Chapter Twelve

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Snowkit blinked his eyes open in the light of dawn. He looked to the sky, the stars had all vanished, he would see them again tonight.
When I'm home he thought.
He prodded Silverfur and Honey awake, he was excited to start heading home. He couldn't wait to see his mother! He never really had friends so maybe he would be able to make some friends now that he knew how to communicate better.
Silverfur's nose scrunched up in disgust, she didn't seem to want to get up yet.
"Its tomorrow!" Snowkit squealed.
Silverfur rolled over into Honey, who squirmed away.
Snowkit would've bounced around but the den was far to small for that.

When Silverfur had finally got up they all left the den and began walking, Snowkit bouncing with excitement.

Silverfur led the way, Snowkit in the middle, Honey in the back. She didn't want to go fast, for the faster they went the sooner she would have to say goodbye to Snowkit.
Silverfur took a few wrong turns. She knew it was wrong, but she didn't want to say goodbye.
"Silverfur," Honey mewed, "where are we going? It doesn't seem like Thunderclan we're headed to."
Silverfur could sense the disapproval in her tone.
"Its just," Silverfur began, "I don't want to leave him. I will never have kits of my own, he's the closest I will ever have."
"Its wrong to deprive a kit of his mother, or a mother of her kit," Honey mewed, "we would've given anything for our mother back."
"And you see how happy she is now," Silverfur rolled her eyes, "she lied to us. She didn't want to come home."
"But Snowkit does," Honey reasoned.
"I know," Silverfur's tail dragged across the ground.
Suddenly Snowkit was on top of it. He pounced and rolled, playing with her tail.
Silverfur didn't stop him, this was just more time she could spend with him.

Snowkit rolled around on the leaf strewn floor, playing with Silverfur's tail. He had pounced on it, rolled on it, he even had it in his mouth but not biting down hard, just being silly.
Suddenly he realized this was slowing them down. He wanted to get home as soon as possible. He stopped rolling around and playing and stood up.
"Come on," he mewed.
Silverfur began walking again, as did Honey.
Snowkit looked up at the sky as they walked, hoping he wouldn't trip. The sun was at its highest point. He didn't know if he would get home today.
He started walking faster, hoping the others would too, noticing his urgency to get home.

"Who are you?" A voice boomed from behind a tree.
Silverfur stopped walking and Snowkit ran into her rear. She glanced at Honey and then to where the voice had come from.
"Show yourself stranger," Silverfur demanded.
A large gray tom, very fluffy and lean, stepped out from behind the tree.
"My name is Ash, what are yours?" The tom mewed.
"I am Silverfur," She mewed, "this is Snowkit, and my sister is Honey."
"Is that your kit or hers?" Ash asked.
"Neither," Silverfur mewed.
She told him about the day she had met Snowkit, it felt like it had been so long ago.
"And he can't hear?" Ash asked.
Silverfur shook her head, "he's deaf."
"Bring him back to my camp, we have a cat that was once deaf there," Ash mewed.
"Once? What do you mean? Was it just temporary?" Silverfur asked.
"No," Ash turned around and walked away.

Snowkit followed Silverfur as she bounded after the new tom.
Is he a new warrior? Have I really been gone that long? He thought.
He looked down at himself, he swore he was only six moons old.
Maybe they had found him somewhere? Snowkit hoped. Or maybe we're not really going back to my home.

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