Levi x Reader - Lake of the Woods

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Your toes lightly dipped into the cold water of the lake as they dangled off the dock. Your hair sprawled on the wooden surface as your arms were reaching out to your sides. The sun just now peered over the darkened trees as it was setting against the horizon, shedding less and less light for you to enjoy the scenery around you and more of the appearing stars that dazzled above.

"Dinner's ready," Levi had popped his head in your view as he stood up and over your resting body.

"Oh, already?" You looked up at him.

"Yep, let's eat before it gets cold." He walked over to your side and helped you up.

"What'd did you make, Levi?" You lifted your shoulders waiting for a reply.

"It's a surprise." He said without looking at you. You looked at him closely and saw a slight smile appear over his lips.

"If it's a surprise, it better be good!" You ran ahead of him to go see what he made. You found out he prepared your favorite dish and you ate it with him happily.

The sky had darkened and the stars snuck out. Since you were way out in the woods, the stars were all brightly shining. Even the moon casted its luminous glow over the calm woods that encompassed you and Levi.

Levi was holding onto your hand firmly as you laid beside him in the prickly green grass. You had gotten him to accompany you on your stargazing for the night. Of course you used the whole 'serial killer at camp' act to have him come with you and protect you but you knew he wanted to be with you anyway too.

"Have you seen a shooting star yet?" You turned to the dark haired male. The moon beams laid across the contours of his face.

"Not yet.." His eyes were glued to the vast sea of stars wandering and waiting for the moment a line would curve into the sky.

"I haven't seen one either.." You turned back to gaze at the specks that looked over the two of you.

"There will be plenty, I'm sure since we're so far out from civilization." You could hear the shuffling of his head turning. He was probably going to look at you which made you nervous.

His eyes had fallen on your face in the moonlight. You couldn't see it but he smiled slightly as he saw your face, searching for the shooting star. Beautiful was his thought. Absolutely beautiful.

You could feel his eyes focusing on you and to keep your thoughts from him, you concentrated deeply in the stars waiting for something to appear and right before your eyes, you saw it. "Levi!" Your arm shot up, pointing a finger at the sky. "I saw a shooting star!"

His head quickly turned back upwards. "I missed it huh?"

"Yeah, you did! It happened so fast." You turned to him with a pitied expression. You wished that he could have seen it with you.

"Don't worry.." His free hand had trailed down your jawline, leaving a ticklish sensation.

"There'll be more to see!" You smiled hopefully.

"It's okay.." He returned the expression. "Right now, I see the biggest star."

You gasped lightly as your thoughts raced in your mind. He wasn't talking about you was he? You blushed against your soft cheeks as Levi ran his thumb over it.

"You're my star, _______." He leaned his face closer to you and lightly touched your forehead to yours. "You're the brightest star of all." You could feel his warm breath brush by your lips, teasing it as it caused a shiver to crawl down your spine.

His eyes were fixated on your own, staring passionately. You couldn't withstand the attention that Levi was giving you so you averted your eyes in embarrassment.

"Don't look away.." He grabbed your chin. "I'm right here."

You felt hot pair of lips crash onto your cold lonely lips. Gently they touched before parting away. A warm feeling filled your beating heart and traveled outward to your body in the coldness of the outdoors. "Levi.." Your eyes were no longer shy and you longed to only look at him. As he filled your vision, you couldn't resist leaning into him once again.

Your arms reacted on their own as they snaked around his neck and your lips had met his once again. You puckered against his lips which now responded in a more passionate way. You could feel him tease you a little by lightly tracing his tongue against your lower lip. This caused a deep sigh to escape your mouth as you forced yourself away from Levi.

You looked at him, almost in an irritated way. "What was that?"

"What are you talking about?" He was acting oblivious.

"You know.." You couldn't bring yourself to say it.

"No, I don't."

"Yes you do.."

"Nope." he quickly pecked your lips and chuckled. "You're crazy."

"I'm not!" You leaned into him and bit his bottom lip, lightly brushing your tongue against it and sucking it. "You're the one whose crazy."

"Oh, if you want to see crazy I won't hesitate to show you." He challenged.

"Then show me what crazy is." You accepted.

"You asked for it." He sat up from the grass and picked you up, carrying you back to the cabin. "Don't blame me if you're hurting in the morning."

"What's a shorty like you gonna do?"

"Shut it." He leaned you back as he carried you and kissed you one last time. "Let's just get to the real fun."

-- someone requested a Levi story and here it is. The setting is inspired by Tim O'Brien's In the Lake of the Woods since I read it for my literature class. The story was supposed to be mostly fluffy but I mean, I'm sure you can guess what happens back in the cabin right? hahahaha... hope you enjoy it!

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