Armin x Reader - The Puddle

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The rain was carefully falling all morning long. The grey clouds were glowing in the skies leaving no trace of blue to seep through. You had been inside all day curled up in bed doing whatever it was you usually did during the rainy days.

You looked out behind your window curtains once the pitter-patter of the rain ceased, flinching at the light at first. The clouds were finally clearing out and the blue sky was now slowly being revealed. This caused your lips to stretch up and you were tempted to go outside.

It was a weird feeling but you were eager to put on some boots to go splash in some puddles. You were preparing to get ready to go out and put on some decent clothes and found your rain boots. Before leaving you checked yourself in the mirror and winked at yourself. With that you felt able to go outside and explore.

As you took your first steps, the rainy scent filled the air around you. It travelled to your senses and you could smell the wet dew on the plantation around you. You looked up at the sky and all around you at the vivid colors that were not present in the morning during the storm. You let out a breath and decided to keep going on your short walk.

As your boots met with the small puddles of water ripples formed, distorting your reflected boots. You searched for larger puddles to go walk in and remembered a depression in a land not too far away. You recalled playing there a lot with other kids as a child and went in that direction. The puddles became more visible as you ambled along the sidewalk splashing on some small puddles.

You were on your way until your eyes caught a peculiar bunch of water. It was close to the roots of a tree but the reflection was light blue. This grabbed your attention and you went to it wondering how it could possibly be reflecting the sky under a shade of the tree.

You peered slowly over the puddle and there was nothing odd about it. You looked deep into and just saw the dirt under all the water. You glanced above you to see if there was a way it could reflect and blue and saw no light peek through. You scratched your head in confusion and decided to look back at the puddle. This time it was glowing once again.

You gasped and jumped back again. You examined it closely, seeing specks of white in the background. You instantly jumped to your knees, intrigued by this suspicious collection of rain water and pulled your face closer to it. Your hand slowly approached the surface of the water and was hovering over the water but you were startled by the figure that suddenly appeared in the puddle.

A young blonde boy smiled at you and waved. You couldn't believe your eyes and tried blinking few times and the boy was still there. You could see him giggling at your disbelief and even splashed some water at you. You were a little annoyed and wanted to do something to him but you hesitated since he was in a puddle. You stopped yourself decided to try to talk to him.

"Hey! Can you hear me?" You asked him.

He nodded.

"What are you do-"

He splashed water in your face again and you fumed.

"What was that fo-"

Water splashed against your face once again. You suddenly couldn't hold yourself any longer and jumped into the small pool. Your eyes widened at the realization of your actions and you quickly prepared yourself for what you thought was going to happen.

As you held your breath and your diving position, you opened an eye and saw something that was never like the world you lived in. All around you was something that could only be a fantasy. The sky wasn't blue like how it was normally. It had a more neon touch to it. All around were floating objects resembling things of the sea, such as coral or sponge. You looked closely at the sky in this place and saw the specks just like before. It was like the stars of the the night sky you knew. From all this you came to a conclusion that you were in the puddle of the mysterious boy.

Still amazed by your surroundings, you didn't notice the blonde boy laughing and this time you heard him. Once your ears noticed the sound you scrambled to adjust your body back to a normal stance but it was harder than it seemed. You kept sloshing back and forth as if you were in water. You wanted to take a breath since you we're running out soon as well. Afraid that you might drown, you held your breath longer. You squeezed your eyes and held on tightly, hoping that you could somehow survive.

"Just breathe!" The boy shouted as he swam to your side and held your shoulders.

You gave in and let out a breathe and before you knew it, you were panting.

"There you go.." He patted your back.

"Gosh.." you let out a sigh.

"This must be your first time." He said as he moved his hand off of you.

"My first time?"

"Welcome to the Puddle." He smiled and stretched his arms out to display the world you were now in.

"The Puddle..?" You cocked your head to its side.

"Isn't it a beautiful place?"

"I don't know what to even think.. I think I should get out.." You frantically looked around for an exit.

"Wait! You just got here.. aren't you at least curious..?" He tried to persuade you to stay.

"The only reason I came here was because you splashed me!"

"Haha," he chuckled. "I knew it would work!"

"Hmph." You turned and swam up to where you saw a dark hole. "That must be the exit.." you said to yourself.

"Wait!" You felt a hand grip your wrist. "Please stay! You're the first visitor in a long time.." His eyes were very alluring and you tried to resist. But you couldn't and ended up staying after all.

"The Puddle has existed way before I was born. I was actually born here. It's weird since it's not like the human world." The blonde was explaining to you about his world as the two of you sat in a purple squishy jellyfish like floating object. He told you that there was no 'ground' like in the your world. Everything was underwater. As soon as something or someone is in the Puddle, they are just like the people here. They have the ability to breathe underwater.

You were honestly creeped out at first but you later changed your mind. The Puddle actually proved to be an interesting place.

"And these purple things are- hey! Where are you going?" He jumped up to follow you. You were getting bored of his talking and wanted to go look around yourself.

"I want to explore!" You exclaimed.

"Wait! You shouldn't go alone! You might not be able to get back home!" You stopped at his words and turned back.

"What are you talking about?" You asked.

"Well, there's only one entrance in the puddle and that's chosen by me.. It's that one right there." He pointed at the dark hole. "We shouldn't go too far from there in case it dries out."

"What? That's the only way out..?"

"Unfortunately yes.."

"Oh.." You swam back slowly. "That's okay then.."

"Don't worry, there's a lot to look at still!" He assured you.

"Hey.." you turned to him.

"What is it?"

"What's your name? You never told me.." You looked away feeling heat in your cheeks.

"Oh, excuse me." He rubbed the back of his hair. "It's Armin Arlert. And yours?"

"I'm __________." You bowed your head. "Well.. are you ready to tour me or what?"

"O-of course!" He took your hand and swam along taking you to some places. "Don't worry, with me you'll be fine! I know when the puddle's closing so I'll bring you back before then."

"Sure Armin." You smiled at him and swam alongside him.

-- this is like Haru's dream place no lie. But anyway, here's the Armin request! I want to write a second part since I packed so much and ended off at a bad point..? idk this was soooo much better in my head but yeah. and orz I seriously don't know how to title things sorry.

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