Eren x Reader - Haunted House

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"What was that!?" You jumped and grabbed a hold of the back of Eren shirt and hid behind him.

"_______, what are you so afraid of? C'mon, we haven't even gotten to the house yet." Eren muttered.

"No, I'm out. I don't want to go to that house anymore!" You turned around and began walking the opposite direction.

"Wait, don't chicken out! You agreed that you would go with me, okay?"


The two of you approached the creaky old abandoned house and you grew more and more hesitant. "Eren, I don't think I can do this."

"I don't care, _______. We're this far, let's go." Eren held your wrist tightly to make sure you wouldn't run away and opened the door.

"No, no! Eren stop, I don't wanna go- hey it's empty."

"It's abandoned for a reason. Let's go explore." Eren jerked you and led you in deeper into the house.

"Okay.. Eren, I think we're done here.. I'm starting to see things." You eyeballed a blurred figure that stood still in a corner. "C'mon, chop chop, we're getting out of here."

"Wait, we haven't even seen the top floor." Eren seemed oblivious to what you were seeing.

"Eren, EREN, TELL ME YOU DON'T SEE THAT!" You pointed to a crawling girl on the floor that was approaching the two of you.

"Nonsense, there's nothing there!"

"SHUT UP WILL YOU, UGH I DONT CARE ANYMORE!" You took his hand and you ran away from the girl that was crawling towards you.

"What the heck!? Why are you like this?"

"BECAUSE I THINK I CAN SEE GHOSTS!" The two of you trotted up the stairs until you found a bedroom. You dashed in there and jumped on a bed holding Eren tightly.

"What are you doing..?" he questioned.

"Eren, this was a bad idea. I think we're gonna die. Just because you can't see ghosts means nothing but I saw them. I really did."

"Calm down.." He held your shoulders and looked into your eyes. "You're acting a little crazy right now."

"Eren!?!? You don't believe me!?" Just then you heard a door creak and you saw the door open slowly. At the same time the windows and the closet door also began to open.

"Eren!" You dug your face into his chest.

"What's going on, _______?! What did you see!?"

"We're gonna get eaten alive by the ghosts!" You screamed into his chest. "We can't escape now!" You almost teared up.

"As long as I die with you, _______.."

"You idiot!! Why are you saying that at a time like this!?"

"Bwahahaha!" you looked up knowing that wasn't Eren who laughed. There was a figure in the doorway and you were sure it was him that laughed.

"You two are too funny!" It continued.

"Eren, what is this?" You asked. He also began chuckling.

"Oh my gosh, that was priceless." The ghost removed its mask and you squinted to see its face.

"JEAN!?!? WHAT. THE. HECK." You quickly let go of Eren and pushed him off the bed.

You felt someone touch your shoulder and turned, "You're mine.." You punched it away out of reflex and heard a familiar voice.

"What was that for!?" Connie took off his wig and rubbed his nose.

"Shut up Connie." you crossed your arms.

"I'm sorry for scaring you like that!" Armin removed his long dark wig and came in behind Jean in a white gown and messy hair. "Eren and Jean forced me, I swear."

"Eren! You knew about this!?!?" You jumped on your feet and looked down on him who was on the floor laughing at his successful prank.

"Oh, _______, you're too easy to scare!" he cried out with tears in his eyes.

"UGH, you're all jerks!" You stormed out but Jean stopped you.

"Hey, c'mon, don't be down. It was just a prank.." Jean tried to keep himself from laughing.

"Yeah, _______. I'm sorry." Eren got up and wiped his pants off.

"That was so uncool Eren!" you turned and tried to leave but Eren stopped you this time.

"Wait.. Stop. Let me explain."

"What do you need to explain to me!?" You crossed your arms.

"Uhh, we'll leave you two alone.." Connie got up and left the room along with Jean and Armin.

"You jerks need to stay too!!" You stood up to go after then but the door slammed shut.

"It wasn't their idea.." Eren sighed. "It was mine.."

"Of course it was!"

"Calm down, I know it was kind of stupid to do but.."


"Yeah, but I said I'd die with you!" Eren yelled out and he turned a light shade of pink.

"That.. that doesn't matter!"

"Don't you get it?"

"I do but you're such an idiot!!! That's not how you get girls, Eren!!!"

"Then how do you get girls?"

"Eren.." you went and stood in front of him. "You just have to tell them. Not scare the heck out of them.."

"You mean.. like this..?" Eren pulled his face close to yours and kissed your cheek.

You had chills go down your spine at his contact and smiled. He pulled away, "I'm sorry again."

"You're still a jerk." You smiled and hugged him. "But I forgive you."

"Let's leave this place before we actually see something!" Eren suggested as he took your hand in his.

"Yeah, this place still gives me the creeps. Even if Jean isn't masked up like a ghost."

"Hey I heard that!" Jean's exclaimed from outside the room.

The two of you laughed and went on your way out of the house.

--idek guys I wanted to do something for Halloween so here ya go

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