Jean x Reader - Good Night

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The encampment was silent during the nighttime. You laid down in bed waiting for a knock on a window. Tonight Jean wanted to show you some place during the night and to do that, it required sneaking out. You didn't know why but you went along with it.

You closed your eyes, waiting until you heard a noise from the window. You saw Jean's face appear on the other side of the glass. You quickly reacted and opened the window.

"Took you long enough, Kirschstein." You scoffed as you began to climb out and over, hoping no one would wake up.

"Sorry, I had to wait until all the guys were asleep too." He replied.

"Well, I'm out now.. what did you want to show me..?" You slowly closed the window.

"Just follow me." He took his hand in yours and his other hand held a lantern.

He took you on a path out to the forests. After walking he cut into the forest, no longer in the path. You were nervous as you saw the path disappear behind you. You held your tongue and just continued to follow Jean without saying a word to him. He could sense your uneasiness and once in a while would squeeze your hand or turn back to you with a smile.

The further you walked, the less trees were visible. You finally could see a clearing in the distance. "Almost there!" Jean pulled you along as he began jogging out of the forest and into the clearing. As soon as you stepped out, you saw an open grass field.

"Jean, this.." you gasped.

"Come on.." He guided you onto the grass with a path that was lit up by lanterns.

"Jean, how did you even get this many lanterns to make a walkway like this?" You asked with glowing eyes, following Jean between the line of parallel lanterns.

"I'm capable of a lot, _______! You of all people should know that!"

"Of course, of course.." you teased.

The two of you reached a blanket in the grass with more lanterns lighting up around it. Jean turned to you and motioned his arms for you to sit down. "Go ahead and get comfortable, _______."

"Jean, you didn't have to do this."

"Ugh, if you're not going to sit then let me help you." He swept you off your feet and picked you up. He kneeled down onto the blanket and set you down, laying over you and hugging you.

"Jean!" You were turning red.

"What's wrong? I can't hold you like this?" He questioned.

"No.. that's not it.."

"Then what is it?"

"I'm so happy!" You hugged him tightly and nuzzled into his neck. "I can't believe you made this for us."

"There are some times that I just want to get away with you, especially knowing what kind of world we live in.." Jean sighed as he plopped down beside you.

The two of you laid under the stars silently, holding each others' hands. "Hey Jean..?"

"Yeah?" he shifted onto his side and faced you.

"I'm getting a little tired.." your eyes were halfway shut.

"W-wait! _______! You can't sleep!" Jean shook you awake. "If you sleep now-"

"Jean. Tomorrow we won't be training." You reminded him and he let you go.

"Oh yeah, I forgot.."

"Yeah, so let me just lay here, in your arms.." you reached out to Jean and snuggled up into his chest.

"Sure, let's do that.." he pulled you in with one arm and slipped another under your head. "Here use it has a pillow."

"Hehe, thanks Jean.." you squeezed him tighter and rested on his arm. "It's so squishy.." you teased.

"No it's not." He poked you. "Just get some sleep."

"Mm-hmm.." you closed your eyes and breathed. You took in his scent and relaxed a bit.

Jean reached out to the rest of the blanket and pulled it over the two of you. He wrapped it around your body and then he kissed you softly on your forehead. "Good night, _______.."

-- okay here's the romantic Jean request orz I'm so sorry because idk what to write, but here. it's like kinda romantic? and then kinda fluffy? ok I hope you like it! ^^

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