Chapter Thirteen

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Snowkit followed Silverfur and the strange tom back to a clearing lined with other cats. Snowkit hadn't seen this many cats since he was back home.
Snowkit ran to Silverfur and pressed himself against her side. He was nervous around all these new cats.
Silverfur nuzzled him before looking back towards the new tom who was now speaking to a tortoiseshell she-cat.
Snowkit sat down beside Silverfur and Honey came and sat beside him, wrapping her tail around him. He looked up at her, finding comfort in her blue eyes. He knew he could trust her, but his trust in Silverfur was beginning to wavier. She hadn't taken her home, he thought she had said she would take him home today. Maybe he was wrong.
The gray tom and the tortoiseshell she-cat padded towards them, tails now entwined.

"This is my mate, her name is Shyanne," Ash introduced the tortoiseshell she-cat whose tail was entwined with his.
"My name is Silverfur, this is Snowkit, and my sister Honey," Silverfur mewed.

Snowkit watched the older cats have a conversation. By the time they finally stopped they were all sitting looking at him. He waved his tail at them, his head tilted.
The gray tom and the tortoiseshell she-cat both waved their tails at him.
Silverfur moved her mouth and her tail. Her tail pointed to the tom, then to the she-cat, then at her ears.
Snowkit tilted his head. Surely she didn't mean they can't hear either.
Silverfur repeated her action but this time ended by opening her moth loud, it seemed like she was screaming.
Snowkit jumped up and looked around him, did she see the two cats again? He couldn't see anything dangerous, but then again, he didn't see the bird that took him from home.
Fur bristling he looked around.

Silverfur laughed. She reached out her tail to soothe Snowkit.
"Its ok," Silverfur nodded.

Snowkit calmed down, Silverfur seemed happy now. Maybe it was a false alarm.
Snowkit sat back down, watching Silverfur intently.
Silverfur spoke to the gray tom for a moment then they both looked back at him.
The gray tom acted out one of the things Silverfur had when they had first met. It was like the time she had asked to look at his ears. He nodded.
The tom padded over and took a look at his ears. When he stepped back he said a few words to the she-cat and she ran off.
Did he scare her? Did she need to get something? Snowkit wondered.
The she-cat came back with a bundle of leaves.

"Maybe we should go to our medicine den for this," Ash suggested.
Silverfur nodded, she really wished she could figure out a way to tell Snowkit what was going on.
She flicked her tail to Snowkit, asking him to follow as Ash lead them to a den made of brambles and ferns.

Snowkit followed the older cats into a den.
The tortoiseshell set down her bundle of leaves, revealing many different herbs, roots, and petals. Beside the bundle she set a wad of moss and a thick twig.
The gray tom picked up a seed and a leaf and pushed them towards Snowkit. He motioned with his tail for him to eat them.
What do these do? Do they taste funny? Am I sick? Snowkits mind whirled as he cautiously lapped up the seed.
Once he swallowed the seed he lifted his head. Looking around him, things were becoming a bit foggy. The gray tom motioned to eat again so he ate the leaf too.
Suddenly things went dark and he fell to the floor.

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