Jean x Injured!Reader

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Your legs wobbled as you took each step against dusty roads of the destroyed district, sneaking by from any titans that might spot you. You heard the booming and jumped through a broken window, hiding within the shadows of the house. You took a deep breath as the giant walked passed. You peeked outside and saw the titan going away in the distance.

You waited a little longer and made a mad dash for the exit and rolled onto the floor triggering a pain in your leg. You ran in the opposite direction of the titan and searched for someone, anybody to help you. You held onto your stomach to try and suppress the aches that boomed with each heartbeat.

You felt like you ran forever, not seeing a soul in view. You wanted to yell out but you were afraid it could lure a titan. You ran along wishing that someone would be searching for you. But the dull buildings mocked you and laughed at you for being left alone.

You were growing more and more anxious with each and every corner you turned with no trace of a human. There were only idle houses or broken down buildings. Unable to bear anymore solitude, your voice gave out a small cry and your eyes stung with tears. You silently sobbed to yourself as you felt your knees grow weak. Your bloody hands were now flat against the road and a tear met the dust. You tried to fight back your tears but it only made it worse. Maybe everyone had forgotten about you. Maybe they presumed you to be dead. Whatever it was, you knew they probably stopped searching for you.

Your crying stopped when you heard large footsteps. A titan was on its way. You came back to your senses and wiped the remaining tears and got up. Glancing backward you saw the titan walking towards you. You ran for your life hoping you could lose it. The titan noticed you and now began to target you. Fearing for your life, you tried to keep running but your leg gave out. You were running so much that it reached its limit and you fell over. You tried to get up but the pain was too much to handle so you only laid there.

At this moment you screamed out as loud as you could. You didn't care if no one was able to hear you but you screamed out your last cries. You stumbled to get up and kept falling, hurting yourself more and more inside and out. Your tears burned against your cheeks as the shadow loomed over you.

No longer having the will to move, your voice died down along with the tears. You closed your eyes and your shoulders dropped and relaxed. This was it, you thought. You breathed your last breaths and embraced death that would be soon upon you.

You waited for the titan's hand to squeeze you but you heard a raging scream. Your eyes widened and your head perked up. You turned around and heard the blades slice the flesh of the titan. With the target area successfully cut, the titan fell on its side into neighboring buildings, causing much dust to rise. A figured leaped into the air and down a few meters from you.

"_______!" His voice called out. "Are you alright?" Coming from behind the cloud, Jean could be seen running towards you.

"Jean.." your voice cracked as you tried to get off the ground.

"I've been looking for you.." He instantly hugged you around your neck once he was close enough. "I'm so sorry.."

"You were looking for me..?" you repeated.

"Of course." He squeezed you tighter. "We had a head count before departing and I didn't see you. I'm glad you're alive."

"I am too.." your tears welled up in your eyes again and you clung onto Jean as tightly as you could. "I thought I was forgotten.." you cried out. "No one was here.."

"Shh," He rubbed your back. "You're alright now, _______. You're with me. C'mon, let's get you out of here." He picked you up and began running. "Hold on tight!" He told you.

Without hesitation, you wrapped your arms around him and buried your face against his neck, feeling a sense of comfort.

"I'm sorry, _______, I won't lose you like this again." Jean whispered as he continued on his way back to safety.

-- hope its alright! ^^ I feel like I've been writing so much action lately that it's too repetitive but oh well. And sorry, Jean-interaction is very low sadly orz and idk how to title so no title sorry

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