Armin x Reader - Beautiful

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"Armin, where are you taking me..?" You followed him in a blindfold with his hand in yours.

"It's a secret. I've been waiting for the right day to show you, _______." He led you carefully through the forest, making sure that you wouldn't get hurt.

"Alright, I'll just be patient then.." you sighed as you continued to walk behind him.

"Almost here!" He shouted.

"Really? Ahh, I want to see where we're going!"

"Okay, okay.." you felt him stop you. "Don't take off your blindfold. I'll take it off for you!"

You stood still and felt a tug at the cloth wrapping over your eyes. You felt it loosen and fall down. You slowly opened your eyes and saw a field of wildflower.

"So..?" Armin stood beside you.

"It's beautiful!" you smiled.

"It is.. When I came here with Eren, I thought of you and I just had to show you." You felt his hand envelope yours.

"Armin.." you couldn't help but hug him. "Thanks for taking me here." You felt tears begin to form in your eyes. "All of these flowers look beautiful.

"No, you're the most beautiful flower here, _______." Armin backed away and kissed your nose. "I'm glad that we're here together today.."

"I am too.." you went in and kissed his lips. Armin was startled at first but he kissed you back.

The two of you stayed there for some time after that, enjoying each other's company.

-- someone punch me for not writing a good story orz sorry this one isn't as great..

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