Annie x dying!Reader

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Your life span is fast. One second you could be running against the blowing wind and the other you're gone.

That's what you read on the Internet that day. You were in class, drifting off in a daze that occurred especially in your afternoon class.

You yawned and gazed upon the reflection in the window nearby and happened to see Annie. A little mesmerized by her you didn't realize you were staring so much at her as she turned and her reflection saw you. Your eyes widened as you tried to play it cool and turn away.

Feeling the heat overcome your body you shut your eyes tight, you scrunched up your arms to your sides as if to hide yourself from everyone else. You weren't aware that your teacher had walked up to your desk until she slammed her hand upon your desk.

"As I was saying," Ms. Zoe looked down at you. "If you don't work hard enough on this last project of the year, you might as well fail this class." As she finished her last syllable, the bell rung throughout the school building and a scurry of students could be heard.

"_______, you were daydreaming again.." Ms. Zoe stated as she walked behind her desk.

"I-I know.. Sorry.." You picked up your things from your desk and began packing up.

"Next time I don't want to catch you. The year is almost over, I'm sure you can make it, don't mess up."

"Yes, Ms. Zoe." She nodded as she picked up her things and exited the classroom. You let out the breath you held onto and you relaxed your tense body.

"Hey." You quickly turned around. You didn't remember anyone else in the room. "Did you want to go to the library? We could start our research right away." Annie was standing not to far from you.

"Wha- Today?" Your head tilted from its normal axis.

"If that doesn't work then we could ju-"

"No no, it's fine!" You waved your hands in the air. "I don't mind."

"Alright, then I'll wait for you at the entrance.." She turned and walked towards the exit.

"Just one thing after another.." you muttered as you felt the rush of nervousness fill you. You didn't remember hearing that Annie was your partner, at least you assumed she was. You shook it off and decided to catch up with Annie so she didn't have to wait too long.

"So, what was our project about anyway..?" You asked rather sheepishly since you we're clearly embarrassed because the teacher slammed her hand on your desk.

Annie gave the basis of your project and explained the requirements and whatever else was important to the project. Just as she was talking, the two of you entered your local library and soon searched for a place to sit.

"How about here?" She grabbed the back of a chair.

"Sure.." You stopped to go around and pulled the chair across from her.

"Alright, I'm going to leave my stuff here and look for some books then." She set her bag on the table.

"I'll stay here and read over the instructions since I missed it in class.." you sulked and sat down in your chair.

"That's a good idea.." Annie commented before wandering the tall bookshelves. You could've sworn you heard a light giggle come from her.

After rummaging through the textbooks and researching over the Internet the two of you felt like it was time to head home. Your studying and planning for the project went smoothly. You felt like your whole project was completed in those few hours you were at the library. The two of you made your way out of the library and back into the streets to head home.

"Well, we were pretty productive, huh?" You placed your hand on your hips and stood up tall.

"Yeah, you're right." Annie's lips showed a slight smile.

"Alright, how about we get something to eat before we go home? I'll treat us!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yup! It's my pleasure!" You beamed as you felt proud of yourself for offering. "What did you want?"

"Anything is fine." Annie replied to you.

"Hmm.." You stopped in your tracks for a while. "I know where we should go! I've been craving it for this whole past week!"

"Let's go there then."

"Alright, it's this way!" You pointed in some direction and went on your way to make it there.

There were still many people roaming around the streets. Especially these streets since it was in the heart of your town. There were kids running along and people on the sides of the buildings selling whatever there was to offer. You loved taking walks around here whenever you needed someplace to just get away.

You and Annie were getting ready to cross a street. The kids across we're lively as ever playing around and also waiting. You watched them as one of them tossed a red ball in the air. At that second you knew that whatever was coming up next was not good.

The cars rushed by and you felt the wind pick up, blowing against your face and through your shirt. As the cars passed, the ball was up in the air again. You sighed a breath of relief to see that there would be no harm done and the green light would soon flicker on.

Or so you thought.

The ball was intercepted by another kid's hand and just happened to bounce into the street. Across you could hear a kid scream "Hey!" And the kid stepped forth from the group. He ran into the street recklessly. You just had to run into the street as well, seeing that a car was not to far away.

"Watch out!" You were only steps away from the young child when you heard the scream from Annie behind you. It was soon followed by the loud horn of the car and the sound of the brakes.

The child rolled away into the curb and you were lying quite a ways from the stopped car.

"Call an ambulance!"

"Are you alright kid?"

"Hey, are they gonna be alright?"

"Wow, that student saved the young child!"

Your ear took it all in. You heard so many voices in your heard coming from all around you. Your body ached too much to move. Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"_______, wake up, please." You recognized Annie's voice. "You're going to be okay.." Her voice cracked.

If it had been someone else, you didn't know if you would have opened your eyes, but you did. Her glowing gold hair shined against the dropping sun. The tears glistened in her wet eyes as they flowed out slowly. Soon others came around you and began hoping that you would stay alive.

It was evident that you were beat up pretty bad. The car that had hit you wasn't fully aware that the street wasn't empty and gave you a pretty hard hit. You thought you heard some cracks here and there but you could definitely feel them.

"_______, you're okay.. right?" Annie's hand now rested on your cheek. Some blood had trickled from your head down and Annie attempted to wipe it away. "Please stay with us.."

"I'm sorry.." you could barely speak a word because of all the pain that shivered in your body. It made you tired, extremely tired. You were sleepy from it and just wanted to close your eyes. As you did Annie kept waking you up. She lightly slapped your cheek or would call out your name. How beautiful, you thought as you heard your name escape her lips. It felt like a dream to you that you'd ever hear her say your name.

But you couldn't take it anymore. There was a tug in your heart. It pulled tighter and tighter. You couldn't help it anymore. You gave in and let it pull you, you let it take you into the darkness.

Your life span is fast. One second you could be running against the blowing wind and the other you're gone.

You were in the darkness now, searching and searching until you felt enough strength to open your eyes once again. And what you saw, was a classroom.

You froze in your seat and remembered the quote you read in class. Sighing a breath of relief you calmed down and decided that was just a dream. You turned your eyes to the window and focused on the reflections of the classroom. Your eyes wandered and wandered and you couldn't find Annie's reflection like you thought would be there. You slowly turned your head to her seat and she wasn't there.

-- okay wow what is this idk I'm sorry this is a late request and its not good.. :c I couldn't think of anything for Annie.. I hope it's okay tho.. and I hope the structure makes sense too.. orz

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