Bertholdt x Reader - Thank You

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"Trick or treat!" You yelled out to the tall boy that stood in front of you.

"_______, what are you doing here?" Bertholdt looked at you confused and continued, "You aren't even dressed up."

"I'm here for your candy, so fork it up!" You threatened to poke him with your fingers.

"Here." He handed you one chocolate bar.

"That's it?" You crossed your arms.

"Yeah, sorry, the rest are for the kids."

"Fine, whatever, can I come in?"

"Sure, why not?" He let you into his home and closed the door. "Why are you here anyway?"

"I heard you didn't go to the party.." you said as you examined the interior of Bertl's home.

"Yeah, I didn't want to."

"Bertl, you have a guest?" His mom heard your voice and wanted to see who it was.

"Yeah, it's _______."

"Hello, Mrs. Fubar." you waved.

"Oh, I didn't know Bertl was having you come over." She winked at you and smiled sweetly.

"Yeah, it was unexpected.." You cheekily smiled back at her.

"Well, why won't the two of you head to the living room, I'll have Bertl's father handle the treats." She headed into the kitchen.

"Thanks, Mom," Bertl led you into a neat room with a fire place and couches surrounding a coffee table. "Take a seat."

"Thanks, I will." You sat at on end of a couch and Bertl sat at the other.

"So why did you really come here?"

"I told you already, I heard you weren't going to the party." you explained.

"That's it?"

"I was a little lonely tonight okay?"

"So you decide to come to my house?"

"Hey! You're like a best friend to me Bertl! You were my first choice of anyone else!"

"Aww, you don't have to say it like that." he chuckled.

"Shut up Bertl.. So what is there to do?"

"Nothing much. And that's why I'm questioning why you came in the first place."

"Whatever.." you yawned. "Why am I getting tired?"

"Life is tiring.." he yawned as well.


"Yeah, _______?"

"There was actually something I wanted to tell you for a long time now."

"And what's that?"

"I like you."

He felt his heart tingle as you looked in his eyes. He didn't know what to say back to you. Well, he did, he just couldn't say anything back since he was shocked that you even liked him.

"I'm sorry, that was random, wasn't it?"

"I like you too.. _______.."

This time it was you who felt it in your heart, the tingle and the red cheeks. You smiled as you grabbed his hands. "That's good.. I thought it was one-sided.."

"Why would you think that?"

"It's just-"

"I like you, _______. For a while now, just like you, I've liked you. I just, couldn't find the courage to tell you.. So thank you for being the one to tell me." He pulled you into his chest and hugged you.

You smiled as you hugged him back. "Thank you too, for accepting me."

-- I know it's late for Halloween but oh well. and I'm sorry, this fic is just crap like idek what this is tbh

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