Eren x Reader - Breach

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-- might contain some blood and gore and some spoilers? (not really) but enjoy

You never got to see 'Titan Eren' with your own eyes, not yet. The trainees talked about it with each other after the incident. After finding out about it you heard that Eren was locked away and the whole time you thought of him. You probably had a crush on him or something but you thought that love in a titan-filled world was just too difficult. And to add to that, you both were soldiers anyway so you couldn't let that interfere.

You had been injured from your first mission after a life threatening accident. You were lucky enough to escape a titan thanks to a friend but after that, you weren't able to walk for the next few weeks. You were taken back to safety only to hear about the rumors of Eren.

Then one day, there was another breach in the wall. There seemed to have been no explanation for it but everyone had to get ready to evacuate the target area. That day you were well on your way to recover from your leg injury, hoping that you would be able to walk though the nurse insisted that you stay back despite being a soldier. "You're a useless vessel at the moment. You'll only be a burden to those around you by having them worry about you," they said.

You laid in bed biting back at your anger and trying to calm yourself down. The nurse was right, in your condition it was risky. You weren't sure if you we're fully healed yet but you knew that there was no more pain. That was enough for you to sneak out and head out to where the action was.

You stood up on the wall, looking down at the catastrophe that was caused by the titans. Smoke rose from some areas and a crowd formed at the gate. People were scrambling to escape the wrath of the titans.

You searched around making sure that no titans were near before going off and away from the unarmed people. You noticed in the distance a titan heading their way and decided that was your first victim. You ran and leapt of the top of the wall falling towards the ground. Your rope planted against a nearby building, and you swung forward, heading towards the titan.

"Did you guys miss me!?" You yelled out as you drew closer to the titan. His hungry eyes watched you as he reached out to grab you. You felt the wind from his hand pass you as you barely escaped his hand and aimed your rope to the back of its neck. You let yourself closer to the titan and got your swords ready to slice the flesh.

It was a clean cut against the back, gliding through the meat of the titan and out into the air. "That was good, wasn't it?" You jumped off the titan and onto a building. You got on the highest point and searched around for anymore titans. Seeing that there were none nearby, you went further towards the wall where the titans were.

"_______!" You turned and saw Armin. Eren must be around, you thought as you greeted the blonde. "You look like your doing well."

"I'm fine, is everyone alright?"

"Yeah, there are still some people out there that we have to get back to safety but for the most part, everyone is evacuating."

"I'm glad.." you sighed.

"So am I. Come this way, I was on my way over here, they needed more people." Armin began to run to the end of the roof and jumped off.

"Alright." You followed Armin to the direction he mentioned.

After going with Armin, many titans came into view. "The breach isn't too far from here so there's a lot more titans here. Some families are still here so we're here to bring them back."

"Sounds good." You searched around and saw some movement under a fallen house. "Armin!" You signaled in that direction.

"You take care of them, I'll be over here!" He jumped on as way and you did too.

You swung over to the pile of rubble and landed on the floor. As you did, you might've put too much pressure on one leg and heard a slight crack followed by a shooting pain surging up from your ankle. You stumbled a bit before kneeling in front of a woman.

"Please, save us.." She cried in agony. You could hear a child screaming out from under.

"D-don't worry ma'am, you'll be fine." Trying to ignore the new pains in your leg, you began lifting away wood on top of the woman.

She began wriggling out revealing a young boy. "You go first, my son.." She helped support him and he was able to climb out. Blood had covered his knees and legs all over. He looked as if he was ready to just drop.

"You're next." You went further and tried to remove the remaining pieces.

"Mama, hurry!" The kid cried out. "Hurry before it's too late! Help my mom its coming!" He clung onto your leg, squeezing it tight enough so you could feel the nails dig into you.

"Shh.." you tried to calm him down before feeling the ground shake heavily. Your eyes widened as you froze. The shaking was closer and your felt a large aura surround your back side. The crying child let you go and went to hug his mom.

You looked back and saw the titan reach down for you. If you ran, you would be responsible for the death of these two people. If you stayed, you all might as well be gone with them. You made your decision and firmly stood your ground.

The fingers were only a few meters away and you were able to draw your swords fast enough to cut some of it. The titan screamed out as it retracted its hand and brought forth its other, aiming for you. You tried to cut it again but it flew away all a sudden.

It happened so quick so you were only able to see a glimpse of it, a titan punching another titan. The titan that reached for you was now knocked down and the other was standing up and roared into the sky. The jet black hair fell down just above its shoulders and its teeth reached all the way to its cheeks. You stood there in awe of the rogue titan, Eren Jaeger. At least you were sure that it was Eren who just saved you.

You turned your attention away from Eren and turned back to the mother and her son. She was barely holding onto life, leaning into her son. You scrambled to her side and pushed away the pieces that covered her. Her legs were bleeding out like a fountain. You were nervous seeing all the blood and proceeded to take your jacket off. You covered the woman's wounds and hoped that the bleeding would stop soon. You hoped that she wouldn't die from all the blood that had already spewed.

"_______!" You shot up and saw Reiner and Bertholdt drop down. "Armin told us you were here. It's nice to see you're okay."

"Yeah, nice to see you too. I'm not as strong as you guys so could you take care of these two." You showed them the pair.

"Of course." Reiner carried the woman carefully and Bertholdt carried the child.

"We'll be back, alright?" You nodded as you saw them off.

As soon as they left, you searched for Eren. You got on a roof and saw him sitting against a building with many titan bodies around him. His hands were steaming.

You went up to him hoping that he was okay. As you were nearing him, you saw him slowly get up. You were confused as why he did so and looked behind you. You didn't take a moment to stop as your turned back and you ended up tripping on your injured foot. An aberrant was rushing toward the two of you and Eren ran towards it. His fist met with the jaw of the titan and it was sent flying. Eren's titan body was now on the ground as well, too exhausted from its fight against the titans. You rushed to his side to make sure everything was okay. Not sure where he was, Armin was able to come along and help bring Eren out of the body.

The next day, you were in a chair with a knee to your chest. Your other leg hung off the chair next to a bedside. You heard a creak in the bed and turned your head. "You're awake.." you whispered.

"Uhhh.." Eren groaned with a hand against his head. "_______..? What are you-"

"Thanks.." You interrupted him. "I'm here to thank you."

"What did I do..?" He looked confused as ever.

"You saved me and two others."

"Did I?"


"Oh.." he looked up. "I remember.." he let out a deep breath. "I'm happy to see you again, _______. It's been a while.."

"It has been." You couldn't help but smile.

"Your ankle looks worse."

"I made it worse going back out."

"I saw.." he cleared his throat. "You were helping the mother and her child but that titan was going for you."

You were silent.

"You landed on your ankle and it probably made it worse.."

"I know.." you looked down at your bandaged leg.

"That doesn't matter though.. as long as you're still here." You felt his cold hand cover yours. "Next time, don't be so foolish and set out while you're injured."

"Wh-what are you saying..?" You turned in shock.

"I can't lose you.. you really have to be careful, _______. That's what I'm saying."


"I'm glad you're here, _______.." He squeezed your hand tighter. "I love you, you know..?"

-- sorry it took a while but it's all done! here's the Titan Eren request! c: it's quite long but whatever sorry for spelling mistakes too > <

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