Reiner x Reader - Frozen Lake

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You carefully stepped into the tracks that Reiner left behind in the snow, hoping that you wouldn't get your boots too wet. He wanted to check something out so you agreed to tag along.

"Where exactly are we going again?" You asked, still focusing on filling in his left behind snow tracks.

"Just wait and you'll see, _______. We're almost there." He kept his pace up.

"Isn't this the way to the lake?" You questioned as the trees began to look familiar.

"That's right. We're going to the lake!" He exclaimed. "I think we're almost there, I can see it!"

Reiner started jogging ahead which made it harder for you to follow his steps, since your legs weren't as long as his. You just quickly ran to catch up to him.

He stood still taking a deep breath and gazed upon the frozen lake. You jogged up to him and stood next to him, also looking at the lake. "What now..?" You looked up at his pink face.

"It's frozen right?" You nodded. "Let's go walk on it!"

"Wait!" Before he took another step, you grabbed ahold of his arm. "Reiner, aren't you a little too big? You know.. we don't know if we'll fall in or not.."

"Calm down, it's been freezing for months now, I'm sure I'll be fine, _______!"

"But Reiner!" You begged him to not crossover the ice.

"Ugh, fine. To test it out why don't you go on it instead..?"

"Ah! But.. what if I fall through?" You grew nervous.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine!" He gave a smile and suddenly pushed you towards the lake.

Gravity had pulled you from Reiner's push and you stumbled upon the surface of the frozen lake. You held you breath as you took your first step on the ice, afraid that it would break. Your other feet landed, giving you the balance you needed and you stood still over the ice.

You let out your breath and turned to Reiner and grinned. "I'm still here!"

"What a surprise!" Reiner came charging at you and picked you up. You reacted by quickly embracing his neck.

"Reiner! W-wait! I don't know if the lake can support us like this!" You panicked.

"Relax, will you?" He stopped and let you go. "The ice looks fine."

"Are you sure?" You looked down and rubbed the ice with your feet.

"Come on, it's not like we get to be on an actual frozen lake everyday!" He ran across the lake and glided over the top. He motioned for you to come over. You hesitantly walked over to him, slipping and sliding just slightly.

"Are you scared, _______? It's not that scary, don't be afraid!" He grabbed your hand and ran across the lake again, dragging you along with him. "Now, let your feet rest on the ice, it should be slippery enough for you to glide!" He looked back at your worried face.

"I don't trust you, Reiner!" You shook your head.

"Don't be silly!" He came to a stop and you bumped into him. "I want you to try it yourself."

"No, I couldn't.. I think I'm done for now.." you walked away from him and headed towards land.

"Alright, we can go now.." He followed you.

You felt bad for having to make him have to get off the ice but you couldn't help but worry about falling in and what not. You sighed as you left, walking towards the snow covered dirt. You were a step away. You shifted all your weight to one leg and pushed against it with your foot. You suddenly heard the ice crackle a little bit before feeling the ice give in as you felt the cold water wrap around your foot.

"Reiner!" His name escapee your lips as you were pulled in. You dug your foot into the dirt under the water to prevent yourself from falling further and placed your hand against the snow. Only up to your knee was swallowed in.

Reiner ran carefully and leaped over the hole you created. He quickly grabbed your wrists and fished you out. You unconsciously hugged him around the waist and placed your head against his chest.

"Hey, are you alright?" He stroked your hair.

"I'm cold.." you answered.

Realizing that you were holding him you backed away and turned from his look, "Sorry, that was foolish of me.."

"No, it's okay.. You were just scared."

"No, it was foolish of me not to be careful." Your body began shivering as the winter air hit your wet boot.

"_______, we have to get you back quick!" Reiner walked towards you an kneeled. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around the leg that was exposed to the water. "I'm gonna have to ask you to walk, is that alright? I need you to keep moving so your leg doesn't freeze."

"I can do that.." You assured Reiner. "But aren't you going to be cold without your jacket?"

"Luckily, it isn't too bad today.. But besides that, I'm also gonna need you to keep me warm." He winked at you.

"How am I gonna do that!?" You asked without thinking.

Reiner chuckled and you blushed against your cheeks that were already tinted by the cold. "That's for you to decide." He began walking off.

You couldn't help but smile, even after such an incident. You suddenly felt safe with Reiner. You walked up beside him and snuggled up his left arm. "It's already cold, but I'll warm your arm up!" You looked up at him.

"Thanks, _______!"

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