Armin x Reader - Surprise

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"Armin? What are you still doing here?" You stood in front of the blonde as he kept his eyes on the book in front of him. "All you seem to do is read.."

"I know, I'm just studying, is that wrong?"

"Well err, no.. it's just, you don't have to isolate yourself from the others.."

"It's okay, I'm sure they're busy doing other things today.." He didn't raise his head once.

You felt bad for him because today you made everyone ignore him. Even his own two friends from his hometown. If anyone would be there to even acknowledge him on his own birthday, it would be them at least. But you wanted to plan a surprise for Armin. You gave into your guilt and spoke up.

"A-Armin.. Uhm.."

"What is it..?"

"Aren't you hungry? Maybe we should go get something. I mean, since lunch is starting soon.."

"It's okay, I'm not hungry.." he said abruptly.

"Armin.. let's go!" you reached for him under his arm and lifted him up.

"_______, I told you I'm not hungry.."

"You have to eat!" He finally got up and followed after you. "Don't look so down Armin, you look too sad, is something the matter?"

"No.. I'm just.. not feeling well.." he hung his head low as the two of you walked to the mess hall.

"Why's that?" You turned to him.

"Well, I mean today's.."

"Oh, Armin!" you interrupted him before he could finish. "Go in ahead first! I have to fix my shoe.."

"Oh.. sure..." He reached for the handle of the door.

"And Armin?"

"Yeah, _______?"

"Happy birthday!" You smiled to him.

The door opened and Eren and Mikasa were standing in the doorway. "Happy birthday, Armin!" they both yelled out!

You stood up and guided him in. "C'mon, it's all for you!"

You two stepped in the mess hall and everyone was in there. "Happy birthday, Armin!" Jean and Marco waved to him.

"Happy Birthday!" Reiner, Bertl, and Annie greeted.

"Happy Birthday Armin!!" Sasha and Connie jumped out from behind a table.

"Happy birthday, we baked a cake for you, Armin!" Christa and Ymir came by holding a white cake.

"Everyone..." tears welled up in his eyes.

"Happy birthday, Armin.." you finally said wrapping your arm around his shoulder. "And surprise!"

"Thanks." he wiped his eyes.

"Armin! Let's eat!" Eren suggested.

"Yeah, let's eat then." Armin smiled as everyone gathered around him.

Extra ~~~

There was light coming from the mess hall so you decided to check it out. You opened the door and called out, "Hello?"

"Oh, _______, you haven't gone to sleep yet?" You saw Armin sitting at a table.

"Not yet, what about you?"

"I just wanted to have some more cake."

"Can I join you?"


"Armin, you know you shouldn't be eating cake this late at night?" you giggled.

"I know, I didn't want it to go to waste, that's all.. but I'm so full already."

"I know!" You faced Armin and smirked. "Happy birthday!" you smashed his cake into his face.

"Hey!? What was that for!?"

You laughed, "I don't know, it just felt right."

"To smash a cake on my face?"

"Hahaha, yea-" you were cut off, tasting something sweet. Armin kissed you.

"Now were even!" Armin smiled brightly.

"Armin, did you just.."

"Thanks, for today. Thanks for surprising me." He took your hands in his and gently kissed you again.

"Happy Birthday, Armin." You rested your forehead against his..

--in honor of Armin's birthday c:

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