Levi x Suicidal!Reader

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-- trigger warning: i guess there might be some things that might trigger some sad feels about yourself or something since it is a story of a suicidal reader so read with some caution..? but hey, don't feel the way the reader feels because I love you okay!!??! okay proceed.

The wires to your 3DMG were all knotted up correctly, just the way you wanted. You sat on the top of the tree branch humming a sweet tune as you rocked your head softly side to side. "So it was today, huh?" You thought to yourself as you looked down from the tree.

The trainees were all busy occupying themselves with their training as you sat there by yourself. You looked at the sky through the pattern of remaining leaves and whispered, "It's kind of nice today.." You took a deep breath and relaxed your body. You were at peace.

"It must begin then.." You glanced at the loop that hung from the tree and reached for the wire. You pulled it close to you and put the loop over your head and around your neck. "Like a glove.."

You closed your eyes as you positioned yourself in a good spot so you could fall and let gravity do its work. Before you initiated, you thought back to the semi-wonderful life you lived and all the people you met. It was a bitter stream of memories you saw as you felt some remorse fill you up. The smiling faces of the trainees you worked hard with but you were giving up.

That's right. You were giving up.

You could only see their smiles because you couldn't see your own. If only you could have seen yourself but you were glad you couldn't. There was no need to see yourself. You already felt horrible about yourself so there was no need to add to the pity.

You were still on the branch, awkwardly you were there waiting for something. We're you afraid to die? Then what were you waiting for? Maybe you wanted them to come find you but you wouldn't want them to surround you with their fake concerns.

Your teeth gritted against each other as your fists clenched and your eyes stung with tears. You breathed out a heavy breath and stayed still. You heard the wind blow by and the leaves danced in the wind until they landed on the grass.

You didn't want to stall any longer so you dropped your legs and they hung over the dirt below you. You instantly held onto the branch as more tears flowed down your cheeks. You wanted to do this but why did your arms grab ahold of the tree? You kicked your legs in anger as you fought a battle with yourself.

Were you too weak to let go of your life? You really felt nothing anymore so what made you hang on so tightly? The voice in your head raged and raged until the wind blew by again. It pushed against your arms and you felt like it was going to carry you. You opened your stained eyes and more wind clashed with you. It was somehow calming to you and that's when your arms grew tired. You released your grip and fell against the cool breeze.

And for that second, you did feel the wind carry you. It was so subtle but you waited for the reality to kick in. Your body completely fell, swinging slightly and trying to align perpendicular to the earth.

A sharp pain tugged at your neck and you felt as if your head would tear off from the rest of your body. It hurt so much that you tried to cry out for help though your body was perfectly still, waiting for complete stillness that was soon to come.

As each breath escaped and died down, you no longer had any strength to be awake. You felt something wrap around you. It was warm. Maybe it was death welcoming you. You felt excited as it even called your name. "_______. _______!" In your last moment, you mustered strength to smile knowing that you no longer had to live in this world that caused you pain.

You were still. Warm and still. Your eyes slowly opened and you saw the bright light shine from between the patterns of the trees. You were confused.

You jerked your head and looked around you as you saw a lone man sit beside you. Upon meeting eyes he greeted grayly, "You're awake."

"Is that you.." Your eyes didn't believe you as well as your tongue but you still spoke his name, "Levi.."

"Looks like you're okay.." He stood up and began to walk away.

You sat up, reaching for your neck hoping it would suppress the pain. "Why are you here..?"

He froze in his place. "Are you stupid?"


"Why else would I be here?" He only turned his face and his one eye glared at you.

You were now frozen by his look and tried to regain your strength to bark back. "I.. I didn't need you here!!"

"I'm sorry.. You should have died somewhere else then." His reply angered you.

"What?" You pushed your hands against the grass and stood up. He kept walking forward, farther and farther away but you slowly trailed behind him. "Wait!"

"What do you want!?" He turned his whole body which sent you back a few steps. You were surprised to see his stern expression tainted with just a pinch of worry and hurt.

"I didn't need to be rescued.." You couldn't speak anymore than that.

"Is that right? So you would rather just die by your own hands?" He scoffed. "You weren't worth saving if you're going to keep speaking like this."

"It's not my fault!" You yelled. "What's so wrong about wanting to kill myself!? Everyday I live to die anyway. And besides that, this is hell. Why suffer each and every day just to wake up again and repeat the stupid cycle!?" Tears had begun to form all over again and fill your eyes. "There really is no use to living in this godforsaken life.." You couldn't speak anymore as your voice shattered into loud sobs.

Your knees went weak and they dropped right to the grass. You bent your head forward into your hands and cried your heart out in the forest.

Levi stood in front of you, face unchanging. He watched you for a few moments until he stepped closer.

"You don't understand.. You.. you don't.." You shook your head in pain.

"I don't have to understand.." He knelt down close to you. "Seeing you like this is enough."

Your voice died down.

"Don't act as if you're the only one suffering in this hellish world we live in. You have no idea what others have been through just as we have no idea what you've been through." His words seemed softer. "And ending your life like this is not a direction you should be heading towards."

You felt yourself stop your crying and you wiped away the rest of your tears.

"Your life is precious even if you've gone through hell. Even if all the negative eats at you, never give up."

You slowly looked at him not wanting to reply.

"You're a foolish person to even attempt this. Don't ever do it again." He pulled your head into his chest and spoke out a few more words. "If there is ever a time you need guidance, I will always be here for you."

Your eyes were wide as you leaned against Levi's chest and you slowly wrapped your arms around him. Your eyes closed once again as you cherished this moment.

Levi pulled back and cradled your pink face in his hands. "Don't do this again, ______. Don't ever worry me like this."

-- the Levi and suicidal!reader has been completed! :D hope you liked it! and heyyyy if you ever don't feel good or anything talk to me or some good friends!! don't be sad and get some help!!! there are people out there who still need you and love you so don't feel alone okay!!?!!?

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