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You awoke lazily, immediately closing your eyes right after opening them, expecting to be faced with the same green walls of your 'home'. But they were suddenly white....What the hell? you didn't have white walls.

You shot up immediatly, but a fierce pounding in your head carried you sluggishly back down to the pillow, wait pillow? This wasn't your bed. You forced yourself up and gritted your teeth, stepping onto your bad leg and feeling a chill shoot up your body as you hesitantly planted your feet on the cold floor.

There was a single mirror to the right of you, and you noticed how pale your skin was, and how extremely beaten you looked, how ironic.

You staggered and tripped, tugging at the chain wrapped around your ankle, connecting you to the bed. You paused, gaining your composure.

Holy breathing bananas you've been kidnapped, where were you? Who was the culprit who chained you to the bed?! You looked around the plain white room for any chance of escape, only noticing a dresser which was too far away to reach, and your backpack! You could reach it! You reached as far as humanly possibly and latched onto the bag.

You grinned in triumph and sifted through the supplies you had, and gasped when you remembered the material you brought that just might save your life. You saw a glint from inside the bag and pulled out the savory knife that you never left home without.

"How exactly am I going to do this?" You whispered to yourself, and then hacked at the chain holding you hostage. You saw a faint cut in the metal, or whatever it was made of and groaned. This was going to take a while.

*Time skip*

You stood in shock for a second as the chain detached from the middle, the latch still around your ankle. This bothered you, you didn't want anybody to hold you back.

But a loud banging interupted your very important inner conflict and you almost died on the spot when you heard an enthusiastic voice suddenly yell, "A HUMAN?! WHERE!" and loud, giddish footsteps. You then heard a very sullen and lazier voice say,"Calm down, Pap she's probably still sleeping." You fight or flight mode kicked in and you dived behind the door just as it burst open.

"HUMAN!" The same giddy voice shouted, but then the lazier voice kicked in and said, "Huh? where is she?" You then heard loud and powerful-sounding footsteps, and then a more dominant and stronger voice said, "What do you mean where is she? She's right......Oh."

You recognized that snooty and hateful voice. But you soon saw a tall figure step into view, and all you saw was a red scarf and some kind of armor? he was tall, that's for sure. Damn, now you felt short, wait-what that's really what you're thinking about right now?

You heard footsteps travel all around the room before stepping back to the doorway, "Wait....," The lazy voice said, and walked closer to your hiding spot. You panicked and shot out from behind the door and pointed the knife at the closest person, which, how fucking great, was the tall one.

The tall skeleton just stared at you adoringly, as if awestruck. Kindness just radiated off him, and you almost just moved to hug him, but you held the knife towards him. "Tell me where the fuck I am or I chop you into a bunch of boney bits." You said, glaring at the skeleton.

But the knife flew from your grip, and you whipped around to see the short one holding it in the air, the knife floating while covered in a blue hue. Well, they had magic as well? Today just keeps getting better.

You followed the hand up to another skeleton, but this one just seemed as laid back as one could be. His eyes were half closed, showing his distaste in the situation. You lowly whistled and said, "Nice moves, Skeleton Sam." He grinned at you and chucked the knife at someone behind him, who caught it and shoved it into his pocket. "Oh, we meet again, Ghost Rider." You said, plopping down on the bed and shifting through the materials in your back pack.

The lazy one grinned and said, "You got a feisty one, eh G?" Ohhhh was the his name, how fitting, you sneered in your head. 'G' glared at Lazy and stepped forward, glaring at you now. "You try anymore games like that, and you're dead, hear me?" You gazed at him wordlessley.

"I'm Sans." Lazy intoduced, holding his hand out to you. But you grinned. "Nice try, Sans, but I can see the buzzer on your hand." You said, winking.

He burst into laughter and smiled at you. "I like her, can we keep her?" He said jokingly to G. G just sneered and leaned against the wall.

The tall one jumped forward and struck an extravagant pose, and belted, "AND I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS!" He was so giddy and cute and was such a smol innocent bean.

You clapped when he finished talking and he grinned at you, And Sans gave you a thumbs-up. G walked up and said, "You already know my name, and you better remember it cause you're gonna be hear a while."

Well shit.

*Salutations, my dearest readers. My apologies for the long wait, and I am terribly sorry. But I certainly will make chapters more frequently now, and I hope you enjoyed. But remember, you just might get laid tonight, so keep your head up.*

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