Chapter Eighteen

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"C'mon!" Snowkit prods Silverfur awake, "let's go!"
"Hm?" Silverfur yawns groggily before remembering, "oh yeah."
"I'm going home!" Snowkit bounces.
"Careful! You may hit your head!" Silverfur warns.
Snowkit stops bouncing, "alright."
"Now let's go," Silverfur mews.
She stretches her legs, her paw still hurts but maybe the Thunderclan medicine cat could help her.
Snowkit hops down the tree, "in going to check for the fox."

His voice shakes as he says it. Hopefully its gone he thinks.
He checks bushes and around trees, in the shadows and through the leaves.
"Its not here," he sniffs the air.

Silverfur struggles down the trunk of the tree.
"Are we ready to go?" She asks.
Snowkit nods vigorously, "I'm so excited!"
"I know," Silverfur looks to her paws, "let's go."
"Point the way!" Snowkit mews.
Silverfur nods her head in the right direction. Misleading him would be of no use with how close they were now.
Snowkit bounces off in the direction she points him in.

"Hurry up!" Snowkit stops in his tracks, "wait- go at your own pace. I forgot about-"
"I'm fine," Silverfur lies But if I try going faster it'll get worse.

"I smell something familiar!" Snowkit calls from up ahead.
Silverfur stiffens, "fox?"
"No," Snowkit mews, "something older."
"Older?" Silverfur limps to his side and sniffs the air, "its Thunderclan," her voice fills with grief, "we're here."
"We're here!?" Snowkit bounces.
"Yes," Silverfur nods, "follow me. Closely."
She hated to think how Thunderclan would react to seeing her, a former Riverclan warrior pad into their camp first. But when they saw Snowkit maybe they would be happy. Or very confused.
"Who are you?" A cat demands from te bushes.
Its a gray tabby tom who steps out of the leafy green bushes to confront them.
"I am Silverfur," Silverfur mews, she looks fondly at Snowkit, "and I've found your missing kit."
"Missing kit?" He tilts his head, "we haven't lost a kit since- since Snowkit."
Snowkit nods.

Snowkit decides it would be best to be quiet until he could talk to his mother.
"Cone on!" The gray tom mews excitedly, "let's get the two of you back to camp!"
Graystripe charges off and Silverfur limps after him. Snowkit keeps pace with Silverfur, making sure she doesn't hurt her paw again.

Who is this tom? Silverfur wonders. His gray tabby fur is longer than hers. His tail waves wildly behind him as he runs.
"Everyone!" Graystripe yells when he enters the camp, "Snowkit is alive!"

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