Chapter Four

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Snowkit wriggled around in the nest.
A day had passed since Silverfur had began to communicate with him and she had made great progress.

"Your name is...?" Silverfur mewed, pointing her tail at him.
Snowkit tilted his head, seemingly confused.
"Your name," Silverfur pointed to him, "Is what?"

Snowkit began to try to speak, now understanding what she wanted, "Sn- Snow... K- k- kit."
Silverfur licked his forehead, he assumed she was being friendly.
"I-" Snowkit started, "I- m- m- miss h- my- h- home."

Silverfur nodded, "I'll help you find it," she mewed.
Snowkit rolled over, "Milk?"
Silverfur shook her head, "I," she pointed to herself, "will hunt," she dropped into a crouch.
Snowkit nodded, "ok."

Snowkit sat down and watched as Silverfur jumped out of the tree and down to the ground.
Now cold, he curled up, hoping to become warm.

Silverfur began hunting, hoping to find enough to nourish the small kit and herself. Who knew how long the kit had been alone.
After a long while Silverfur scented a mouse and soon spotted it nibbling at a root under a nearby tree.
She dropped into a crouch and slowly padded towards the mouse.
Then she pounced, landing right next to the mouse. Luckily her paw landed on the mouses tail so it couldn't get away too quickly, giving her plenty of time to give it the killing bite.
She picked up the mouse and began to head back to the tree.
"Snowkit!" She mewed as she entered the den, "This is a mouse, you eat it."
She dropped the mouse in front of Snowkit who blinked at it drowsily.
"Eat up!" Silverfur mewed.
Snowkit tilted his head at her.
"Oh. You don't know how," Silverfur sighed then took a bite to demonstrate.
Snowkit plopped his face on the mouse, mouth wide open, still not understanding what she meant.
"No silly!" Silverfur laughed.
She bit a small piece off and held it over Snowkits head.
Snowkit opened his mouth and looked up, seeming to want the mouse dropped in.
Silverfur dropped the small chunk and watched as Snowkit began to chew on it, and soon swallow it.

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