Levi x Reader - Closet

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"Sasha, can we just stop this game, I think everyone already had their turn.." You complained as she was busy turning the other way.

"Wait.. there's one more name left.." She turned to you and showed you the cup.

"Hey, you just put someone's name in there!" You shouted.

"Hmm.. whose name is it?" Eren, who was one of the few still up, asked.

"I don't know.. Why don't we have _______ draw it, since you did say that there was no one left." Sasha gave a you a glare.

"W-why me!?" You cowered.

"Just take it." Sasha handed the cup to you. "We're waiting.."

You took a deep breath as you dumped the last piece of paper in your hand. It was folded in your palm and you didn't want to open it.

"C'mon just-" Sasha stopped as the door of the room swung open.

"Why are you brats still up!?" Levi barged into the room.

"What a coincidence!" Sasha blurted with wide eyes.

"Huh!?" Everyone looked at her.

"Hey, you didn't open the paper yet." Sasha pointed to you as Eren went to talk to Levi about your sleepover.

"Levi!!??" You screamed. Those who were still awake gathered around you and laughed.

"You really put Levi?" Annie asked.

"Yeah," Sasha was hysterically laughing at your expression. "Eren, bring Levi over here."

"Huh, okay.." Levi walked over with Eren.

"What do you want." He asked with a demanding tone.

"Uhm.." Sasha tried to find the right words to say. "Can you take a look at the closet?" She pointed to the opened door. "_______, show him."

"What!?" You weren't getting near the closet if Levi was getting in with you.

"Help me out guys." Sasha commanded the others who brought you up to the closet.

Levi was already over there. "What, there's nothing wrong.."

"Not yet!" Sasha said as they pushed you into Levi. The two of you stumbled into the closet and the door followed after.

"What!? Hey!" Levi was on the floor with you toppled over him.

You scrambled to get off and went as far back as you could from him. Sorry was all you could say to him as he tried to open the door.

"Let us out!" He banged on the door.

"You two have only 6 minutes left, don't worry, we'll let you out!" Someone yelled back.

"It's a game.." You told him through the dark.

"A game?" He gave up on his effort to escape.

"Yeah.. just be locked up in a closet with someone for 7 minutes." You continued.

"And what are you supposed to do?"

"Kiss!!!" You heard someone shout followed by snickering.

"Kiss?" Levi repeated.

"N-no way! Just sit still and do nothing!" You shouted back but you froze once you felt a presence grow near you. "L-Levi.." you whispered.

"Did you want a kiss?" You could feel his breath right in front of your face.

"N-no!" You didn't move a muscle.

"Heh, fine.." He kissed you anyway but only on your cheek and backed away. The door finally opened and the light flooded in.

"How was it?" Sasha waddled her eyebrows up and down.

"Move." Levi marched out of the closet and towards the door. "Go to sleep. Your training tomorrow starts early in the morning."

"What!?" Everyone whined.

"Now go to sleep." The door slammed shut and everyone calmed down.

"So.. did Levi do anything?" Sasha walked over to you.

"Of course not!" You fumed as you stomped out of the closet with red cheeks.

"Hmm, I guess he really did do nothing.." Sasha sang.

"That's right!" You went over to your things and hid under your blanket.

-- ok I also didn't know what to write with this one too much.. just some light Levi action I guess. For Marina who requested!

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