowned.

'I have something to do. Clary, will you be okay?'

Clary smiled up at her, though her eyes were shining with unshed tears. 'I'll be okay. Thank you for being here.'

Adelaide squeezed her shoulder. 'Be strong, Clary. Everything will be okay.'


'Now why would you have angel blood?'

'Because I'm actually an angel.' Adelaide grinned as she startled Izzy. 'Any luck with that thing?' She gestured to the forsaken.

'There's no definitive answer for what it is. There's so much different about it...' Isabelle sighed in frustration. 'I thought you were with Clary and Jace?'

'I was, and then Magnus called. Is Alec around? Magnus couldn't reach him.'

Isabelle smirked, though Adelaide didn't understand why. 'Yeah, he's probably roaming the institute, worrying about something.' She rolled her eyes.

'I have a message for your parents. You're being watched; Valentine has scouts outside the institute, they're watching you all the time.'

Isabelle frowned. 'We knew they were out there somewhere, but why aren't they attacking?' Isabelle frowned as she leant against the metal table top the forsaken was lying on. Understanding and revulsion filled Adelaide and she swallowed. 'Did you say angel blood?'

Isabelle frowned. 'Yes, the tests indicate... oh my god.' Isabelle's eyes widened. 'Stay here!' She yelled as she left the cold room.

Adelaide was breathing quickly, she didn't want Isabelle to be on her own and she prayed that everyone in the institute was safe. Ten minutes passed and Isabelle still hadn't returned, so Adelaide swallowed thickly, squaring her shoulders and pulling out her seraph blade.

'Alec, are you okay? Isabelle gasped as she knelt down beside her brother, pulling him up gently. 'Oh my god.' She whispered as she stared at the forsaken, meeting Hodge's eyes.

'There could be more. I'll alert the clave.' Hodge nodded at Alec and Isabelle as he left.

Alec looked at the forsaken. 'This was Valentine and the circle, it has to be.' Isabelle opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off.

'It is.' Alec looked up at the voice, meeting Adelaide's eyes. 'Magnus tried calling you to warn you that they have eyes all over the institute.'

Alec nodded as he stood up. 'We should get him to the lab.' He nudged the forsaken with his foot, looking at his sister. 'See how similar the two are.'

Adelaide felt her phone buzz and she pulled it out, ignoring the missed calls from Magnus. 'Hello?'


'Clary?' Isabelle and Alec watched her.

'Simon's gone.' Clary was crying. 'He ran off, I think I made the wrong decision.'

'Hey, Clary, calm down. I'm sure he's fine, is Raphael there?'

'No, he's trying to find Simon.'

Adelaide sighed. 'Raphael will find him trust me. Look, I'll call Raphael and see where he's headed. We'll find him. In the mean time, tell Jace to search the usual vampire hot spots okay?'

'Okay.' Clary sniffled. 'Adelaide?'


'Thank you.'

Adelaide hung up the phone, meeting Isabelle's curious gaze. 'Simon survived the transition.'

'That's good right?'

'He ran off. Clary's a mess.' Adelaide ran a hand through her hair. 'I have to find him.'

'By yourself?' Isabelle frowned.

'No, I'll find Raphael.'

'You trust a vampire?' Alec's expression showed his obvious distaste.

'Yeah, I do.' Adelaide answered honestly. 'I have to go, before Hodge or Lydia come checking on you.'

'Be safe.' Isabelle sent her friend a smile.

'Always.' Adelaide grinned as she shot one sneaky glance at Alec as she made her way back through the tunnel system, stopping inside the lab briefly to call Raphael who told her where he was.

Adelaide pulled her seraph blade out as someone stepped out of the shadows. 'Alec?'

'You can't go alone.' He didn't look at her as he spoke.

'I'll be fine.' Adelaide countered. 'You should stay here.'

'No way.' Alec shook his head. 'It'll be quicker if there's two people looking rather than one, okay?'

'Three. Raphael's going to be looking for him too.'

Alec scoffed. 'I said people.'

Adelaide resisted the urge to slap him.

The two walked in an uncomfortable silence until the sounds of a brewing confrontation hit their ears.

'Where do you think you're going?'

'I don't know.' The voice was shaking and Adelaide quickly placed it as Simon.

'Come on.' Adelaide led Alec towards a white van, not surprised to see Raphael and Simon on the other side. Adelaide purposefully ignored the blood staining Simon's shirt and skin.

'I can see my reflection, does that mean I'm not one of you?' Simon had a look of desperation plastered on his face as he glanced at Alec and Adelaide as they advanced on the two vampires.

'You have a lot to learn.' Raphael's reply was solemn.

'This can't be happening.'


'Don't touch me! I don't have a heartbeat! I'm dead!'

'Undead.' Raphael corrected and Adelaide rolled her eyes.

'You did this to me.'

'No, I didn't.'

'You're a monster!' A look of horror crossed Simon's face. 'I'm a monster.'

'Look, you gotta get this under control. You are what you are now. We'll get you back to the hotel dumort, get you fed, show you around your new home.'

Simon grabbed Raphael. 'That place will never be my home.' He warned, before he threw Raphael, slamming him into the truck as he ran away.

'What, no intervention?' Raphael asked as he stood up.

