Jean x Reader - Survival (Part 2)

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"Jean.. maybe we should climb the trees." you looked up at the trees as you walked behind Jean.

"I don't know, I'm sure the hunters are all over." He replied as he continued walking ahead of you.

"Then where should we go?"

"I don't know, let's just keep moving.."

The two of you walked until the sun submerged into the horizon. It felt like years that the two of you were walking and hiding from any noise you two heard.

"Jean, let's purposely get caught!" you raised your arms, "I'm exhausted!"

"Shhh! This is training, we have to take this seriously, _______."

"Okay.. Hey, I think I see someone.." you pointed out as you glanced behind you.

"Oh, shoot, let's run!" He grabbed your arm and ran ahead of you as he looked back at the figures you saw.

"Jean! Wait!" You stopped your legs to catch his attention. "We have to go another way!" you pointed ahead and there were more figures in the distance.

Jean gasped and instantly ran to the left jumping though bushes. "Hurry _______!" he let his arm out as you jumped over. You grabbed onto his hand and began running behind him.

"Jean, should we be running? We didn't even know if they were the hunters or not!"

"Doesn't matter, I don't trust anyone else right now."

Suddenly you heard the sound of gas shooting out around you.


"I know!" He wrapped his arm around your waist as your feet left the ground.

"It's them! And put me down! I'll do this myself!"

"Stop moving! We need to preserve our gas for tonight. Stay put so I can maneuver easier!"

"Ugh, fine!" you relaxed a bit and let Jean carry you throughout the branches.

"Jean, they're gaining on us!"

"Not for long..

Jean was pretty good with his maneuver gear so you left it up to him. He swung ahead of the hunters for a while before they eventually caught up.

"_______, I'm gonna drop and you as soon as you fall, run the other way."

"What are you talking about!? We're a team, I can't leave you! Oh, I know.."

"What are you thinking."

"Put me down and hold onto me. Hurry before they reach us."

"_______... okay I'm going let us fall.." Jean retracted his wires and the two of you fell down.

You twisted your body so it faced the opposite direction you and Jean had just been traveling and pressed your fingers on the triggers. Jean held onto your back as the two of you swung forward onto the ground. "Let's run!" You took Jean's hand in yours and sprinted forward.

"I don't know if that allowed us to get away, but I don't hear them as much. This'll buy us time." Jean ran ahead and used his gear again lifting you up. "Just to be safe let's travel this way if they're still after us."

Jean was carrying you again through the forest and you kept watch of any threat around you guys. He carried your for a while longer before putting you down and resting.

"Jean, you've done enough, you should get some rest." You put a hand in his shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm getting tired.."

"We should find somewhere to hide.." you scanned the dark area with your eyes. "But where.."

"Maybe we should just his under some small trees and bushes." Jean suggested.

"There!" you saw a ditch a couple yards away and jogged up too it. "The moon is giving light over here but it's better than nothing.."

"Yeah, let's hope we don't get caught here then.."

Jean followed after you as you slid down into the ditch. You searched the area looking for a place to keep you two hidden.

"Over there! The base of a tree seems to be hanging over so maybe we could hide under there!" You grabbed Jean's hand and guided him.

"I hope it's safe under here.." you crunched down and wiped the ground with your hand before sitting down. You patted the spot next to you and looked up at Jean. "C'mon, you need to rest too!"

Jean sat down and leaned on you, "It's gonna be a long night.." he yawned as his head touched yours.

"It is.."

"And its getting cold.." Jean wrapped his arms around you.

"Hey, no one said you could do that!"

"Be quiet, I've been carrying you while using 3DMG, the least you could do is keep me warm!"

"Whatever, just be quiet so we don't get caught!"

"Yes ma'am." Jean snuggled you closer and closed his eyes.

--sorry for awkwardly placed fluff and if the action part makes no sense but there you go. I'll most likely make a part 3 soon c:

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