Jean x dying!Reader - Kyojin

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Jean was in the infirmary praying for a miracle as you laid on the bed still. He blamed himself for being stupid and not protecting his partner in one of the most dangerous situations he'd been through in his whole career.

A few days before..

"Your next case," Erwin Smith, the head of the police squad, spoke to Jean, "is to investigate the group called Kyojin. They've been running around the city and causing trouble. We presume that they are the cause of the murders around and they must be stopped."

"Yes sir." Jean placed his right fist over his heart.

"Do not engage with this group, your only goal is to find more information, we are not yet ready to initiate any plans against them as we are now. So whatever you do, do not make any contact or be seen by them." Erwin stated one last time as Jean took the files from his desk and left.

"Kyojin.." You muttered to yourself as you scrolled down the news site. "They're pretty famous now aren't they, Jean?" You heard him come into the room as you sat up straight.

"Yeah, they sure are.." He sat down and plopped the folder on the desk.

"Do we have a new case?" You heard Armin from across the room.

"Yes.." Jean studied the report closely and made a face. "We are going to investigate the group called Kyojin."

"And I was just looking into them too.." You rubbed your chin as you glanced at your computer screen.

"There are some precautions I have to go over with you all first. And I still have to think about what I want to do.." Jean looked intently at the papers.

"That's our squad leader Jean for you.." You heard Sasha say from beside you.

"When you're ready, we are ready." You assured Jean.

They next day, Jean came to work and laid out his plan for all of you. Each of you had your own role in this plan. "Since we do not know the whereabouts of Kyojin, each of you will investigate these surrounding areas where there have been reports. Move in groups of twos and don't get caught. Do not come into contact with anyone who looks suspicious at all no matter what. This task does not require any attack so you all should return with your lives." Jean looked at each of you. "Got it?"

"Yes sir." You all yelled in unison.

"Good. Sasha, you go with Connie. Armin will move with Marco. And I will go with _______. You will all end investigations at 2pm today and come back here. That is all. You are dismissed."

Each team moved quickly and headed for their destination as you and Jean did with yours. The two of you arrived at dead end street with a beat up home.

"So this is a point of suspicion?" You asked Jean as you stepped out from the car.

"Seems so.." He looked at the small house.

"That's weird.. I wouldn't think anyone would use a house as a base.." You stepped onto the curb and waked towards the house.

"The neighbors felt uneasy and are moving. They've been reporting some suspicious activity and people coming to and from here.." Jean spoke as he stood next to you.

"Is that so.." You turned your attention to the sign in front of the neighboring home. "Do you think we should look further into the house?"

Jean was still looking at the small building and shook his head, "No, we don't have a warrant."

"Oh.. alright."

"I did arrange for an interview with the neighbors though, let's get going." Jean went ahead of you towards the other house.

"Thanks for your time, Mr. and Mrs. Ackerman." Jean stood up and bowed his head.

"It was our pleasure."

"Have you two found a home to settle in yet?" You asked them.

"Yeah, we found one alright. We're almost all ready for the move. It's just our daughter Mikasa who has yet to come home from her studies to help clean out her room. She'll be home tonight actually." Mrs. Ackerman looked at a photo of the three of them.

"I hope all goes well." You smiled just as there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" Mr. Ackerman went for the door and opened it.

"Hey, Mr. Ackerman!" A man stood at the door.

"Eren!" He greeted. "Nice to see you again. What brings you here?"

"I just have some parting gifts since you guys are moving soon." He handed a gift basket to Mr. Ackerman.

"Why, thank you."

"I didn't know you had guests!" Eren quickly turned his attention to you and Jean. "Wait a second.. Jean!?" Eren's green eyes widened.

From there on, Eren came into the house and chatted a bit with Jean.

"So you're in the police force now Jean.. That's awesome!" Eren exclaimed.

"Yeah.. And you?" Jean asked.

"I'm still jobless so I'm stuck with my parents.." Eren sulked.

"Hmm, that's not bad.. just stay until you're ready." You tried to make him feel better.

"Thanks, _______.. right?" Eren smiled.


