Chapter 21 - Operation Tick Tick Boom

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Socks' POV

The pillars were around Socks, vines entangled on them as some of them lay on the floor. Socks remembered what Tbh informed him, 'Make sure no robots get near Meme while he's hacking into Laff's battery system.' Which just meant, 'Kill any robot in your sight.' Which mostly sounded better to Socks. He was given an AK47, and so was Blaza, so at least he wasn't the only one with a big ass gun.
There wasn't much commotion yet, just a few robots here and there, but the more bullets were shot, the more robots appeared, but only one or two. "Hey, Tbh. Are you sure we should trust Medz?" Socks asked, slowly shuffling closer to Tbh. "Look, I know he betrayed us. But when he said he was going to kill Laff, it felt.." He trailed off. "Genuine. Although he's just there to distract him, I feel like he wasn't lying." Tbh said, wielding his pistol close to him. There was a slight feeling of doubt, he had to believe Tbh, he was his friend. So he had to trust Medz.
"Psst!" A familiar voice said. Socks quickly turned his head and saw Meme looking straight at him. Socks walked closer to Meme, keeping an eye on the others. "Yeah? It needs to be quick." Socks said, taking a moment to look behind him, then back at Meme. "Look, I know this is the worst timing, but I'm- I'm sorry for what I've done." He said, looking down at his laptop for a second. "It's been two years since that's happened. Are you still going to act like you started this entire war?" Socks said, still surprised that Meme was still acting like this. "I know, but we've been asleep for that time. It felt like yesterday when I was acting like that." Meme said, sounding a bit disappointed. He had a point. "Well, it was never your fault. It was because of Laff."  He commented, trying to convince Meme that none of this was his fault. There was a moment of awkward silence. Meme sighed. "Okay, look. We're both trying to get through this and we both have our own struggles. I have guilt and you just want everything to be okay. We have to learn." He said, taking a moment to catch his breath. Socks thought for a moment then sighed too. "I'm still getting around this, so don't expect me to get everything right." Socks said, a small smile forming on his face. Meme chuckled softly. "Never said that, but okay. Whatever floats your boat." Meme joked. The both of them laughed a bit, making Socks realize he hadn't laughed in a while, and it felt nice. It was like a slight freedom from everything. "No time for bonding! Let's gooo!" Ally yelled, her voice sounding thrilled as she was shooting the robots. Socks looked behind him and joined, the both of them, not knowing what had just happened.

Nobody's POV

While Socks and Meme were bonding and being oblivious, something was crawling on the floor coming their way. Laff's mechanical spider. It quickly crawled over to Meme's laptop, making sure not to make a sound. It was designed not to make a sound, and to hack computers. Which was its exact operation. It quickly jumped onto the laptop, Meme being too into the conversation with Socks to even notice the little mechanic creature go onto his computer. One flash drive later and Operation Tick Tick Boom was a success. All it needed to do was wait for it to go to 100%.
A bit passed as it looked at the percentages go up.
10% Complete
20% Complete
30% Complete
40% Complete
50% Complete
60% Complete
70% Complete
80% Complete
90% Complete
And finally, 100% complete.
The small critter jumped off and crawled away at the perfect time, crawling away into the shadows. Operation Tick Tick Boom was officially a success.

Meme's POV

As Socks walked away, Meme looked down at his laptop. But instead of the page he was on, there was a new page. What was this? It was a small page over his that said Operation Tick Tick Boom. "What..?" He mumbled under his breath, seeing that it was 100% downloaded. Was there someone who hacked the hacker? "W-What the FUCK?!"
"You good?" Tbh said, turning around in Meme's direction. "Someone.. or something.. hacked into something using my laptop." He responded, a mix of disbelief and anger. Why did this happen? This probably meant something bad. There was nothing but silence, the sound of shooting guns being the only thing that they could hear. "What does it say? Is it complete or something?" Tbh asked, the slight sound of panic in his voice. "I-it says Operation Tick Tick Boom. And it's complete." Meme replied, his eyes not taking off of the laptop screen. Everyone was in disbelief, mostly Meme. He was the one with the laptop in his hands. How would someone hack into his laptop when he was holding it? Maybe someone did it far-range? No, Laff was too occupied and the robots didn't know that. Maybe.. a small critter? Maybe that was it. "Shit.." Tbh said, sounding like the dots were connecting in his head. "We- we have to warn Medz. We have to get out of here alive." He added, taking the lead to get them out of there. Meme agreed, getting up to follow Tbh. Meme looked behind him as everyone followed, oblivious to what was behind them.
As they ran towards the exit, a robot, who stood out from the rest, ran over and knocked itself over Blaza, the one behind everyone. It was the color bronze and a bit taller, almost Blaza's height, so it would be easy to die from this thing. Everyone turned back as Blaza wrestled with the robot, attempting to drag him away. Tbh ran over to try and help but it was too late. Meme saw as the robot looked at Tbh, its hand turning into a moving saw. His mind went blank, seeing as the robot... chopped Blaza's am off.

Sorry for the early people, Wattpad decided to delete the traumatizing part. But I hope you enjoyed it! (1044 words)

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