Eren x Reader - 7 Minutes

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"What are we supposed to even do?" You rolled up into a ball in your blankets as you called out to Sasha who was nearby.

"It's a sleepover! We're supposed to be hanging out with each other!" She gave you a little push and you rolled away from her.

"Well..." You crawled out and stretched. "Looks like no one's really doing anything with each other." You scanned the room and everyone was off doing their own thing with their own friends.

"Maybe everyone's tired." Connie who was also nearby mentioned. "I mean, we are still trainees.."

"Still.. we could be tired together!" You made a gesture to the boy.

"I know!!" Sasha shot up and went off, dashing to look for some things.

"Connie what's she doing?"

"I don't even know.."

Sasha grabbed some paper and a writing utensil then proceeded to walk around the room. "Write your name!" She screamed at the others as she handed them a slip of paper she had ripped.

Everyone looked hesitant but they did what Sasha asked. Once she went around and got everyone's name, she gathered everyone around. "Ahem. Everyone, come over here and sit in a circle!!" She waved her arms in the air.

"Sasha, what are you doing?" Connie questioned as he walked up to her.

"It's a game. Just play along." She whispered to him. "C'mon, I need everyone to be here!!"

"What are you planning now, Sasha?" Reiner crossed his arms and gave her a stern look.

"Oh Reiner, do you really wanna know?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Well.. yeah.." He took a seat in the circle that was forming.

"Then you're first." She passed a cup to Connie who sat next to her right side. "Give this to Reiner." Everyone in that pathway took the cup and handed it to the person next to them until it reached Reiner.

"And now what do I do?" Reiner asked.

"Choose one slip of paper randomly.." Sash answered.

"Okay.." He shoved his large hand in there and pulled out a crumbled piece of paper.

"Open and read the name." Sasha told him.

Reiner unruffled the folds and spread it out flat and read it. "Mikasa...? What am I supposed to do now?"

From there, Sasha began to maniacally laugh. "What you to have to do now is go in the closet.." She pointed behind her. "For seven minutes."

"What!?" Reiner and everyone else gasped.

"It's just a game guys and our first victims are Reiner and Mikasa.. C'mon, get to it!" Sasha stood up and clapped her hands.

"But.." Mikasa tried to speak up.

"It won't be that bad you don't have to even do anything in there together! Just sit or something." Sasha kept trying to persuade them. "This'll be fun.."

"Fine!" Reiner stood up and walked over to the closet door which was open.

"Mikasa.." Sasha turned creepily to her.

"Ugh.. fine." She walked up and next to Reiner. The two entered quietly as everyone leaned in to listen to them.

"Tch, I should've got Mikasa.." Jean scoffed.

"Who cares.." Annie said.

"Sasha why are you doing this?" You asked.

"Shhh! I heard something!" She touched her ear to the door.

"We can hear you guys." Mikasa stated from the other side.

"Good!" Connie knocked on the door.

"This is pointless.." Reiner yelled.

"You two are supposed to kiss!!" Sasha replied. "Do something interesting!!"

"You said we didn't have to do anything.." Mikasa reminded her.

"Ughhh.." Sasha just sat down and waited for time to run out so we could just move onto the next person. Reiner and Mikasa came out and sat back down in the circle.

You guys kept playing until all the names had run out. Your name wasn't called out yet and you were two people away before you had the cup. Next up was Eren right after Armin who just exited the closet with Sasha.

"I'm drawing.." Eren took a deep breath and dipped his hand in the cup. He pulled out a piece of paper and opened it.

"What does it say?" Sasha was leaning in to hear his answer.

"_______..." His voice echoed in your head and you tensed up.

"Ooh.. it's finally you!" Sasha gave you a light slap on the back. "What are you waiting for?"

Eren had already gotten up and began to nervously walk to the closet. You shook a little as you got up and walked. Of everyone here it had to be Eren. You couldn't face him as you stood next to and followed him into the dark closet.

"Time starts, now!" Sasha slammed the door shut and they waited right outside of the door.

"So.." Eren softly spoke.

"Y-yeah.." You fixed your voice which trembled slightly.

"Nice game huh?" He cleared his throat.

"Uh-huh.." You couldn't stand being with him. You were a sweating nervous wreck in front of him but luckily it wasn't lit in the closet.

"Hey.." Eren interrupted your thoughts.


"Where are your hands?" You heard his arms reach out.

"H-here.." You also pulled your hands out and bumped into his.

"Oh good.." He trailed down your arm and held your hands.

"What are you doing..?" You could feel a fire burn in your cheeks.

"Shh.. we should be quiet.." He said and you could have sworn his voice was much much closer than before.

"But Eren.." You tried to speak but something touched your cheek right by your nose. You gasped and instantly jumped back against the wall.

"Hey now.. Don't be scared.." His voice was soft.

"Eren!" You tried to push him away but you knew inside that maybe you wanted him.

He stepped closer again and leaned close to you. He had you cornered. Placing a hand on your face and holding it, he could not tell where everything was. His thumb graced over the curvature in your lips. He went over them a couple of times before you licked it to tease him.

"Oh, seems like you're not too shy anymore.." His breath was warm against your lips and you could feel his presence closing in. You closed your eyes and leaned up to him so you could feel him once again and just as you were going to Sasha yelled.

"Time's up!" The door swung open and the light blinded you two. Eren had jumped back and hid his face. You were still in you're previous stance but a little more startled from the sudden rush.

"How was it you two?" Sasha winked.

"Next person!" You dashed out of the closet, trying to hide your red cheeks.

"Okay!" Everyone got situated again back in their seats and waited to here the next name. As you looked around, you laid eyes on Eren who had been looking at you the whole time. You wanted to look away but you couldn't. He winked at you and gave you a quick smile. You responded with a smile too.

"Next time.." He mouthed as you blushed and nodded.

-- sorry its kinda short but yeah 7 minutes in heaven with Eren! This was a request form Torii. I hope you liked it!

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