'It'd do you good to have your ass handed to you every once in awhile.' Adelaide smiled before it faded. 'I don't know how he's going to cope with this.'

'Clary Fairchild made her decision, this is on her.' Raphael straightened his jacket. 'I swear if that kid ruins one more jacket-'

Adelaide watched as Clary and Jace ran to them. 'Where is he?' Clary asked.

'He'll be back.' Raphael replied, seemingly unworried.

'You just let him go? You said you'd look after him!'

'I can't do that until he's ready.' Raphael shrugged.

'What does that even mean?' Clary was angry and Adelaide could see how much Raphael's careless disposition affected her.

'It means, he's in his own personal hell.'

'I did this, I put him there.'

'If it helps, he doesn't even remember it was you. Those first minutes, complete blank.

Adelaide's eyes focused on movement across the street and she narrowed her eyes slightly, nervousness filling her stomach. They were too exposed.

'Call me when you find him, you'll need my help.' Adelaide looked up to find Raphael staring at her. 'You know where to find me.' And then he was gone.

'I have to find Simon.' Clary took off running and Jace followed her after a long sigh.

Alec went to follow behind them too but Adelaide shot a hand out in front of him, halting his movements. 'What's wrong with your arm?'

Alec shifted uncomfortably. 'Nothing'

Adelaide raised and eyebrow as she reached out to touch his arm, Alec flinched away from her. 'Really?'

'Maybe I just don't want you that close to me.' Alec lied.

'I know you better than that, Alec. C'mon, Magnus' isn't far from here. You can't run around injured all the time.'


'Will be fine.'

Alec reluctantly complied with her suggestion; his arm was throbbing, twisting and stinging painfully as he moved.

Adelaide ushered Alec into Magnus' home. 'Magnus?' She called, when there was no reply she turned to Alec. 'He's not here.'

Alec nodded. 'Okay.'

'Alright, off with it.'

Alec's eyes widened. 'What?'

Adelaide rolled her eyes. 'Your shirt, take it off so I can see how bad it is.'

Alec wasn't sure why he felt flustered all of a sudden, perhaps it was because he was acutely aware that he hadn't replaced the tank top he had been wearing, but he complied with her request, standing shirtless in front of her.

Adelaide's eyes were drawn to the large slice on Alec's arm that was oozing blood. 'You're an idiot, you've made it worse by moving around so much.'

'Sorry.' Alec's tone was filled with sarcasm and he rolled his eyes.

'Just go sit down.' Adelaide pointed at a seat near the counter. 'I'm going to have to stitch it shut okay?'


Adelaide retrieved the small first aid kit Magnus kept around for her and she set to work.

'Stop moving.' She warned Alec.

'I'm not, it doesn't even hurt.' He snapped back at her.

Adelaide swallowed back the retort on her tongue as she continued to neatly sew the wound shut.

Alec's eyes wandered as he tried to ignore the horrible pinching sensation as Adelaide sewed. His eyes landed on an arrowhead and he reached for it, ignoring Adelaide's protest.

'You still make these?'

Adelaide frowned slightly. 'Sometimes.'

Alec examined the neat craftsmanship. 'You always were better at this than me.'

Adelaide laughed softly. 'And you were always the better shot.'

A pleasant silence settle over the two as they both became lost in their thoughts.

'Are you ever going to tell me? Alec asked quietly.


'Are you ever going to tell me why you ran away? I know you told Isabelle.'

Adelaide was silent.


Adelaide finished her stitching, pulling the needle away. 'You're good to go.' She made her way towards one of the cabinets, stuffing the first aid kit away roughly.

'Adelaide?' Alec's voice was closer now, she hadn't even heard him get up, and she could feel his breath on her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

'What?' Her voice came out as a whisper.

'Why did you leave?' Alec's voice was low and quiet, a stark contrast to the way he usually spoke to her.

'Please, just tell me.' The words were only a whisper and yet there was still an undeniable note of pleading in his tone.

Adelaide turned around, realising almost instantly what a bad idea it was. Alec had her trapped against the counter, his hands gripping the counter top on either side of her and he was staring down at her, his eyes shining like liquid butterscotch, boring into her own. And in that moment, Adelaide wanted nothing more than to tell him everything, spill all her secrets and bare her soul to the person who once was her home, her safe haven and her best friend.

But the man standing in front of her wasn't the boy she had left, and she wasn't the same girl she'd been throughout all their years together. She'd been forced to change so quickly that Adelaide barely recognized herself in the mirror anymore, and she couldn't help but wonder if perhaps, even now, Alec was looking at the girl she was, rather than the woman she'd grown to be.

With that thought plaguing her mind, Adelaide raised one hand, placing it against Alec's neck in a gentle caress, noticing that where her fingers trailed, goose bumps rose on his skin almost instantly. Adelaide looked at him, her eyes shining.


It was as though shutters closed over Alec's eyes as he stepped away from her, the tension returning to his body. He clenched his jaw shut as he picked up his shirt, ignoring the dampened sleeve still soaked through with his own blood. He slipped the shirt on, buttoning it quickly.

Adelaide's voice cracked. 'Alec-'

Adelaide jumped as the door slammed behind him.

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