Encounter 3: Fight with the Doctor.

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Location: Soejammy's House.

Time: Morning

A cough could be heard as in Soejammy's house, as Soejammy could be seen with a tissue up his nose and blankets around him.

Soejammy: Ugh... Stupid Covid... Why did I have to get it... I was so careful about 2 and a half years... And then I get it... Damn that new Centurion strain...

Soejammy could be heard coughing still as Neptune entered the room with a hazmat suit on.

Neptune: You okay, buddy?

Soejammy: I feel like shit, I don't feel good. What do you think, Neptune?!

More people in hazmat suits came walking up the stairs. They were revealed to be the other CPUs.

Noire: Okay, I heard Covid was worse, but dang does it really get people...

Blanc: Now you think my hazmat suit idea really is an idiotic thing now?

Vert: Now, now ladies. We have to think on how we can help Jammy now. He's the one sick here.

Coughing could be heard as Soejammy shivered and held his blankets more.

Soejammy: It would really help if someone got me something to drink...

Noire: I'll go get it. You three watch over him. DON'T let him do anything too dangerous.

Noire began to go down the stairs to go get some water for Soejammy. Neptune began hearing a beep on her communicator and accepted a call.

Neptune: Yeah... Next fighter is here? One we can use to make this funny? Alrighty.

Blanc and Vert looked at Neptune and raised an eyebrow.

Blanc: Neptune...

Vert: What are you about to do...?

Soejammy, having heard about the next fighter, began on wanting to get up and try to run.

Soejammy: Get me out...! I want out of here...! Get me out of this bed!!

Blanc and Vert rushed to get Soejammy back lying down on his bed as Soejammy struggled.

Soejammy: No! Get me up! You don't understand what Neptune has been doing to me...! It is pure chaos...!!

Vert: What is wrong?!

Blanc: Yeah, even if it's Neptune, there is no way that-

As Blanc talked, all three were hit with the teleportation device and began to go to the arena. Neptune began to sweat at this as she chuckled softly.

Neptune: Uh... Oops?

Noire was coming up the steps as she had a tray of food and drinks and medicine to help Soejammy.

Noire: Okay, I got some water, some snacks Jammy likes, some milk if he needs it and-

When Noire looked to the bed, she could see Soejammy was gone. She even looked for Blanc and Vert to see they were gone as well.

Noire: Neptune! What happened while I was gone!? It was only for a few minutes!!

Neptune: Uh... It would be better to show you...

Noire: Show me? Show me-

Noire and Neptune then get hit by the teleportation device as they began heading to the commentator booth.

Location: Coliseum

At the coliseum, Soejammy, Blanc and Vert teleported in suddenly.

Blanc: -Neptune has something like that.

When hearing some cheers around them, Blanc and Vert looked around and could see people in the stands to watch. To Soejammy, there were more people. Beat had gotten a shirt with Soejammy saying "Freeze Ray", Nintega holding his own Keyblade with glee, Cedrick now joining them with having a hat on and Kitty with a Soejammy doll with action phrased talks.

Kitty's Soejammy Toy: "Brain Blast!"

Soejammy: It's happened again!! And you four stop supporting her!!

Nintega: WE LOVE IT HERE!!

Soejammy: I DON'T!!!

Soejammy began to cough as Blanc and Vert held Soejammy.

Blanc: Jammy!

Vert: Don't overexert yourself!

Soejammy: I can't when I know Neptune has something up her sleeves... Whatever it is, I'm afraid...

Teleporting into the commentator booth, Noire and Neptune could be heard.

Noire (Intercom): -what, Neptune?

Taking in her surroundings, she became shocked to see Soejammy down in the arena with Blanc and Vert.

Noire (Intercom): Neptune?! What the hell is this!?

Neptune (Intercom): Uh... My new series, Soejammy VS! People love it here. Right, everyone~?

Cheers within the coliseum could be heard to prove Neptune's point as Soejammy glared at Neptune.

Soejammy: REALLY NEP!? Even when I feel like shit?!

Neptune (Intercom): Oh, come on! I didn't plan it to be like this!


Soejammy began to cough again as Blanc and Vert held Soejammy to steady him.

Blanc: Neptune! What is all of this!?

Vert: You teleported him here while he is sick?!

Neptune (Intercom): I didn't mean for this to happen!

Noire (Intercom): Knowing you, you do EVERYTHING on purpose!!

The sound of the teleporting device could be heard as Blanc, Vert and Soejammy looked to see who was coming in. Who it was, was Dr. Mario as he had been working on another patient at the time.

Dr. Mario: -so I'a tell you, you must-a rest for-

Taking in the area around him, Dr. Mario became shocked that he was not in his office talking to his patient.

Dr. Mario: Hey! What is-a all of this!? Where is-a my office!?

Soejammy: Oh great... Plumber turned Doctor... How quaint...

Dr. Mario looked towards Soejammy, Blanc and Vert as he wanted answers.

Dr. Mario: Where-a am I?! Who-a are all of you?!

Soejammy: Trust me buddy, I want to know since this is the third time I've been here...

Blanc: "THIRD"?!


Noire, looking at Neptune, had a furious look on her face.

Noire (Intercom): NEPTUNE!!!

Neptune (Intercom): People liked it! Plus, it wasn't like I didn't have Jammy prepared to fight as I knew of his own capabilities. Facing Raiden with his own memes and the Scotsman with his Keyblade. I am not leaving him defenseless.

Noire (Intercom): HE IS SICK WITH COVID!!

Neptune (Intercom): And that is why we have Dr. Mario to check up on Jammy!

Looking at Soejammy, Dr. Mario looked to see that Soejammy looked sick and tilted his head.

Dr. Mario: Are you-a okay?

Soejammy: Me? Oh, yeah. I'm doing SUPER. Why wouldn't I be? I am-

Soejammy kept on talking as Dr. Mario looked at Blanc and Vert.

Dr. Mario: He doesn't seem-a fine to me...

Blanc: Jammy is REALLY sick right now...

Vert: He gets very sarcastic when he's like this...

Soejammy: -especially how Neptune is just the MOST WONDERFUL person to have me be here!!

Neptune (Intercom): I SMELL SARCASM!! I KNOW THAT IS!!!

Soejammy: UP YOURS, SHORTY!!!

Dr. Mario began trying to walk towards Soejammy, Blanc and Vert as Dr. Mario began to get his tool bag out.

Dr. Mario: Since I am not-a at my office, I can't-a turn down a patient in need. I'm going to have-a to check some-a things.

Dr. Mario opened his bag and began to look through it as Soejammy looked at him.

Soejammy: What are you doing?

Dr. Mario: Getting-a ready...

Soejammy: For...?

Dr. Mario finished pulling on some rubber gloves and a mask as the rubber glove slapped against his skin.

Dr. Mario: I'm-a bout to do a temp check.

Widening his eyes, Soejammy began to run away in knowing what Dr. Mario was about to do.


Blanc and Vert had to chase Soejammy as to stop him from running.

Blanc: What is wrong!?

Vert: He is trying to help!!


Blanc: Why?

Dr. Mario got closer as he looked at Blanc and Vert.

Dr. Mario: Could you-a help me with his pants? I need to check his temperature.

Hearing what Dr. Mario said, Blanc and Vert grew shadows over their faces. Blanc brought out her hammer and began to swing it as a loud crack could be heard. The attack began to send Dr. Mario into the sky and out of the coliseum with the sounds of him going out of bounds to be heard.

Blanc: I'm one for getting help, but not like that...

Vert: You did the right thing...

Soejammy: Jesus Christ... I'm dying...

Encounter - End.

Soejammy: 3 Challengers: 0

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