Reiner x Reader - Hard

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"So Reiner, what are you planning to do for Valentine's Day?" you nudged him on his elbow as you two walked beside each other.

"I don't know yet.." he shrugged.

"I know, why don't we go get some ice cream together or something!"

"Sure, why not." he agreed.

The two of you walked on your way to the parlor. It wasn't a far walk from school, so it wouldn't take too long.

As you walked you accidentally tripped over your own feet and fell forward. Before you could fall, Reiner caught you.

"Ah! I'm so sorry!" you were wrapped in his arms.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, thanks for catching me.." your hands were against his chest. You quickly pushed away from him and blushed.

"Hmm, what's wrong?"

"N-nothing.. it's just, you have really have hard muscles.." you blushed.

"You know, these muscles aren't the only ones that are hard.." he winked at you.

"R-Riener!" you turned away and continued walking.

Behind you, Reiner's laugh could be heard.

-- what the heck Reiner you are seventeen you cannot say that you are too young orz sorry this is dumb but ayyy valentine pick up lines can be fun

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