Chapter Nineteen

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"Snowkit is alive!?" A speckled she-cat rushes forwards.
Snowkit shoves past the gray tom.
"Snowkit wait!" Silverfur calls.
He ignores her and rushes to the she-cat. It must be his mother... Silverfurs thoughts trail off.

Mom! Snowkit yells to himself.
"Oh Snowkit! I've missed you so much!" His mother rubs her muzzle against his.
"And he has something to show you," Silverfur approaches them.
"I'm not deaf anymore," Snowkit mews.
"You're-" his mother steps back a bit, "how?"
"We met this group of cats," Snowkit explains, "they did something with my ears and I am no longer deaf, I can hear you. Its not your fault I was taken by the hawk," he looks to Silverfur, "and without Silverfur I may have died."
His mother steps past him, "you saved him?"
Silverfur nods, "I did."
"Thank you!" She cries, "thank you for bringing him back to me!"
"Graystripe, what's going on?" An orange tom steps out of a den.
"Snowkit has returned," The gray tom explains, "he's no longer deaf and he's back!"

"How?" The orange tom pads into the center of the clearing where Snowkit stands with his mother.
"Well," Silverfur mews, "the Hawk dropped him and I found him," she explains, "we met a group of cats on the way here that healed him so that he can hear."
"Firestar! He's home!" Snowkits mother nuzzles her kit again.
"Bring Yellowfang out here," the orange tom mews, "she should check over Snowkit and then she can help this she-cat with her paw," he looks to Silverfur.
A black she-cat pads out of another den, "come into my den."

"They did an impressive job," Yellowfang whispers to herself.
They certainly did Silverfur thinks.
"Yes, yes," Snowkit mews, "please look at Silverfur's paw. She fought a fox yesterday."
"Alright," Yellowfang turns to Silverfur, "let me look at it."
"Its under the cobwebs," Silverfur mews.
"Well you don't expect me to take them off for you, do you?" Yellowfang hisses.
Silverfur quickly unwraps her paw, "no, of course not."

"You may stay until your paw is healed," Firestar mews, "you will sleep in the warriors den and eat with our clan. You are a hero to Snowkit and you will be recognized as such."
"Thank you," Silverfur dips her head.
"No," Snowkits mother purrs, "thank you."
"You are very welcome Speckletail," Silverfur smiles and looks to Snowkit fondly, "he's got spirit."

"Snowkit, you have reached the age of seven moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Snowpaw. Your mentor will be Brackenfur. I hope he will pass down all he knows on to you. Brackenfur, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from your former mentor, and you have shown yourself to be calm and resourceful. You will be the mentor of Snowpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to him," Firestar announces.
Cats begin calling out Snowpaws new name as he pass to touch noses with Brackenfur. He had always wanted Brackenfur as his mentor and now he finally got him.
"I will do my very best," He mews.
"I know you will," Brackenfur smiles.

Silverfur watched Snowpaw receive his apprentice name, bursting with pride in the young tom she had cared for for half of his life. He's growing up she thinks and I won't be here to see it. She heads to the warriors den for some rest, regret weighing her down like a rock. She regretted having to leave tomorrow and she regretted bringing him home, even if it was best for him.

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