Chapter Five

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As the days went by Silverfur and Snowkit had moved into a new den in an old oak tree that had toppled over.
"Bir- Bird," Snowkit stuttered, "Bird b-bring here."
Silverfur had brought him back to the spot where they had met, hoping to get answers as to how he got so far from home.
"A bird?" Silverfur looked around and she could see a small bird perched on a tree branch, "that bird?" She pointed to the bird.
Snowkit shook his head, "big bird."
Silverfur thought about it; 'big bird. Was it an Owl or a hawk perhaps?'
"Bird dr- drop me," Snowkit shuddered, "took me from home."
"What way did you come from?" Silverfur mewed, pointing her tail to the left, "that way?"

Snowkit tilted his head, then realized what she was saying and shook his head no.
"I- I- Don know," Snowkit stammered.
Silverfur nodded.

There were so many things she wanted to say, none of which Snowkit would understand.
I'll teach him how to hunt, She decided, he'll need to know at some point.
"Watch," she mewed.
She began to sniff the air, hoping to smell something then spots a mouse at the bottom of a tree and point it out to Snowkit.

Snowkit watched as Silverfur sniff the air and looked around.
Is she hunting? He wondered.
Silverfur began to crouch and pad forwards.
Did she find a mouse? Snowkit thought.
Suddenly Silverfur pounced onto the mouse and killed it.
"H- How you- you do that?" Snowkit stammered.
Silverfur pointed to herself, and mouthed some words then she pointed at him.
"You," Snowkit paused, "Teach me?"
Silverfur nodded.
"Yay!" Snowkit bounced happily.

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