Marco x Reader - Good Morning

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You opened your eyes slowly and rubbed them. You felt uncomfortable all night but at the same time you felt quite cozy, like someone was sleeping with you. After laying still for a couple of minutes, you realized that you were encircled by someone's arms. You shifted in bed and turned around and instantly saw a bare chest.

You were going to scream but you stopped yourself. You looked around you and saw all the boys laying in the bunks around you. You looked at the person in front of you and shook him awake.

"Marco, Marco!" he grunted as he squinted his eyes. "Wake up!"

Marco still had his eyes shut and pulled you in closer, "Shh, go back to sleep.."

"Marco!" you pressed against his chest to escape, "What are you doing?"

Marco finally opened his eyes and saw you. "_______! Wh-what are you doing!?"

"I'm the one asking you!" You sat up from your position and backed away from him.

"I can explain!"

"Well, you better start explaining now!" your voice grew louder.

"Shh! you don't want to-" Marco was cut off.

"Marco, what's with all the noise.." Jean mumbled still half asleep.

"Jean, it's nothing, just go back to sleep!" he made sure that Jean was facing the other direction so he wouldn't see you.

"Whatever, keep your girlfriend quiet by the way." Jean took his pillow and put it over his head.

You looked at Marco with a dirty expression, "Did he just say girlfriend!?"

"_______! Shhh!" He crawled up to you and covered your mouth with his hand. "You're going to wake the others!"

"Hmph," you grabbed his hand off and whispered loudly, "enough of this! What am I doing in the same bed as you, Marco!?!?"

"I'm sorry! Last night.. after our late training, we were on our way back to the barracks. You almost fell over so I decided to just carry you. And eventually when we got back, I must've been too tired to realize you were here and I guess I never returned you to the girls dorms.."

"How could you forget!?"

"I was tired! I'm sorry, please don't hurt me!" Marco raised his arms in defense.

"It's fine.." you sighed. "As long as you didn't try anything funny.." you looked him up and down because he didn't have his shirt on.

"Sorry.. I took my shirt off since it was so warm with you, but I didn't do anything else, I swear!"

"Ugh, I guess it's okay then.." you yawned. "Thanks for carrying me then, I don't remember much from yesterday's training.."

"I think you overworked yourself, _______. You deserve more rest." He yawned too.

"Yeah, I'll go back to the girls barracks then," you were going to climb down but Marco stopped.

"It's cold.." he placed his hand over yours. "you're here already, just stay.."

"Marco, what if the others saw!?"

"I'm sure they know, I mean, they knew I was carrying you and brought you in."

"But still.."

"Come here, _______!" Marco pulled you onto his bed an wrapped his arms tightly around you. "There, now I'll stay warm!"

"Marco.." you felt your cheeks heat up.

"Go back to sleep.." he kissed your forehead.


"And good morning, _______."

"Good morning, Marco." you wrapped your arms around him and snuggled close to him.

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