Jean x Reader - Bus Stop

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You stepped onto the bus searching and scrambling for a seat so you could sit alone. You would rather be away from the possible creeps that were already at a seat. You sat down and looked outside the window, finding a spot on the driver's side. You closed your eyes for a bit, waiting until you reached your destination.

You woke up when your body jerked forward, seeing that the bus had halted at a stop. You closed your eyes and hoped that no one would sit next to you.

"Excuse me.." you swore in your head. "May I sit here?"

"Go ahead.." you said a little blankly as you looked at the weird-haired male sit beside you. You averted your eyes quickly hoping that he wouldn't notice your gaze on him. You cursed yourself more at your thoughts since you found him cute.

You waited longer until the bus finally reached your stop. "Excuse me," you said. "This is my stop."

The male woke up and he frantically shifted his head from side to side. "Where are we?" He panicked.

You told him where you guys were and he panicked.

"I missed my stop!"

"I'm sorry.. but if you don't move, I'm going to miss my stop."

"Oh.. sorry.." he got up and exited the bus and you followed after.

"Hey.." you called out to him. "Will you be alright getting back?"

"Yeah.." he sighed. "Don't worry.." and with that, he walked away.

The next morning you found the same spot to sit. The bus stopped at the same spot and the same male appeared. Surprisingly he sat next to you again. You were confused since you would think he would want to sit somewhere else after embarrassing himself.

You leaned back in your chair and exhaled, "Did you find your way alright?"

"Hmph, of course I did.." he crossed his arms and put a leg up.

"That's good." You sighed in relief. "Should I remind you when you should get off then?"

"What?" his head cocked your way.

"Tell me where your stop is and I'll let you know when to get off!"

"Oh.." he thought for a while. "Fine.." He told you his stop.

"Alright, you don't have to worry about missing your stop anymore now!" you smiled. "You have a reliable person sitting right next to you!"

"Heh, thanks!" he got comfy in his seat and closed his eyes.

As the bus neared his stop you shook the boy awake. "Hey, I think this is your stop!" He slowly opened his eyes.

"Hmm?" He rubbed his eyes.

"Almost there." You pointed outside the window.

"Oh, right.." he sat up and stretched his arms out. When the bus came to a complete stop he was just about to get up then he paused. "I'm Jean, by the way. Jean Kirschstein."

"__________." You said back.

"Thanks, _______!" he waved goodbye and left.

Months had passed since then and you and Jean had become pretty good friends. You learned a lot about him with just the bus rides to talk to and even got to go out with him some nights. He wasn't too bad of a guy. He actually made your heart beat just a little bit faster.

But one day you were sick, and you never missed a day of being with Jean. Though that day you couldn't muster enough strength to get out of bed that morning. You fought hard to get up and tried to get ready but you couldn't, you thought it was best to stay in bed.

It was about that time for you to see Jean, to greet him and see him next to you. You felt a pang in your heart just thinking about being away from him. You wanted to text him but you were afraid. And as each minute passed by, you regretted not doing it from the beginning.

The time for you to remind him that his stop was coming up also passed. You wondered if Jean finally got accustomed to remembering himself or if he really needed you to remind him that his stop was next. You groaned as you squeezed your blankets to your chest.

Suddenly, your phone vibrated. You hesitated to pick it up but you did it anyway. Jean's name appeared. "I missed my stop today..." it read. You stared at the screen until it blacked out and you dropped your phone. Closing your eyes hoping the pain would cease. You hated that you were so used to seeing him and that being apart would hurt you like this.

You sat up and decided that you should text him back. As you did, you heard a knock at the door. It couldn't be..

You dragged your feet and now you were in front of your apartment door. You decided not to look through the peephole and went right for the door handle and opened the door.

Of course it was Jean. His face was shocked as he saw how terrible you looked. You knew you weren't ready for the day but that wasn't what he saw. You were sick, that's what he saw. "_______, are you alright?" He placed a hand on your forehead. "You're heated up, are you sick?"

"Jean.." you hugged him.

"Hey, why are you up opening the door for me!? You should be in bed!" He picked you up and walked you to your room and brought you to your bed.

"Jean," you laughed, "I'm fine.."

"No you're not.." he looked down. "You missed me.. I know.." he snickered.

"Don't be so full of yourself! Ahh.." you were about to slap his arm but your head banged.

"Hey, are you alright? Just lay down for now.." He helped you onto your pillow. "Do you have any medicine or anything?"

"You're the only medicine I need.." you answered.

"Hey I'm being serious!"

"Me too!" you giggled, "just kidding, it's in the cabinet by the sink."

Jean came back and you took the medicine. You laid in bed as he kneeled next to you bedside, running his hands through your hair. "I think you should get some sleep, _______.." he said.

"Yeah," you yawned. "I'm pretty tired."

"Then go to sleep alright?" You nodded. "And I'm gonna sneak in too!"

"Hmm?" You looked at him.

"Shh, just close your eyes!" he got up from the ground and slid into bed with you. "Don't worry, _______, I'll keep you warm." He kissed your forehead and placed his head on your pillow.

You smiled and scooted closer to Jean. "Sure, you can be my warmth."

-- I always wanted to write about meeting a guy in the bus as a fic and not a one shot but what the heck here's the Jean x Reader request!

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