Eren x Reader - The Letter

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Just a warning before you read, this gets kind of sad so I guess prepare yourself for that

You had found yourself deeper and deeper within the pages of a journal written by, whom you suspected to be, previous members trainee corps. There had been multiple names you read over with their own unique writing personality. You read about a guy named Anton, he described the training process to be tough. He complained a lot. You also read about a girl named Naomi who seemed very kind toward the other trainees. You were currently reading about an interesting entry about a squad leader who visited the camp one time. Before you could finish it someone had barged through the door.

"Hey! You still here!" Eren had stumbled into your private reading session.

"Obviously I'm still here, do you not see me?" you cocked an eyebrow.

"Hmm, seems like no one's here!" He turned back towards the door.

"How humorous of you, Eren Jaeger!"

"Hmph, what are you doing anyway?"

"I'm reading this journal I found! Former members of the trainee squad have written in this. Particularly, this one dates back to 20 some years ago."

"Blah blah, let me take a look at it!" He snatched it out of your hands and flipped through the pages. "It's all just writing..." he continued until he found a letter in it. "Wait, what's this?" His hand grasped a letter that was folded.

He unraveled the crinkled sheet of paper and read the first line, "For Rebekah," you instantly perked up remembering that your mother's name was also Rebekah. "Joining the trainee squad has been a tough journey for me, but I know that this was the right decision for me. We continue to work hard in order to train for when the time comes when we will be protecting the walls. Don't forget about me just yet, Rebekah. Please wait for me. Sincerely, Zander."

You were in tears by then, sniffing. "Hey, what's wrong?" Eren gave you a puzzled expression.

"Eren.." you croaked. You couldn't help yourself, but you jumped into his arms and wrapped your arms around his neck. You cried onto his shoulder uncontrollably.

"It's alright.." he patted your back, "but I don't know what's wrong.."

You tried to calm yourself down and spoke, "My father wrote that.."

Eren froze. "You mean.."

You nodded your head, "It was for my mother.."

"I'm sorry, _______.." He held you tightly.

"Thanks, Eren, I'm fine.." you escaped his arms and faced him. "My father died as a soldier, he managed to get married and have me but he died when I was at least 5 year of age."

"You must miss them.." he said quietly.

"I do.." you sat in silence before remembering Eren's own story. Feeling guilty you instantly held Eren in your arms once again and rubbed his back. You felt some tears soak onto your skin from your shirt. "Eren, I'm sorry for bringing about this mood."

"I needed to let this out somehow."


"Thanks.." Eren whispered.

You squeezed him tighter and rocked back and forth, rubbing his back as he softly let out tears. "Eren, I've never seen you like this before."

You heard him laugh, "No one's ever going to.." he pushed away from you and wiped his face. "Enough of this depressed mood!" Eren sighed. "We don't need to be crying right now."

You smiled at him, "You're right.."

"It's getting late, let's head back out to the barracks!"

"Do we have to..? I mean, I'm tired.." you yawned.

"I'll carry you."

"No, let's sleep here.."

"But won't it be uncomfortable?"

"Who cares, Eren? I have you!"

"Fine, but don't complain if you get

"I won't," the two of your found a cozy spot to lay in and drifted off into a deep slumber.

"Good night," Eren kissed your forehead and rested his own against yours.

--ugh I'm so tired its like 2am here and I'm writing this orz idk I had a totally different story in mind but it evolved to this .-. I still hope you enjoyed this nonetheless. hopefully everything flows well together! I ended it suddenly because I'm tired >.>

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