Erwin x Depressed!Reader - Right Here

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Today just wasn't your day. You felt like the whole world was against you as you just had one miserable thing happen to you after another. You dragged your feet as you made your way around the camp to complete your duties but you just felt so out of it.

"_______, is something the matter?" Hanji asked you as you crumbled up some papers that were all over your desk.

"No, I'm just.. a little stressed right now."

"Oh.. then maybe you should go get some rest.." She suggested.

"No, I couldn't do that.." You pushed her idea away and just kept working. It would look bad if you were to leave so you just kept on working.

Later on, you decided to go have some lunch but your plan didn't go too smoothly. You weren't fully paying attention and accidentally bumped into a table, causing your food to fall off your tray. You did get some few extra pieces to replace your lost food but it was still embarrassing.

You found your way out of the building and went away somewhere to eat alone. You sat under a tree and had your lunch there, quite a ways from everyone else.

After eating, you leaned your head on the tree and looked up at its waving leaves. As you did this, you ran your fingers through the grass that covered the earth around you.

"Why is today even happening...?" You questioned yourself. Your voice cracked a little as you inhaled a sharp breath. "Why..?" A tear dropped onto your white pants and soaked through the fabric.

Soon your found yourself crying without a definite reason. You couldn't hold it in and you didn't want to hold it in. Crying there would be the best thing that happened to you that day.

"I'm so pathetic.." Your tears were slowly drying up as your face burned in its puffiness. "I'm really pathetic.." You stretched your legs in front of you and once again leaned on the trees. The leaves were still the same, waving at you. You tried to smile but you knew that it wasn't going to be a genuine smile so you just dropped your head and closed your eyes.

Before you returned back to work, you stayed a while longer so you could relax a little. You didn't want to go back right away looking so red in the face and waited. And when you finally returned, Hanji approached you. "Hey.. Erwin said he'd like a word with you.."

"Oh, is that right..?"

"Yep, everything's gonna be fine.." Hanji rubbed your back and she pushed you to the front of his door.

You slowly entered with your eyes staring at the floor. You were nervous to see Erwin, especially after you were crying just earlier.

"Why don't we have a seat over here.." He gestured toward a bench that was not too far away. It was decorated with some nice cushions and pillows.

"Sure.." you walked over there and sat next to him.

"Hey, you're not in trouble, _______. So don't look so stiff.."


"Hey, what's wrong? I'm not asking as Commander Erwin.. I'm asking just as Erwin, _______.. You know how much I care about you..." He trailed the tips of his fingers down the side of your face.

"Don't worry too much, Erwin.."

"I have to.. You don't look well.. are you alright..?"

"Mm-hmm.." You nodded your head.

"Look, I think you need to lay down.. just try to rest." He grabbed your shoulders and tried to have you lay down on the bench. "_______, please tell me what's wrong.."

You sighed before finally being able to say anything to him. Maybe you didn't have to keep it all to yourself anymore, so you decided it was okay to tell him.

"There's been a lot on my mind lately.." you rested your head on Erwin's thigh with your arm stretched straight up, spreading your fingers apart.

"What kind of things?" Erwin grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours.

"I don't know.." You exhaled a deep breath and closed your eyes. "There's so much on my mind.. Erwin, if I told you.. I'd feel like I'm just going to annoy you or something.."

"Why would you think that?" His unoccupied hand ran through your hair, stroking it gently.

"Someone like you doesn't need more stress to be added in your life.." You brought your arm down, still holding onto Erwin's hand.

"Well, if you put it that way you're just making me worry even more.."


"Just tell me what's on your mind.."

"Okay.. I will.." You sat up and scooted next to him. You put your feet up on the bench and wrapped your arms around your knees. "I just haven't been feeling like myself lately. I haven't been getting much sleep either and I've been so tired too. It doesn't make sense.." You rested your chin on your knees and closed your eyes. "It's not only that," you continued. "I feel like.. I'm just not myself.."

Erwin had leaned close to you so your heads were right next to each other. He gave you a longing stare and wrapped an arm around you.

"Erwin, I feel alone.. Like.. I don't know.. I'm just tired of it all.." You could feel some tears fill in your eyes. "I just.. I really don't know.." You wiped them away as you cried out a little more, wailing softly into your arms.

"_______.." Both of his arms were wrapped around you now. He laid his head against yours and just squeezed you tightly. "You shouldn't keep quiet about this.. you've held it in too long.."

"How do you know that...?"

"I can tell.." He lifted your face with one of his hands and had you face him. "You're truly a strong person, _______.. but it's good let it all out sometime.."


"Just cry, or scream, or whatever it is you need.. I'm right here for you, _______.." He kissed the top of your forehead and pulled you into an embrace.

"I-I'm so thankful for you, Erwin.." You sobbed into his chest, hugging him tightly and never letting go of him.

"I'm here for you.." he whispered again before kissing forehead once again.

-- Wahh, sorry for a lame update but I've been getting some Erwin requests so here's one! hope you liked it! (and can you guess what today is!?!?!)

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