Chapter 2

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Previously in Snowfall's Winter:
The seal's mouth was about to clamp down on me, but before I was eaten the white cat jumped at the seal knocking it away from me. Sadly, this dream always ends the same. When the seal moves from the impact of the white cat it causes the white sheet to shift again. And the outcome is me lurching off the side and falling into the dark water below.
Snowminnow eyes snapped open a small yelp leaving her trembling mouth.
"Your friend Lilypad went on a patrol outside our borders right?" Snowminnow asked excitedly switching her tail making small swirls appear under her. "Did they see anyone?" Snowminnow held up her arm showing her big mitten paws. "Maybe with these?"
"I'm sorry Snowminnow your the only outsider cat we've met in generations"
"Why don't you stop looking for them?" Bluelagoon asked " You have such a great family here."
" Because they wouldn't stop looking for me!"
"SNOWMINNOW" a voice boomed into the den. Snowminnow turned around quickly and the other Minnows in the den were stricken awake. In the doorway stood a light gray she-cat and a slightly bigger orange Tom stood beside her looking skittish. "A word"
Snowminnow gasped softly fear clouded her eyes.

"Uhh what did you do?!" Blueminnow asked fiercely beside her. When Snowminnow didn't respond she shook her a little " Snowminnow " Snowminnow snapped out of her dazed look.

"I might have peaked outside a little when everyone was supposed to be sleeping." Snowminnow whispered to her friend " And the guard noticed"

"Oh" Blueminnow responded" This could ruin your perfect record!" Snowminnow gulped and moved to maneuver through the rest of the minnows . The minnows parted letting her through without a fuss the opposite of how they usually respond when she's trying to get through. Once reaching the two cats she whimpered softly.

"Uh Mayor Crystalstar wha-at is it?" Snowminnow didn't meet the gray she-cat's piercing gaze.

"Trident Orangefish here reported seeing a suspicious cat lounging around while he was on watch" Mayor Crystalstar lifted up Snowminnow's head making there eyes meet.

"He reported the cat being white" Mayor Crystalstar looked around " I wonder how many cats have a white pelt oh wait only one " Snowminnow gulped again.

"It was me!" Blueminnow pushed through the crowd of minnows watching " I was uhhh messing around."

Crystalstar looked at Blueminnow curiously. "Really?"
She looked over at Orangefish who shrugged then turned to Blueminnow.

"Why did you go to the Classroom then?" Orangefish asked.

"Oh I was uhh complaining about the homework" Blueminnow smiled sheepishly." That darn homework right Snowminnow " Blueminnow nudged Snowminnow.

"Ow oh uh yeah sure" Snowminnow stammered.

"Really well how bout I ask the Professor about your little conversation " Crystalstar swam away signaling to Orangefish to stay and watch them.

"Orangefish my favorite guard what's up" Blueminnow tried to start a conversation.

" I know I saw Snowminnow " He growled.

"You must of been mistaken " Blueminnow's friendly smile wavered" my fur can look pale in Crystal Jellyfish's light" Before Orangefish could respond Crystalstar came back pulling Bluelagoon forward.
His face paled once he saw Snowminnow and Blueminnow standing next to Orangefish.

"What's wrong Mayor?" Bluelagoon's eyes kept switching from Snowminnow to Blueminnow.

"One of these cats came to you in the night why?" Mayor chose her words carefully testing if Bluelagoon's story lines up with Blueminnow's.
Snowminnow looked at Blueminnow and mouthed "what know?". She then turned to Bluelagoon silently pleading for him not to tell on her. Bluelagoon looked at Blueminnow who was pretending to draw on her paw and mouthing "homework ".

"She came to talk about the work I gave the class" Bluelagoon said smoothly not specifying which she-cat he talked to. The mayor looked surprised for a second then went back to her stoney expression.

" Seeeeee I talked to him about homework. " Blueminnow grinned. Snowminnow let out breath.

"But he didn't say that Blueminnow specifically talked abou- "Orangefish was cut off by crystalstar.

"Good" Crystalstar smilled at Snowminnow " but Blueminnow this is your 4th warning"

"My father doesn't want to be disturbed." Blueminnow said with dough eyes.

"Welll I guess I won't record it then" Crystalstar responded " It's time for class Professor take the minnows to your classroom." Bluelagoon swam into the minnow's den as Snowminnow and Blueminnow headed to the classroom.

" Wow another warning that won't get recorded your so lucky " Snowminnow whispered.

"I guess that what comes with rich parents." Blueminnow shrugged. "It's kinda wrong though. The lower and middle classes have only maybe 3 or 4 chances but some upperclass cats can have infinity chances. These categories are kinda unfair."

