Bertholdt x Reader - Shower Time

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The warm water trickled down your body as a sweet scent filled the bath house of the male trainees. That's right, males.

"I still can't believe they made me bathe here.." you pouted as you thought to yourself.

- just earlier -

"You have to shower in the boys showers!!!" Sasha blurted out and all the girls laughed.

"What!!?? Why!? Of all the things you think of it's that!?!?" You gritted your teeth at this ridiculous dare.

"Hey, you chose dare and this is your dare." Ymir said patting your head.


- later on -

"I'm sorry, ______. This stall is taken." Mikasa peered from behind the shower curtain.

"Mikasa~!" you whined. Every stall was occupied in the girls bath house.

"Annie, you'll let me in right? Annie?!?!" There was no response. "Someone c'mon, let me in."

"Remember your dare, ______?" Sasha shot you an evil look.

"NO!!!" you stormed out of the place.

"She's actually gonna do it?" Annie said as she looked out from her stall.

"Probably.." Mikasa replied.

You had no choice. It had been almost an hour and none of them let you in the shower. You gave up and decided to pay a visit to the boys' showers.

"Wow.. IT'S EMPTY!! Do the boys not shower?" You walked to the farthest shower. It was the safest if a guy were to come in. "I guess I have to do this..."


"I guess that's how I got here.." you sighed to yourself as you turned the water off. You grabbed your towel and began drying off your body. You opened the door of the barrier and covered your body. You kept your eyes on the floor and noticed a pair of feet.

"That's funny, those aren't my feet.." you thought to yourself. "WAIT! THATS NOT MY FEET!!!"

You followed the eyes up and saw a blushing Bertholdt.

"EEEEEEKKK" You screamed and scrambled to put your towel over your bare body.

"SHHHH!!" He placed his finger in front of his mouth. You held your breath and quickly gathered your stuff.

"Bertholdt!?! Was that you!?" It was Reiner. You could tell. You froze in place and felt a hand over your mouth.

"Reiner, please don't come in!!" Bertholdt panicked.

"Why? What is it?"

"I left something.. yeah.. could you go get it for me please?" Bertholdt lied.

"What did you leave?"

"My boxers.."

"Fine, fine. Which one? It was your favorite one with the hearts, huh?" You giggled at Reiner's reply. "Yes, Reiner.. those ones.." Bertholdt blushed.

"I'll be back then."

"Thanks." The two of you waited until the footsteps faded away.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE BERTHOLDT!?!?!" You yelled at him as you turned to face him.

"_______.. shouldn't I be asking that?" He calmly retorted.

"No.." you laughed it off. "I.."

"What are you doing here?" he interrupted.

"I was dared to.." you looked down.

"Oh, Sasha.. huh?" he chuckled.

"Yeah.." you pouted and crossed your arms.

"_______, uhm... maybe you should leave now.."

"I should!!" You grabbed all your belongings, "Wait! I need to get dressed!" You looked at Bertl who didn't get what you were going with. "Ahem!"

"Oh!!" He quickly turned around and covered his eyes. "_______.."

"What is it?" you said as you began dressing yourself.

"It's.. it's not like I didn't see you already.."

"What are you saying!?!" you stopped and felt yourself blushing profusely.

"You.. you're beautiful.."


"SHOWER TIME!!" Connie barged in along with Eren, Armin, and Reiner.

"Oh, Bertl, here, your boxers." Reiner walked toward him handing him the piece of clothing.

"Thanks, Reiner." He took them.

You were hiding in a stall thanks to Bertl who hid you by using his towel to shield you. He made it seem as if he was spreading out his towel vertically.

You quickly got dressed and waited for Bertl to give you a signal that it was okay to sneak out. The boys were all busy doing their business.

"Now." Bertl mouthed and gestured you to escape.

"Bertl, who are you talking to?" Reiner asked rubbing shampoo into his hair.

"I wasn't talking to anyone!"

"Hmph, whatever." Reiner continued to shampoo and you quickly made an escape.

"That was close.." you mumbled. But then you hit someone's chest.

"Did you just...?" It was Jean and Marco.

"So close." You sighed.

"Let's go, Jean." Marco urged Jean to forget it. As they walked Marco looked back and winked at you. You smiled back at him and mouthed a "thanks" to him.

You began to make way to your barrack but someone gripped your wrist. You turned and saw Bertholdt.

"Bertl.. What did you need?"

"Uhm.. I-... it's nothing.."

"Oh, alright. I'll see you then." He released his grip and you walked away.

You stopped yourself and smiled. You turned around and saw Bertl with his head down. You walked up to him and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Bertholdt."

He had a look of shock. "______.." He smiled back and kissed your cheek. "It was nothing."

-- i hope the sequence in the beginning makes some sense if not im sorry :c

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