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3+ comments/votes for the next chapter! I love reading your thoughts and reactions!

'Clary? Is Magnus here?'

Clary looked at Adelaide, her eyes wide. 'What do we do?' She whispered.

Adelaide didn't have time to reply. A figure entered the only doorway in the room and Adelaide turned to face the back wall so her face wasn't visible. She had nowhere to hide and nowhere to run to. She was trapped.

'Clary? What are you doing?' The voice was wary. Clary watched as they took in the scene, from her forced smile to Adelaide's tense back.

'I was just, uh, I was training with one of Magnus' friends.'

'Magnus has other shadowhunter friends?' The voice was sceptical.

'Yeah – I guess so.' Clary's voice was breathless.

'Why didn't you tell us you were leaving? Everyone's been searching for you.' The tone was accusatory now.

'I just - I needed to do this by myself okay? We should go back to the others.'

'I just text Alec and Isabelle, they'll meet us at the institute.'

Jace. The reality of the situation hit Adelaide. He didn't sound the same and his voice seemed deeper to her, not the playful tone he used to adopt when they were messing around, he seemed more serious, more like Alec than Jace.

'Okay, lets go.' Clary quickly agreed, ignoring Adelaide hoping Jace would as well.

'You aren't going to say goodbye?' Jace questioned the usually polite girl in surprise.

'Nope. We have to leave remember.'

'Right.' Jace made to follow Clary out of the training room but he couldn't help turning back around and glancing at the figure curiously.

Adelaide relaxed as they left the room. She hadn't realised she'd been holding her breath. That was close.

Jace watched as the girls tense shoulders relaxed, sighing as if relieved they were leaving. Jace was ready to chalk her behaviour up to nervousness but something about it seemed off. His eyes took in the defensive stance, noting the visible runes on her arms. His eyes were quickly drawn to the rune on the side of her neck. The parabatai rune was faded, the connection obviously severed. He felt sad for her; he wouldn't wish losing a parabatai on anyone. He'd seen what it had done to Isabelle. Jace's eyes travelled across her skin. Underneath the parabatai rune was a small white scar extending from behind her ear down an inch or so. Jace's eyes widened and his mouth went dry. He swallowed thickly. Impossible.

Clary turned around, realising too late that Jace was no longer following her, and was instead staring at Adelaide's turned back, an unreadable expression on his face.

'Jace-' Clary's warning was cut off as Jace moved faster than she thought was humanly possible.

Adelaide heard Clary's warning and Jace moving forward, but as she turned to move away from him his hand gripped her shoulder tightly, spinning her to face him.


'Where are they?' Alec was annoyed. Again.

Isabelle rolled her eyes at her big brother, noting the pacing and the tense set of his jaw.

'I'm sure they're fine, Alec. You need to loosen up.' Isabelle moved to stand in front of her brother to stop his pacing.

'They should be here by now.' Alec stared down at his sister.

'You don't think that they...?' Izzy trailed off, a devious smile on her face.

'Right now? No way, not possible.' Alec denied what his sister was implying.

'Oh it is very possible, I assure you.' Isabelle grinned cheekily.

Alec's expression grew into one of deep disgust, and he couldn't keep the distaste out of his voice when he spoke.

'Seriously Izzy? I don't want to hear about your conquests. You're my sister, that's just wrong on so many levels.'

'I was just stating a fact.' Isabelle frowned as Alec stepped around her and began pacing again.

'Why are you so worried? Don't tell me you've come to care for Clary?'

Alec scoffed. 'Hardly. I care about Jace though.'

'Jace is capable of handling himself, you know that. What's this really about Alec?' Izzy pried.

Alec sighed.

'The last time we woke up and someone was missing; they never came back Isabelle.'

Isabelle's expression softened. 'Alec-'

'I don't want to hear it Izzy. I just want Jace and Clary back in the institute.'

Isabelle was quiet for a few moments. 'You never talk about her.'


'Adelaide. You never talk about her.'


'So? Alec it's not normal! It's like you've all but forgotten she existed! You haven't said a word about her to me since her memorial. I worry about you, big brother. You shouldn't be this okay. I didn't see you cry once in the entire time we searched for her, even Jace cried Alec, Jace. You can hide your feelings from everyone else but you can't hide them from me. I know your still hurting Alec. It's okay.' Isabelle gripped Alec's arms, looking up at him as she pleaded for him to let her in.