"Well, it was really nice getting to meet you again but _______ and I should be going.." Jean interrupted the conversation.

"Oh, I have to go too actually!" Eren stood up. "Sorry for intruding." He bowed and got up to leave.

"We're right behind him.." Jean bowed to the Ackermans and followed Eren. "Thanks once again."

As Eren left, you and Jean were both getting ready to leave but Mr. Ackerman approached you two. "Detective Jean.. That was our neighbor.. we don't fully trust him.."

"He lives in that house?" Jean asked suspiciously.

"Yes.. Eren does.." He spoke quietly.

"Thanks sir. We'll be going then." Jean nodded at you and you bid your farewell to the couple.

"What do you think Eren has to do with the house? Do you think that a group of people like Kyojin would be in there?" You asked as you glanced back at the small house one last time.

"I don't know but if what the Ackermans told us is true, it might be a possibility.." Jean said as his stared off into the road.

"As Marco and I made our way to the abandoned shop, there was a girl with blonde hair. It was put up behind her head. She asked us what we were doing. We told her we might want to buy the place but she said it wasn't for sale." Armin reported. "She then left and disappeared."

"Something like that happened to us too!" Sasha perked up. "At the warehouse, this suspicious man came up to us and asked if he could help us look around. We told him we were just trying to take some photos but he wouldn't leave us alone.. He also had blonde hair and had a good build."

Jean closed his eyes and rubbed his brows.

"We also met someone as we went to the reported house." You stated. "He lived in that house. As Jean and I interviewed the Ackermans who are the neighbors to the suspicious house, the man came and actually talked with us. Jean knew him as well.."

"It was Eren Jaeger, Armin. Our high school friend." Jean turned to Armin who had a look of shock.

"What do you think this could all mean?" Armin looked at you and Jean. It was already dark and everyone else left the office.

"Each of these people we encountered today could be a member of Kyojin.." Jean read the reports over and over again.

"But would that mean each place we went to is a possible hideout for Kyojin?" You asked.

"Probably.." Jean took a sip of his drink.

"Or maybe.." Armin tapped his pen. "Maybe.. they know our movements.. I didn't think that each of us would meet someone suspicious. They must be onto us."

"That's quick to say but I don't believe it's a wrong possibility.." You looked at Armin.

"By the way, Jean.." Armin turned to Jean. "I looked up Eren and saw that in your report he said he lived with his parents."

"What of it?" Jean looked curiously.

"Eren's parents died five years ago."

"What?!" You gasped. "Then.."

"Eren's a liar.." Jean took a deep breath. "He's probably hiding something."

"Hello!?" There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Jean yelled out.

"Jean, I've been trying to get a hold of you!" Marco came in out of breath. "There's a fire.. It's the Ackermans."

The four of you rushed to the scene and Sahsa and Connie were there already. The fire was mostly settled down and the Ackerman couple both were taken to the hospital. All that was left was a burning house and a broken daughter.

"This must be Mikasa.." You saw her in the arms of Sasha and Connie.

"She arrived just as the flames started and called in." Sasha rubbed the girl's back.

"Mikasa.." You kneeled down in front of her.

"It was them huh?" She softly spoke through her tears.

"What are you talking about?" You looked at her confused.

"Kyojin.." She whispered.

The following day, Mikasa stayed with the police and it was reported that neither of her parents made it. From her words she uttered last night, you we're put in charge of Mikasa's care.

"Mikasa.." You were with her in a room prepared for her.

"They died huh?" She didn't raise her head.

"I'm sorry.." You quietly nodded.

"Detective _______..." Her voice was sullen.

"Yeah, Mikasa?" You turned to her.

"I want to be a detective too.." She clenched her fist. "It was because of Kyojin.." She tried to hold back her tears. "Ever since that day.. my parents' lives have been in danger.." A tear stained her blanket. "I'm going to expose them.." She cried harder.

"It's okay.." You sat on her bed and held her. "Don't worry, I'll make sure that they are stopped and this won't happened to anyone again."

"Please, Detective.." She looked at you. "Please let me help you.."

"Of course.." You smiled. "You must know a few things about them.."

"I'll.. I'll tell you what happened.." She wiped her tears and took a deep breath.

