Eren x Reader - 7 Minutes (part 2)

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You yawned as you sat under your blanket. You woke up from your sleep from some snoring in the room filled with the trainees. Since it was a little stuffy, you decided to go outside for a quick breather.

"Where you going?" As you were just about to shut the door behind you, you felt a yank at the door which surprised you. You turned and saw Eren standing there with a smile.

"Eren, you're awake too?" You were shocked to see him.

"Yeah, I couldn't fall asleep for a while. Then I saw you get up." He let himself out of the door and closed it behind him. "Can I join you?"

"Yeah, of course." You smiled at him.

The two of you went walking around the camp as the sun began to slowly peek out from the horizon. "Looks like we're the early birds huh?" He turned to the rising sun, putting his hand over his eyes.

"Looks like it." You looked in the same direction. "Too bad the trees are blocking our view.."

"Who cares about the sunrise!?" Eren scoffed. "I don't need to look at it if I can see you already." He looked at you and winked.

"Be quiet!" You pushed him as if to hide your blushing face.

"I mean it!" He walked up closer to you. "Hey.."


"You know.." He softly spoke. "We never really finished our game, right?"

"You mean.."

Eren nodded his head with a smirk.

"Don't be shy.." He lowered his head by your ear and whispered.

"I-I'm not shy.." You squeezed your eyes shut as he sent down a tingle down your spine.

"Let's finish our session then.." Eren led you behind a nearby tree so that the two of you weren't in the open.

You leaned up behind a tree as his face was not too far away. "Are you ready?" his voice was just as hot as it was like back in the closet. You gulped your nervousness down and answered was a simple yes.

Without any distraction to keep you from this moment, your lips collided with Eren's lips. One hand supported him as he leaned it on the tree and the other was gently wrapped around your waist. Your hands slowly trailed up his body and up to his face.

He pulled out and had smiled brightly as he looked into your eyes. With your hands still on his face you could only stare back as his green eyes. Both of your breaths were quick, trying to take in any oxygen before going back in for another kiss.

Both of his arms were now around your waist, pulling you closer to him so you were no longer leaning on the tree. Your arms wrapped around his neck now as the kiss deepened. His tongue grazed the surface of your lips as if he was making a plea to enter. That caused you to pull back and look at him.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing!" You said as you leaned in for a quick kiss.

"Let's save that for another time and head back, alright?"

"Sure.. but that's the second time already.. I won't hold back the third time."

"Whatever Eren, let's just get back before the others wake up!" Holding his hands, you led him back to the same building you two came out in.

-- there was a request to continue the 7 minutes fic so here~ it's honestly not good tho. orz

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