"Yeah it must be hard for the poor cats living down south they have to be kinda perfect or sneaky." Snowminnow looked at the net gate " Some of them aren't even recorded in the cat records so guards can't identify them and they can be thrown into any old dump. " They swam into the classroom going to there spots and picking up there blackboards. Soon the other minnows arrived also going to there spots. Bluelagoon arrived right after the minnows going to the front were the big main blackboard is.

"Ok class we are gonna continue with the glowing jellyfish" he pointed to the picture on a his blackboard. "Can anyone tell us what we learned about it from last class?" Snowminnow raised her paw.

"The Crystal Jellyfish is why we are here. Whenever a group of cats come together there not originally called a pod but a shoal. Once the shoal finds a Crystal Jellyfish then they will be referred to as a pod not a shoal." Bluelagoon nodded. Next Goldenminnow raised his head shooting a small glare at Snowminnow.

"Know that the obvious is out of the way" Goldenminnow sneered earning a eye roll from Snowminnow " Crystal Jellyfish also known as Glowing Jellyfish are very rare and thought to be from the god "Balance". It is said when he was born the first time he opened his eyes he cried Crystal Jellyfish instead of tears. "

"Yes" Bluelagoon smiled." And why do we need the Crystal Jellyfish. " While Goldenminnow and Snowminnow were to busy glaring at each other Redminnow cautiously raised his hand.

"Uhhhh We need the Crystal Jellyfish cause we can't see in the dark ... well most of us" Redminnow put a emphasis on the word most glancing at Snowminnow. Snowminnow stopped glaring at Goldenminnow and glanced at Redminnow sadly. Blueminnow punched Redminnow's shoulder.

"Really" Blueminnow whispered into his ear.

"Uh how far does the Crystal Jellyfish's glow travel?" Bluelagoon tried to break the tension.

"Past the Pods territory " Blueminnow called out without raising her hand.

"Where... "Bluelagoon surveyed the small classroom.

"We don't go" the class answered in unison .

"Good know to the activity" Bluelagoon smiled." Were gonna do some fieldwork with partners." Snowminnow gleefully looked at Blueminnow who was also looking at her with the same expression. "And I'm going to choose the partners" which was answered by a groan from the whole class. Bluelagoon swam around asking each minnow to pick a number.

"Ok the results are in" the minnows looked at Bluelagoon nervously.

"Please not Redminnow. please not Redminnow. " Blueminnow whispered to herself causing Snowminnow to giggle.

"The partnerships are Blueminnow and Redminnow " Blueminnow let out a angry grunt." And Snowminnow and Goldenminnow" Snowminnow glanced at Goldenminnow who was banging his head on his small blackboard. "Your going to travel around with your partner and find different crystals you will then have to name the crystals and bring it to me. There are three main types of crystals around our territory you can bring back crystals from the same type but you must have 3 different types the more crystals you have the better your grade! We'll begin after roam free hall I mean study hall" Bluelagoon drew on the board two cats one holding a basket filled with crystals and the other picking up a crystal from the ground.

"Wait please Bluelagoon I need an actually smart cat in my group" Blueminnow swam up to Bluelagoon. Her comment was answered with a "hey" from Redminnow "We don't know anything about rocks." Blueminnow whined quieter so that Redminnow won't hear her.

"Then ask some Tridents they had to learn about crystals to when they were minnows, do some research." Bluelagoon
smiles sarcastically " Get smarter while I take a nap." He saluted to the minnows and then swam back into his room at the back of the classroom. Snowminnow approached Blueminnow.

" Don't worry you both will do great!" Snowminnow smilled sweetly" At least you will have a partner to present with. I don't know if Ill be able to stop my self from strangling Goldenminnow while we look for crystals."

"You always know how to make me feel better snowy wanna grab a snack" Blueminnow laughed and pointed to the door of the classroom.

"Sure" Snowminnow followed Blueminnow out but was stopped when someone grabbed her arm.

"Meet me near the anglerfish den" Goldenminnow held Snowminnow's arm firmly whispering into her ear.

"Uhhhh" Snowminnow stared at him.

"Uhhhh" Goldenminnow mocked " were partners seaweed brain I know we're to find crystals." He let go of her arm shoving her out of the way and leaving the classroom.

"What was that about?" Blueminnow asked Snowminnow.

"Oh uh the Project he knows we're some crystals may be" Snowminnow lightly touched the ear Goldenminnow whispered into.

"Maybe I could follow you." Blueminnow pleaded.

"Redminnow would never let you cheat like that" Snowminnow responded looking down at her arm were Goldenminnow grabbed her. Blueminnow huffed.

" That goody-to-tails" Blueminnow grumbled she then smiled at Snowminnow grabbing her paw "come on I'm hungry!"

Thanks for reading. Are you a "goody-to-tails" answer in the comments.

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