Reiner x Reader - Fly to You

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"How long has it been since I've last seen you?" Reiner's voice boomed from the other line into your ear.

"Almost two years.." You answered with a slight smile.

"That's a long time, considering how long we've known each other.."

"Yeah, it's been such a long time.." You sighed without knowing.

"Hey, don't worry, we'll meet again." He assured you.

"Of course, we will.."

"Well, I should get going now, _______."

"Yeah, it's getting late for you."

"It's fine, I could go all night with you.." He chuckled.

"Whatever, you need to get some sleep, Reiner."

"I will, good night, _______."

"Good night Reiner! Sweet dreams."

"Sweet dreams." He said and seconds later the both of you hung up.

You closed your eyes as you laid in bed thinking about him. It had been too long since the two of you were together.

The two of you met in high school when you transferred and became friends since then but ever since you graduated, you separated. Reiner decided to attend a school that was much much farther away from home while you stayed in town.

It wasn't until then when he told you he was moving so far away that he realized the feelings you shared were something much more than friends felt. You both decided that you could keep in contact but it wouldn't be anything too serious and from this day on, you two still have those same feelings.

On most nights he'd give you a call whenever he could and he'd even write letters to you. Sometimes you two would also video chat with each other as well. The two of you we're pretty much inseparable even if you were miles and miles apart.

The next day you hoped that everything would just breeze by since you were excited to finally get some rest from your busy week. Your classes did move kind of slow but you only had two classes in the morning and you would be done. After your last class, you made your way out to the classroom and made your way to the mail room just in case Reiner sent you a letter.

"Your letter arrived today!" Christa, the student at the desk exclaimed. "Here it is."

"Thanks!" You grabbed it from her and scrambled off to your dorm. You wondered what Reiner would talk to you about this time in the letter.

You unlocked your door and took a step into your dorm, which you shared alone, and plopped onto the bed. You carefully opened it and pulled out the piece of paper.

Dear ________,

School has been stressful lately but I know that everything will be better soon, much better. There's really not much to say other than that. Call me after reading this letter.

Sincerely, Reiner

P.S. - If only I could fly to you...

You smiled a little bitterly because the length of the letter was quite short compared to the other letter Reiner's written but that didn't matter to you since there were other ways that you two communicated so you decided to just forget about it.

You sighed as you pulled out your phone since Reiner did tell you to call him so you dialed his number. You held your phone to your ear and waited.

"Hello?" It was him.

"Hey, you wanted me to call.."

"Yeah, so you got my letter!"

"I did and it's so short!"

"I know.. I just didn't know what to say.." You could hear some shame in his voice.

"Don't worry, it's fine! But hey, why did you want me to call you?"

"Oh, you're all done with your classes right?"

"Yep, finally!" You stretched your free arm up in the air and yawned.

"Good, just wait for me then."

"Sure thing, talk to you soon, Reiner!"

"Talk to you soon!" He hung up.

You sat up and rushed over to your desk and opened your laptop. He always only video chatted with you on Fridays since he never wants you to stray too much from your studying and it was his free day too. But it was still a little early for him to be on. You just went along with it and waited for him, but you noticed he wasn't online.

"What's taking so long..?" You rested your elbow on the desk and rested your face on your hand. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Oh, _______!" You could tell it was Christa's voice. "You have a delivery and I thought I'd just bring it to you, are you in there?"

"Christa! Yeah, wait a second!" You scooted back on your chair and dashed for your door.

You opened the door and saw her with her arms behind her back. "Here it is!" She revealed her hands which were empty and motioned them to her right side.

"What's thi-" You saw Reiner walk by trying to hold his excitement in. "Reiner..?"

"I flew to you.." He said as he grabbed your hands.

"I hope you like your delivery!" Christa said as she waved goodbye to the two of you.

"Thanks Christa!!" You retuned her farewell as Reiner carried you in his arms and brought you into your room.

"I've missed you so much, _______." He set you down and just hugged you.

"Reiner, you should have said something!" you held him tightly as well, letting some small tears escape. "I've missed you too."

"I couldn't, I wanted to surprise you."

"It worked, I'm so happy to see you.." You stepped back so you could take a look at his face and you placed your hands on his cheeks. "You've matured so much.."

"And you've only grown more and more beautiful each day." He also held your face in his hands. "It's been too long.." He rested his forehead against yours and closed his eyes.

"I can't believe you're here.." your voice shook as you just looked at him in front of you. Oh how much you've missed Reiner so much that just being with him now made you tear up. "I really can't believe it.."

"You have to, I'm right here.." His face slowly leaned in closer to yours and you jumped back a little startled. "What's wrong..?" He looked a little shocked.

"It's just.." your cheeks flushed. "I mean.. we've never.. you know.."

"What are you so shy for? It's been a long time, you could at least give me a quick gift.."

"But.." Your face was so heated then that you couldn't face Reiner anymore. "But.."

"Don't worry, it's my first too.." He lowered his face in front of yours and cupped your red cheeks. "I've waited to do this you know.. for the right person."

You squeezed your eyes shut and puckered your lips stiffly as you felt Reiner's presence draw into yours. He was only a hair's width away before his own warm lips brushed yours and firmly rested on it. It was only for a few seconds before he finally pulled back and he had a big grin on his face.

"Not to bad.. huh?" He said cheekily with tinted cheeks.

"It wasn't that bad.." You wrapped your arms around his back and rested your head on your shoulder. "It was nicer than I thought.."

"Yeah, it was.." He wrapped his arms around you as well and rested his chin on the crown of your head.

"I'm so glad you're here.." You inhaled a deep breath of his scent.

"Yeah.. I know you are. So am I."

As you two stood there embracing each other, there was a sensation in your stomach. You didn't know how to explain it when it finally grumbled and Reiner could feel it against his own.

"Are you hungry?" He chuckled as he leaned out of the hug.

"Uhh.. maybe.." You stepped back and ruffled the back of your head.

"C'mon, I'll take you out for lunch., just like old times." He grabbed your hand and led you out of the dorm. "This will mark as our first date, okay?"

-- I feel like this could be better but idk > < sorry it took so long, but here's the Reiner request! college aus are so cute guys

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