Armin x Reader - Blind Date

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"Ugh, I always get these ads on my phone." you groaned as you laid on Sasha's bed holding your phone in the air.

"I know, especially when you're playing games!" Sasha added as she continued to look at her laptop screen.

"Look at that, that looks like an Internet dating site!" Mikasa pointed out.

"I always wanted to try one of those!" Sasha squealed.

"Aren't those for people who have no where else to turn to?" Ymir peered over Sasha to look at the screen.

"Quiet Ymir, it's a nice way to find someone that you might fall in love with!" Christa slapped Ymir's arm.

"Hey! Lets fill this out!" Sasha clicked on the ad and signed up.

"You're really gonna sign up and look for guys?" You creeped over to join in the group around the laptop.

"I wonder if you'll find anyone our age." Annie said also walking over.

"Hmm.. we need a name!" Sasha placed a hand over her chin.

All the girls talked over the inputs for each thing the site asked for, trying to make the perfect girl for the heck of it.

"I can't believe we're doing this.." you tried to hold back a laugh. "This is so mean, what if someone actually likes this person!"

"It's just for fun, what else do we do at sleepovers!?" Sasha kept typing away. "Oh look! We have a new message already! It says 'Hey, welcome. It's nice to meet you.' Pshh, this guy is so formal."

"Oh, answer him back!" Christa exclaimed.

"Hmm.. 'Hi, it's nice to meet you too.' omg his name is Michael."

"Show us a picture!" You jumped on Sasha's back.

"He doesn't have a picture.." She did some searches on his profile.

"Ugh, then dump him for a better guy!" Ymir crossed her arms.

"Look, a new message." Mikasa pointed out.

"'I would like to meet up sometime.'" Sasha read it. "What!? Already!? Oh, he's typing more! 'I'm sure you're curious as to how I look like, so, why don't we set a blind date. We are in the same area.'"

"Huh? So quick.." Annie commented.

"Say no! What if he's some 50 year old predator!? Why did you even put our actual location!?" You screamed.

"Calm down, it'll be fun, it says he's our age, _______. It's not like we really are gonna go see him." Sasha answered.

"Then say no." You continued.

Sasha resumed typing, 'Where would you like to meet?'

"Sasha!" You shook her. "Don't do this to that poor guy!"

"He's typing! 'Let's meet at the old ice cream parlor.'" Ymir squinted towards the screen. "Hey, that's not a bad place."

"He seems like a kid, like us. That's not a bad choice for a blind date, I guess." Mikasa added.

"'Let's meet..'" Sasha read his next message. "TOMORROW!? HE WANTS TO MEET TOMORROW!"

"What time!?" Annie asked.

"At 3pm.." Sasha replied.

"Say yes." Ymir said quickly.

"Okay, 'I'd love to go!'" Sasha typed.

"But.. who's gonna go?" You questioned them all.

"Uhhh.. well, I have a date tomorrow already.." Sasha looked up. "So I can't make it.."


"Ymir and I are actually planning to go shopping together tomorrow too.." Christa softly answered. "I'm sorry.."

"That just leaves _______, Mikasa, and Annie." Sasha turned to you guys.

"Well, read the description of the girl that you put, Sasha, then we'll decide on who it fits best out of these three." Ymir suggested.

"Sure, so.." Sasha read through the profile of the girl we created. After going through all of the profile facts some how the girl came out to be closest to you.

"I can't even.. WHAT THE HECK!?" you threw yourself on Sasha's bed and hid yourself. "No way am I going on a blind date!" You complained.

"C'mon, don't be so sad. I know you always talk about being lonely and stuff, _______!" Sasha teased you.

"Shut up! No I don't!" You threw a pillow at her.

"Look, we'll go with you okay?" Mikasa tried to comfort you.

"Ugh, BUT I DIDN'T AGREE TO THIS!" You rolled around in Sasha's bed in anger. "I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS!"

-the next day-

"You look nice, _______." Mikasa smiled as you came out of your room.

"Are you ready?" Annie asked.

"I don't know.." You sighed.

"Sasha says good luck!" Mikasa checked her phone.

"Ugh, forget Sahsa." You sulked.

"Alright, let's head out then." Annie grabbed your arm and led you out the door.

Your heart thumped as you neared the ice cream parlor, it was coming into view. "I can't do this!" You tried to run away from the girls but they held you back.

"Don't do this to your date. I'm sure it's someone nice since they live in our area." Annie patted your back.

"But who the heck is Michael and why haven't I met him before!?" You whined.

"Maybe he's someone new.. Anyway, give it your best shot." Mikasa pushed you to the doors of the ice cream parlor.

You took a deep breath and held the handle of the door. 'He said he would be wearing a black hat or something,' you remembered Sasha tell you last night.

You opened the door and went in, Mikasa and Annie following you behind. You searched the place and noticed someone in a black hat looking down. Your heart jumped upon seeing him.

"Annie, Mikasa!" You whispered as you pointed in the direction of the guy.

"Just go!" They both pushed you along to the table where your date was sitting.

You reached the table and managed to gain enough courage to speak, "Excuse me.. You must be M-" The boy raised his head and you saw a familiar face. "Is that you, Armin?"

The boy seemed just as shocked as you, "_______! What are you doing here!?"

"Wait, so you're Michael? From the dating site last night?" You questioned him as you sat across from him.

"Well, that.." he looked down. "That's a long story."

"What do you mean? Wait a second.." You turned to Annie and Mikasa who were slowly trying to get away from you two. "Come back here!" You stood up but they both left you.

"You must not want to be here, huh, _______?" Armin interrupted you.

"What do you mean?" You quickly remembered Armin and sat back down.

"It's nothing. I guess it was nice to see you today.." Armin was about to get up but you stopped him.

"Wait! I'm sorry if it seemed that way, it's just.. I was taken here against my own free will so I guess I didn't want to be here but.." You sighed. "I'd rather be here with you than some stranger..

Armin looked up surprised.

"So if this is still a blind date, then lets just get going with it." You smiled at Armin.

"Thanks, _______. But I feel bad.. you should at least know the truth.." Armin took a deep breath and looked into your eyes. "I like you.. I like you a lot, _______."

You froze in place and just stared at him.

"It was Eren's idea of this kind of meeting, along with Jean of course. And eventually your friends were in on it too.. And-" You stopped him in mid sentence.

"Armin.. I like you too.." You smiled to yourself and looked at him. "I like you a lot too."

This time it was Armin who froze but soon smiled. "Is that right?"

"There was no way I could've told you.. But I guess, today we're lucky enough to be confessing like this." You told him trying to hide your tinted cheeks.

"I guess sometimes your friend's crazy ideas can be quite successful.." Armin smiled.

"Since we're here, we might as well get some ice cream, right?" You suggested.

"Yeah, let's!" Armin gladly said as he stood up and held a hand out to you.

--idk what this is but here

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