Chapter 20 - Vengence

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Medz's POV

This is over. After 2 years of living in torture, watching his friend die, betraying his friends, it all ended now. Medz was going to kill Laff, and he was going to do it now. He walked carefully but confidently to see Laff face to face. He was given the obsidian axe by Tbh, who now trusted him. Thank god. He kept walking across the hallway, taking lefts and uprights. Until he found two Royal-looking doors in front of him. He opened the two doors and there he was. The man in the gas mask. Laff turned his head to see him. "Ello, there, nice to see you got out of your room. How ya doin'?" He said, his stupid British accent vocally visible. Medz raised the obsidian axe, making sure it was visible. "Laff. I am done. I am going to kill you, one way or another." Medz said. Laff just looked at him, saying, "Aww, I thought I trusted you. Then again, what did I expect? Once a rebel, always a rebel." He remembered when he was a rebel many years ago, but it was for a good cause. The place he grew up in was shit, and rebelling was the only thing to ensure he would be free.
Laff then ran over, now wielding a gun. Medz swung the axe at Laff, with as much confidence as he could, but he used his arm to block it. With his entire body except his head being metal, the axe bounced off with a loud clang sound, clearly not working on him. He tried to aim for Laff's head, but he kept blocking it with his arms. Swing after swing after swing, the axe kept bouncing off of Laff with loud clangs. Laff then pointed his gun at Medz's head out of nowhere, which he dodged by an inch. He heard the loud bang of the gun right next to him as he put the axe to Laff's throat. For a second he thought he was dead, but here he was, still breathing. He heard the sound of ringing in his ears from the bang, but luckily he was still alive. None of them moved a muscle, waiting for the other person to make a move, but nothing. After a few seconds of silence and no movement, Medz moved the axe to cut off Laff's neck. Laff moved away quicker than a mouse, putting his hands on the handle of the axe. Medz was too surprised to prepare so his grip loosened. Laff snatched the axe and slashed at Medz. Luckily, he was able to move away in time, but his face was in horrible pain. He put a hand on his face to see his hand was covered in his black blood. Shit. He was hit.
Medz put his hands on the handle of the axe, trying to get it back. They wrestled for a bit, his hands getting blistered slightly,  until Medz got his axe back, luckily. He kicked Laff away, swinging the axe once more. And he hit him. Kind of.
Laff stood there, putting his face on his mask as it was ever so slowly cut in half. The mask fell to the stone ground with a quiet thump. Medz was also just standing there after stumbling a bit, surprised he was able to swing a hit. Medz looked from the mask, now split in half, and at Laff, his face now visible. The lower half of his face was burnt off, with brutal burn marks that were shaped like fire trying to rise to the non-existent surface. Medz was in shock, looking at Laff's hazel eyes. For a second, he wanted to ask what happened to him, but this was a fight. This was his life on the line, so he shouldn't care right now. He ran over to swing once more, but Laff gave him a swift kick to the gut. Medz stumbled back, coughing a bit, but that didn't stop him. He thought about everything he could think of at the moment. He thought about the now bleeding cut across his face, his friends, his horse Betsy, and most importantly, Dino. He was going to avenge Dino and all the lives that have been taken by this British bastard. All of this made his blood boil.
He kept swinging the axe, getting more and more angrier. He didn't care anymore if he missed or if the axe bounced off Laff's arms, he just wanted him to be dead. He wanted to see his stupid head fall off of his stupid body. Sometimes he would even kick and punch Laff as a surprise, getting kicked too. He felt as he was kicked into a stone pillar, his back feeling like it was crushed. He nearly fell, but was able to keep his balance. Laff just looked at him, grabbed the two halves of his mask, and tried putting it back on his face. It suddenly started to sew back together, with a red growing yarn coming out of nowhere and sewing itself back together. Medz ran over to swing, but Laff being agile, dodged quickly. Medz looked as if Laff didn't fight, but just looked at him. "Tell me. Why did you do this?" Medz asked, gripping the axe tightly. He didn't answer, just looked at him. "JUST TELL ME ALREADY. TELL ME WHY YOU KILLED MY BEST FRIEND?!" He yelled, his voice already irritated. He just wanted to strangle him to make this quicker. Still, Laff said nothing, looking at him. He remembered the death of Dino, seeing his dead body was spine-rattling. He wasn't gonna let another person die. Not to Laff.
Laff sighed, "It was his destiny. It was the only way." Laff said sternly. "W-WHAT THE FUCK?! IT 'wAs HiS dEsTiNy'? DO YOU EVEN HEAR HOW STUPID THAT FUCKING EXCUSE IS??!!" Medz yelled, scoffing. Is Laff crazy or something? It was his destiny? Sounds fucking ridiculous. "Well, then. If you don't believe me, then you'll probably not believe this." Laff said, using a button for a robot to get something, someone. Someone who was in the state he found him in. The person wore a red sweater, with a cup head that was filled with orange juice. "W-why the hell do you have Joocie?" Medz asked, backing away slightly. "Why not? I can just torture him like I did for two years." Laff said. "W-what? No, I'm not gonna let you ruin anyone's life." Medz protested, walking to grab Joocie. Was it just him, or was there the sound of rumbling above him?
"Well. If you won't let me kill anyone else, might as well take y'all with me." Laff said, smiling through his gas mask. Medz looked up, seeing small rocks fall to the ground, followed by the sound of loud rumbling. "Oh no." He muttered.
The building was going to collapse under them.


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