Marco x Reader - Sleepyhead

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"Are you tired yet?" You read on the blue light that shown in the darkness of your room.

You replied instantly denying the fact that you might have been sleepy and typed a simple "No, not yet. Are you?"

After a few seconds or two, your phone vibrated. "I'm never tired with you.." Upon reading these words your heart skipped and a smile stretched across your lips.

You took a while to reply back since you we're still giggling at the reply. "I'm not tired with you either, Marco!" You sent and took a deep breath, stretching yourself out on your bed.

Marco and you were definitely having a thing going on. You could remember your innocent young days of shying away from each other at school. He had a crush on you and you had a crush on him. Though, the two of you never spoke to each other thinking that the feelings you both had were not mutual.

Your relationship bloomed after you two became partners in a class. It was honestly awkward at first but the two of you managed and soon became great friends. And from there on, you finally exchanged numbers and now text each other as much as you can.

All your friends thought you were totally crazy for him. You did accept that fact but it was none of their concern, it was your life. You knew that you definitely liked Marco a lot and you were glad to be in some type of relationship with him.

"So.. How long are you staying up tonight?" Your eyes dragged across your phone's screen.

Pursing your lips in thought you typed your answer, "When you fall asleep."

"Well, then I'm going to stay up all night!" Was his reply.

"You can't do it. You fall asleep so easily!"

"No I don't."

"Yes! Let's see who can stay up longer then!"

"You're on!"

"You can't beat me.." You laughed to yourself as you sat up hoping it would wake you up a bit.

"Hey, let's make this more interesting!"


Moments later, there was no response from Marco. You watched your phone carefully until your screen changed. Marco was calling you. You freaked out at first since this was your first call from him. Besides that one time when he generously asked you to wake him up by calling him but that's a different story.

After letting your phone buzz a couple more times, you frantically picked it up and answered. "Hello?" You heard Marco's sweet voice fill your ear.

"H-hey!" Your voice was a little dry but you managed to let it out.

"Whoever falls asleep first loses alright? If I hear you snoring, you lose!" He sounded a lot more excited than you thought he'd be.

"I won't lose to you Marco. You always fall asleep before me!" You defended yourself.

"Hmph, we'll see. But hey! If I win, I get something then."

"What do you mean if you win?" Your eyebrows furrowed.

"Think about it. I'm gonna beat you." He exclaimed.

"No you won't!"

"I will.. I'll just be quiet now and wait for you to fall asleep!"

"Hey! You can't do anything to keep you up then! That's the rules! You can only be on the phone!"

"Even if you did something, you'd still lose." Marco chuckled. "I know how tired you get during the day."

"Be quiet!" Your cheeks filled with a burning sensation.

"Well, like I said, the winner deserves something, right?"

"Hmm.." you thought for a second. "Sure.. let's think of something for the other person to do then.."

"I already have mine!" He shouted.

"What is it?"

"I'm not telling you.. I'll wait for you to find out.." You heard him snicker in the background.

"Well, I won't tell you mine either!!"

It had passed about 15 minutes as the two of you made some small talk. You kept thinking about what it was that you could make Marco do as a punishment. Soon enough you let out a yawn and your eyes grew weary.

"Awwww.." you heard Marco.


"You sound so cute.. that's all.." you could tell from his voice that he was also getting tired. His breaths were getting much heavier too.

"I'm not the only cute one here, you know?"

"You're right.. there's also that stuffed bear I gave you." He chuckled.

"That's not what I meant!" You looked at the bear and smiled remembering that day.

"Well, I do know that it's at least with you right now."

"And how's that, you stalker?"

"I just know.. I'm good at getting gifts."

"Whatever!" Marco laughed and you hid yourself under your blankets, squeezing them since he was seriously causing you to have all these unnecessary feelings.

"You're so adorable.." he whispered. "I'm so lucky to have you in my life.."

You didn't reply since you we're too shocked. You dug your face in your pillow and let out some muffled squeals. "Marco, you need to stop being so.. ugh!"

"I'm telling you the truth.."

"Well.. then."

"You're great, _______."

You didn't know how to respond and just smiled like an idiot. Being with Marco was a little bit too much for you since he kept throwing these cheesy things at you.

Soon, a few hours passed and you two were clearly exhausted. Marco was still awake though. Once in a while he would check up on you asking if you we're still up and each time it woke you up a little from your dazes.

"Hello..?" He called out but there was no response. "Are you asleep, sweetie?"

Your ear perked at the word sweetie and you woke up. "Huh?" Your heart raced since he just called you sweetie. "O-of course I'm awake!"

"That's good, so we can still battle this out. But.." he paused. " I think you're getting tired though."

"What? No..."

"Get some sleep okay? I heard your breathing, you were definitely asleep at some point."


"Good night, sleepyhead."

"Ahhh fine.. Good night Marco. I lose.."

"Don't hang up though.." he stopped you from doing so.


"Just stay with me.. I'll wait for you to fall asleep.."

"Fine.. I guess I could do that then.."

"Good, now go to sleep."

"Yeah yeah, good night Marco.." you whispered until you finally fell into a deep slumber.

On the other line, Marco smiled and softly spoke. "I love you, _______."

The following morning you woke up to a call from Marco. Still wanting to sleep you groggily picked up the phone. As soon as you pick up, Marco asked. "Guess who won?"

You were half awake at this time and you groaned and waited for his answer.

"I did, so that means you have to do something for me!" He sang from the other line.

"But.. no!"

"Hey, you fell asleep so you lose."

"You told me to go to sleep though.." you tried to get away from his punishment.

"Nope, you lost so now you have to do anything I say.."

"Ahh, fine.. I guess that's only fair.."

"Good, now come outside to your door then."


"Come outside!" Marco repeated.

A little confused, you rushed out of bed quickly, making sure you looked decent enough to be out. You sneaked out to the front of your house and opened the door.

"Hey, sleepyhead." Marco greeted you.

"M-Marco! What are you-"

"I have something to ask you, _______."

"What is it..?"

Marco cleared his throat and fixed his stance. "_______, will you be my girlfriend?" He was obviously nervous and his freckles were soon being accompanied by a pink shade.

You giggled that he would show up in front of your house and ask you this. "Of course," you answered back. "I'd love to be your girlfriend!" You were so excited that you jumped to him and threw your arms around him.

"Good, you have to anyway since I won." He hugged you back.

"I'd want to be your girlfriend either way, Marco."

"I'm glad then.." He backed his head away and looked into your eyes. Feeling a little shy at first, you glanced away. At this, Marco let out a small laugh and came in closer to your face and slowly placed a kiss against your forehead. "You're my sleepyhead now.."

-- IM SO SORRY I fell asleep in the middle if writing this and i don't even feel like its good but here's the Marco request ;-;

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