Marco x Reader - Trapped

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"Marco we spent the whole day in here. Shouldn't we get going now?" You questioned as you lifted away a book from your face.

"I'm still studying, sorry _______. One more paragraph okay?" He eyes we glued to a book.

"Marco, if we don't leave now I don't think we'll make it out in the snow." You pointed toward the window. "Wait a second.." you ran up to the window and looked outside. "Marco, come take a look!" you gasped.

"What is it?" He put the book down and slowly walked up to you. "Oh yeah. It's been like this the whole day. Non-stop snow.." he shrugged.

"And you didn't say anything? Marco I think we're stuck inside here!" You ran out of the room and went to the main room and found the exit. "Marco!" you screamed.

Marco followed after you and saw the open door with snow pouring inside. The snow was up a little pass your knees. "What are we going to do!?" You shrieked.

"Let's close the door!" He pressed his body against the door as he tried to keep more snow from coming in. "I don't think there's any way we can go outside in this weather."

"Yeah, Marco, I wasn't planning on going out anyway because of all the snow!!!"

"Geez.. I'm sorry _______. I guess I wasn't paying enough attention.." he looked down.

You sighed, "It's okay Marco..."

"We should go back to the room.."


"Well, we're stuck in this building until we can get out. And it's late already, it's safer to just stay in here.."

"I suppose we could do that.." You sighed.

"Don't look so down like it's a bad thing staying with me!"

"Ahh, it's not like that!" you tried to cover up

"I know, I know.." he teased.

Marco went back to reading his books as you just went around the room, looking at things and picking them up. You didn't feel like sitting in one place so you tried to keep your self busy.

"_______?" Marco called out.


"Are you bored?" His face lifted up so he could look at you.

"Well... Sort of.."

"Come here!" He raised an arm for you and spread out his fingers.

You walked up to him and took his hand. Then he pulls you down and you .sit next to him. "No, don't sit next to me!" He put his book down and pulled his blanket off from over his legs. He stood up and went behind you and then sat behind you with you in between his legs. "This is how it should be!"

Marco pulled his blanket over and put it on your legs. He rested his head against the back of your shoulders and wrapped his arms around your waist. "You're so comfortable, _______."

You were blushing madly from his position but you really liked it. You placed your hand over his hands and turned to face him. "Marco-" As soon as you turned, your lips met with his. He kissed you.

"I love you, _______." he squeezed you. tightly from behind and leaned into your neck. He placed his lips against your neck before resting on your shoulder once again.

"I love you too, Marco." You turned and kissed his ear lobe and leaned back against him gently. "Being stuck with you isnt that bad after all." you giggled.

"Don't say that! That's mean!"

"I'm just kidding, why don't we get some rest then?"

"Sure.. it is pretty late."

"It is.." You pulled the blanket over so it could wrap around his legs. And before you knew it, the two of you were both sound asleep.

-- I left this unfinished since last year so I'll just put it here..

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