Alec's hands formed fists and his lips set into a thin line.

'Alec please. I miss her too.'

Alec looked at his sister. 'If you talked about her less maybe you wouldn't miss her so much.' His voice was sharp.

Isabelle watched with sad eyes as Alec walked away.


Adelaide immediately pushed Jace away, forcing his hand off her shoulder.

Jace was frozen in shock and Adelaide took the opportunity to study his features. His hair was longer she noted, he was thinner than he had been, yet more muscular. His strange coloured eyes stared at her. His face was more defined and angular than it had been. She noted the new scars on his neck, demons she guessed.

Jace could hardly believe his eyes, yet she was right there in front of him. Her dark eyes stared back at him cautiously.

'Adelaide?' The word hung in the air between them.

'Hello, Jace.'

Jace's breath caught. It really was her; she was alive. She - Anger hit him like a tidal wave, washing over him and taking over his senses.

'What the fuck Adelaide?'

Clary's eyes widened at Jace's harsh language, yet Adelaide didn't seem phased.

Adelaide put on a hard exterior even though she wanted nothing more than to hug the boy she once called her friend.

'Nice to see you too Jace.'

'How are you alive? Where have you been? What were you thinking?' Jace spat at her as he stepped towards her.

Adelaide stood her ground.

'You don't understand what happened Jace. I did what I had to do.' Adelaide's tone was firm.

'Then help me understand, because from where I stand it looks as if you abandoned every vow of loyalty you ever took to run away from your duty as a shadowhunter. I should turn you into the clave for this, you do realise that?' Jace's tone was deadly.

Jace's threat angered Adelaide. 'Go ahead Jace. Do it. Turn me in. I dare you.' The two were standing so close their chests were touching, anger pouring out of them in waves.

Clary could see what Adelaide had meant by the two fighting. 'Jace-'

'Stay out of it Clary.' Jace's tone was clipped.

'I will tell you what you need to know, and nothing more. I didn't do what I did to hurt you Jace – I never wanted to hurt any of you!'

Jace stepped away and crossed his arms. 'Talk.' His voice was clipped.

'There isn't much I can say to you Jace that wouldn't put you in more danger than you're in now. I have some very dangerous and powerful people after me. I had to leave so I could protect you all from them. You have no idea what these people are capable of.'

'Let me get this straight. You faked your death, because someone is after you?'

No, she thought. 'There's a lot more to it than that, but basically yes.' She spoke in clipped tones.

Jace scoffed. 'I'm sure the clave will enjoy your story.' He turned to walk away.

'Jace you don't understand-'

Jace whirled around. 'No Adelaide.' He sneered her name. 'You don't understand. We searched for you, we tore ourselves apart to try and find out what had happened to you, we mourned you, and now I find out that you've been alive this entire time?'


'What is going on here?' A new voice joined the conversation.

Adelaide glanced at Magnus who raised his eyebrows at her.

'Nice of you to join us Magnus.' Adelaide's words caught Jace's attention.

'You.' Jace pointed at Magnus.

'Me.' Magnus smirked as he made his way to stand beside Adelaide.

'You've been hiding her this entire time.' Jace realised, looking at the training room situated in his lair.

'Well you didn't expect her to be able to hide without some form of protection did you? No offense sunshine.' Magnus' cat eyes gleamed at her. She could read the question on his face. Are you okay? Adelaide smiled uneasily at him and shrugged. No.

'We trusted you.'

'You did. But Adelaide also trusted me, and in case you've forgotten Jace Wayland I have done nothing but help you and your friends.'

'You lied to us.'

Magnus looked at him. 'I didn't lie because you never asked, did you?'

Jace stayed silent.

'Jace, we should go before Izzy and Alec start wondering where we are.' Clary intervened, tugging on Jace's arm.

Jace nodded at Clary but said nothing.

'Jace?' Adelaide called as he left the room, the anger leaving her as she ignored Magnus' warning glances.

'What?' His reply was sharp and cold.

'Please don't tell the others.'

Jace scoffed. 'Why would I tell them? As far as I'm concerned the Adelaide we knew died last year. I don't know you and I'm certain they won't want to either.'

Jace slammed the door shut on his way out. 

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