"Kyojin has been threatening the Ackermans for a while ever since they've been reporting the suspicious activity." You told Jean privately. "Mikasa was sent to live and study elsewhere for the time being for her safety." You looked at the girls picture on your paper report of her. "I think our presence being with the Ackermans must have caused this fire."

"If that's what you think then Eren is part of Kyojin.." Jean rested his elbows on the desk and intertwined his fingers. "Why would he make it so obvious to us though?"

"Jean, _______!" Armin opened the door. "Autopsy reports on the Ackermans are being done right away by the request of the police department. They will be sent in as soon as possible. Also.. Mikasa has gone missing.."

"What!?" You stood up.

"She isn't in her room.." He said.

"Jean, I'm going to look for her. I'm responsible for her." You instantly ran out.

"Wait, _______!!"

You went straight to where the remnants of the Ackerman home was and right away saw Mikasa at the steps of the small neighboring house. She knocked on it furiously and cried out.

"Mikasa!" She turned around. "What are you doing?" You ran to her.

"He's here.." She turned to you with stained eyes.

"It's dangerous here, Mikasa." You tried to calm her down when the door opened.

"Yes?" It was Eren.

"It was you.." Mikasa glared at the man in front of her.

"Mikasa, let's leave." You tried to pull her away but it was too late.

There were people behind you that grabbed the two of you and pushed you into the house.

"_______! Mikasa!" Jean got out of the car as fast as he could and ran in.

"Look who showed up.." Eren invited his old friend into the house.

"Let them go." He growled as he saw the two of you being held back.

"All we need is the girl. We could care less about your beloved partner." Eren watched Jean closely.

"You won't hurt Mikasa.." You mustered some strength to speak as you felt a kick to your back knock you down.

"Is this where Kyojin resides?" Jean looked to Eren as he put his hands up. There were a few armed people with guns ready to shoot.

"I don't know.." He looked off to the side. "Why don't the two of you leave quietly and leave this girl to us, Jean."

"Let's get out of here, _______." Jean scoffed.

"Jean.." You coughed and supported yourself on your arms and looked beside you to Mikasa.

"I said let's get out of here!" Jean raised his voice.


"You heard him." Eren looked down at you and you stared at him as you got up.

"Let's leave," Jean said as he quietly walked next to you and pulled something out of his inside pocket.

Your eyes widened as you looked back one last time and nodded. "Mikasa.. Close your eyes.." You said almost in a whisper as she watched you two walk away.

Jean stopped in his tracks and turned to Eren. "We'll meet again." He threw the stun grenade to the floor and the house was filled with a bright light and a loud ringing.

You closed your eyes an envisioned where Mikasa would be, running to her and grabbing her. Jean called out and urged for you to hurry back.

As you ran back, you shielded Mikasa. The effect of the grenade was dying down and soon everyone would be aware of what was happening. "Mikasa, don't look back!" You yelled to the girl as she ran out between you and Jean.

As you took your last few steps outside, there were some gunshots and before you knew it, your clothes were wet.

The next thing you saw was the ceiling with bright lights and Jean and Mikasa looked down at you. "Everything's going to be okay." You heard. "Don't worry." "I'm sorry." It was all mixed in along with a loud ringing similar to the sound of that grenade.

Then your eyes closed and darkness overcame your vision. You could no longer hear anything but silence.

"Detective Jean.." Mikasa's voice wavered. "Will _______ be okay?" She asked.

"Two shots in the shoulder.." He quietly murmured. "a lot of blood was lost. I can only hope that _______ will be okay Mikasa.." He looked at the troubled girl.

"It's my fault huh?"

"I only blame myself.." He sighed. "Let me take you back to the department. It's safer there."

"Okay.." Mikasa followed Jean.

"_______ is a strong person. _______ will make it."

-- yells and screams because I actually like this story!?!? I hope you did too because I had a lot of fun writing it and I want to make it a fic too!!!! ugh I hope it makes sense and there are no holes but I have so much planned out for this story wow but yeah, this was the Jean x dying!reader request.. sorry for ending it this way it was long enough already orz

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