overprotective!Jean x Reader - Watch Your Step

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"Hey, can I sit here?" You gestured towards an empty seat in front of Eren and Mikasa.

"Go ahead!" Armin was more than happy to answer.

"Thanks!" You set your tray down on the table and got comfortable.

"So, what'd you think of today's exercises?" Eren asked you as he stuffed some soupy substance into his mouth.

"Hmm.." You bit into your bread. "It's wasn't that bad." Your eyes panned the mess hall until you locked in with Jean's light brown eyes. He was glaring right at you. It made you jump and you almost choked on your bread.

"Are you okay?" Armin placed a hand on your shoulder as if to make sure you were alright.

"Maybe the bread was too stale.." Sasha dropped her tray on the table beside yours and took a seat next to you.

"Ahem.." You put a hand on your chest. "No, no.. It was nothing.." You reached for your cup and drunk the water trying to forget the look Jean was giving you.

"Anyway.." You adjusted your seating so you didn't have to look at Jean and made sure he couldn't see you either.

You stayed at the table until your dinner was over with. You tried to exit with Sasha, sticking close to her, hoping to avoid Jean.

"So Sasha.." You tried to come up with something to say so you two wouldn't separate. "You know.. I-" You suddenly felt a hand pull your arm back and you were thrown off balance. You felt yourself pass by the scurrying trainees exiting.

"Oh, hey, where'd you go, _______?" Sasha searched for you but you were no where to be found.

You were being dragged away through the remainder of the crowd of trainees. You already knew it was Jean who was dragging you away too so you just waited for him to stop.

As soon as everyone exited the building Jean let go of your arm and he sat down. You fell onto the ground hitting your bottom against the cold stone. "Oww..." You leaned forward and didn't dare to look behind you.

The two of you sat in silence. You were growing nervous and irritated that Jean had dragged you back when you could be taking this precious time to get some rest. You sighed deeply and got up off your butt.

"So Jean.." after minutes of waiting, you decided to say the first words. You turned around and looked at the boy as you wiped your pants. "What brings you here today?"

"Why weren't you sitting with us today?"

"Does it matter..?" You shot him a look and waited for a reply.

"I saved you a spot.." He answered.

"Just one spot of the many open spots in this place. Thank you Jean Kirschstein for being the considerate human being you are." You gestured your hands and bowed in front of him. "I applaud your etiquette."

"Hey, stop messing around.." He crossed his arms.

"I'm sorry, of course, I shouldn't since I'm with the face of seriousness. My apologies good sir. Now let me properly dismiss myself from your presence." You stomped your feet as you turned around and made your way to the door. "I can sit wherever I want Jean. I don't need to have you pick and choose for me, thank you very much!" And with that, the door was slammed shut.

You walked away angrily slowly regretting your choice of words. You hoped that Jean didn't take it too harshly but you hoped you got your message to that thick-skulled guy. You knew he was looking out for you but sometimes the little things were too much for you to handle.

Sure the two of you had a thing but you just couldn't stand it when he always wanted to be with you or that he only wanted you for himself. It made you feel too possessed by him and you refused to be his thing.

Retracing your steps, you found your way back to the mess hall door. Feeling the cold knob you let the night air fill your body and pulled the door open. To your surprise Jean was no longer in the darkness of the room.

"Sorry.." You heard footsteps behind you. "I just can't help it."

You turned and saw Jean standing with his hands in his pockets.

"No.. I'm sorry.." Your hands went behind your back and you walked down towards him.

"I know I was stupid but you don't have to be sorry." He traced his fingertips along the sides of your arms and pulled out your hands, grasping them in his own calloused palms. "I'm the one at fault."

"Don't worry.. I forgive you.." You squeezed his warm hands and a curve formed along the touching of your lips.

"Let me walk you back to your barrack.." He lightly tugged your hands and you followed.

"Only if you give me a ride.." You jumped on his back.

"H-hey!" He burst out in a laugh and agreed. "Fine, but it might take me awhile since it's a free ride!"

"What are you implying Jean?" You pinched one of his cheeks.

"N-nothing!" He spoke through his deformed face.

"That's right, keep walking!" You pointed in the direction of your barrack and he followed.

The morning broke with rain pattering against the wooden panels of the barracks. How much you dreaded the rainy morning training and waking up at all. You were slow to rise from your slumber and took your time to get ready.

"Rise and shine!" Jean met you on the way to the training grounds.

"Hey." You waved a hand in the air.

"You look.. down."

"I am.. I don't like training in the rain."

"You'll be fine," he patted you on the back. "I heard we would train only for a little while."

"That better be the case.."

The training, of course, just and to take place in the forest. You walked miserably there the whole time and even went around miserably.

Your exercise was quite simple today. It was just taking out the fake titans. The commander said something about training in the rain would be good but you didn't really listen.

The group was separated though. Jean looked pretty sad to be split from you but you didn't mind. You thought it would be better for you to focus that way anyway.

You jumped onto a tree branch wiping away the water from your face. It was getting all over your hair despite wearing your green cape and hood. You sighed and looked up at the tall trees, regretting it after drops of water splattered onto your face. You decided to just leap away and continue going with your comrades.

Just after taking one step you jumped up and off the branch or you thought you did. The sole of your shoe slipped across the wet surface just as you pushed against the branch. You had pulled the trigger to your maneuver gear as well but the wires had missed its target. All that you could do was wait to hit the forest floor.

Falling parallel to the rain was quite an experience. For one second it felt like you could see the still droplets but you weren't fully yourself that day so who's to say that's what you really saw? You cursed yourself in your head as you shut your eyes anticipating the fall. You heard a sound of gas pumping through and soon felt yourself in the arms of a male.

"Careful, _______." Jean winked at you.

"J-Jean! What are you-"

"You seriously don't want to train today, huh?"

"Well.." You looked down.

Jean landed on the ground and he let you go. Standing up on your own you backed away from him. "What are you doing over here anyway? You're supposed to be with your group!"

"Well, something told me that you'd be in trouble." He winked at you.

"N-no!" You looked away a little embarrassed. "I'm just fine."

"Thanks to me!"

"Hmph.. I guess.." you whispered.

"What's that!?" He cupped his hand around his ear and leaned into you. "What did you say?"

"Thanks Jean!" You screamed at him. "You saved my butt! Happy now!?"

"Hahaha!" He held is stomach as he belt out in laughter.

"It's not that funny.." You turned to your side and blushed.

"Yeah, it is since you're so cute." He patted the top of your head. "Well we should keep moving since we're falling behind!"

"Oh, you're right!" You followed Jean who began running away. "Wait!"

"Hm?" He turned around only to feel you bump into him. You wrapped your arms around him.

"Thanks again Jean." You quietly spoke, in a more sincere and genuine tone than before.


"I guess it's not that bad that you're a little protective over me.." You snuggled into his back.

"Hey!" You jumped at the volume in his voice. "You're doing it wrong." He quickly shifted his body and turned around. Now he was hugging too.

"Jean.." You looked up at his smiling face.

He looked down at you to take in your beauty then place a soft kiss on your forehead. "Next time be more careful, I'm not always going to be here for you.."

"I will.." You went up to his face and kissed his forehead this time.

-- scarlet!! here is your request! sorry I took so long. I don't know how to write this and I'm not sure if this is even okay but here you go!

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