Connie x Reader - Pocky Game AU

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You clutched onto the pink box of treats and nervously waited by the vending machines like Connie had texted you to. You crouched to your knees growing weary of standing alone. "Where is he?" you sighed to yourself, resting your cheek on a palm.

"_______! Hey!? Sorry I'm late!" Connie waved a hand in the air. You quickly rose to your feet and smiled slightly.

"I just got here," you lied as all your anger vanished from seeing his face.

"Liar, c'mon lets go have some lunch!" he linked arms with you as the two of you headed to the courtyard. "What did you bring?"

"I brought this!" You showed him the strawberry flavored snack.

"Pocky!?" He scrambled to dig into his bag and pulled out an identical red box. "I brought the chocolate kind!"

"No way!!" You exclaimed. The two of you looked at each other and laughed out loud.

"Wow, we think alike, huh?" Connie put a hand on your shoulder.

"Well, it is Pocky day isn't it?"

"Yeah, well enough chitchat, let's play!" He opened the Pocky box and took out the packet. You followed along as well.

"Wait, are we going to eat both of them at the same time?" You turned to Connie and furrowed your brows.

"We could try that!" He faced you, mumbling with a Pocky stick in his mouth. "But for now, come at me!"

"Hmph, alright," You leaned in and tasted the chocolate flavor. The two of you both bit closer and closer to each other.

Connie didn't seem to be getting nervous but on the other hand, you were shaking slightly at being so close to him. You shut your eyes and anticipated his lips to touch yours but the two of you bumped noses. You pulled back and touched your nose.

"Hah! I win!" Connie exclaimed, shooting his fists above his head.

"N-no! We were just practicing!" You stuttered. "And plus.. our noses bumped!"

"Doesn't matter, I win!"

"No! Let's play again!" You quickly put a strawberry pocky in your mouth and motioned Connie to take a bite.

"You're on, _______!" He closed in and the two if you started biting closer together.

You shut your eyes once again as you felt Connie come closer and closer. You waited until you felt both of your lips brushed gently each other's. You held your breath as he drew in slightly closer, pressing harder onto your lips. You instantly pulled away.

"I win again!" Connie threw his hands up. "Haha, you're really bad at this game aren't you?" he laughed at you.

"No, I just.."

"You're blushing, _______!" He poked your cheeks.

"I'm not!" you pushed his hands away and turned.

"Why are you blushing so much? I thought we were both comfortable enough with each other already, _______!"

"We are!" you looked in his eyes, "It's just, you know.."

"It's just what?"

"Well, we haven't really..." you felt yourself blush even harder trying to find a way to express yourself.

"Ohhhh!" Connie's expression lit up. "We haven't done that yet!"

"Yeah.." you looked down in embarrassment.

"You're so cute!" He grabbed your cheeks and touched his nose against yours. "How about this, let's just get this over then shall we!?"

"Wha-" before your could finish, Connie placed his lips on yours and kissed you.

"There you go, our first kiss! Now you don't have to blush so much anymore!" He squished your cheeks.

"But Connie, wouldn't our first kiss technically be earlier when our lips touched during the game?"

"Oh who cares! That was just a game, we just did the real thing now!"

"Alright Connie, well.. since we have that done and over with, I want a rematch!" you stuck another Pocky into your mouth.

"Fine! Don't chicken out this time, _______!"

--I'm getting so lazy .-. but yeah I know I'm like days late but I did start this on Pocky day so.. lets just say it's a late upload

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