Jean x Reader - Our Story

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You were on your way back to the barracks from running some laps. You decided that you didn't want to waste a day of training. You were already worn out so you wanted to just go and relax.

Your pace slowed down a bit so you could allow yourself to rest a bit but your feet got tangled up and you ended up tripping.

"Ow!" you picked yourself up and sat on your bottom. You lifted your pants to check your left knee which was throbbing.

There was some blood tricking down. You sighed and attempted to get up but a hand forced you to stay down.

"Are you okay, _______?" Jean kneeled down next to you.

"Oh, Jean."

"I saw you fall," he chuckled a bit, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," you again tried to get up but his hand rested on your shoulder.

"Don't," he held you down, "here, climb on my back." He shifted himself in front of you, facing his back at you.

"No, Jean! It's okay." you denied him.

"Hurry up!" he searched for your wrists and pulled you up onto his back.

"There you go, hold on, alright?" You couldn't believe that Jean, Jean Kirschstein was giving you a piggyback ride.

He placed his hands under your lower thigh, right by the back of your knee and began carrying you to your barracks.

You held onto him around his neck blushing hard, you couldn't do anything to persuade him to let you down so you just waited.

Once he made it to the girls room, he set you down at your cot. "This one, right?"


"Do you have supplies to bandage you up?" You pointed at the corner of the room where the drawers were.

Jean went over there and searched. He came back with some bandages and ointment.

"Alright, lets get started." He kneeled in front of you and blew on your knee.

Krista entered the room holding a bucket of water. "Here Jean. It's to clean _______'s wound." She set it down next to him and quickly left.

Jean grabbed the small towel and dipped it in the water. Then he wrung it out and brought it up to your knee to wipe the blood away.

"Does it hurt?"

You winced a little,"I'm fine."

He went on from applying ointment and bandaging your knee up.

"It's finished!"

"Thanks Jean."

"Wait!" He lowered his head to your knee and kissed it. "Now it's done."

The two of you giggled and then it became silent. You two stayed like that for a while until you leaned down to kiss his forehead.

"What? Is my head injured..?" he rubbed where your lips touched.

"Yeah, actually your face is.. but it doesn't hurt you, it hurts me. You're too handsome.." you turned your head away, quite surprised by what you just said.

"Who knew you could be so cheesy, _______?" he chuckled and sat next to you holding you close. "So this is gonna be our story of how we got together, huh?"

You nodded and smiled to yourself and wrapped your arms around him too, resting your head on his shoulder.

--this one is kinda idek at the end I tried to make it fluffy but I guess that's the result

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